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Everything posted by Wija

  1. If can play like that for the rest of the season, and the players stay fit then we will stroll this league. We welcome the chase. WATP
  2. People, this pettyness is getting beyond yawn-ish. Can we get a grip and grow up (yes I know that coming from me is a little off kilter). Boughy clearly wants more money, bigger league and wants to do a Cuellar. Fair enough. WS has been under immense pressure as he doesn't know if he will have a job after Xmas, and the fact he has had to work with hands tied. No one man is bigger than Rangers, and I am sure WS knows that. He also knows that he must deliver for the fans. This being made harder when players bugger off for the ACN and other tournaments. I think Wilson can take the position and make it his after Xmas and I would be happy for him to do so. He is young and will gain immense experience from Wier, and he has bags of energy.
  3. I looked at the score and it was 3-1 and got to work and it said 9-1... Wigan + Marinez = Pyoooor Selik an aw rat! This guy would have been a legend at Porkheid. More than Monkey Heed... and thats saying something.
  4. No sympathy from me, to be sure...
  5. Embarrassed by nothing, enraged about everything. Yes its a clear handball, but it has happened since the game began. Its the MOPE way...
  6. Cloak and dagger from timothy no doubt. Apart from that who cares.....
  7. "Given, Keane, Trappitoni, de Valera, you can re-fuel the Nazi U Boats, but you will not get to the world cup 2010" Get too fook!
  8. Cheated oot of everything since 1888... I did have a wee smile this morning. Was in no way going to watch the shite.!!
  9. Agrees, this place will not lower to the FF mentality. Besides, I agree with allot of what Totti says, does that make me a tim? I fookin think not...! It may have been said in a slightly lighter manner, but the content is agreeable in most places.
  10. Why would the toffs want 2 tramps at their table? Was a no goer from the start.
  11. Did a while back, didn't realise I had to tell the Head Mistress lol :spl:
  12. Why would he be for it. His club make more than our club, and letting us in means another mouth to feed and another challenger for the larger pot. Its a non starter.
  13. Having just watched the Soldiers hearse's going through Wootton Bassett it leaves an even more bitter taste in the mouth. I have a Timmy friend who on FB has stated that they didn't know and the fans were outside, unfortunately a friend who supports Falkirk was also at the game and states quite clearly they were in the ground and knew exactly what was going on. He (Timmy friend) is anything but bitter, but he has clearly started to believe the lies told by the Green Brigade and Liewell. Shame really, he's a smart lad. Whilts it is clear that there were Irish fighting in both Wars, and indeed the only Scottish Footballer to get a VC was a Celtic player the irony of it all heeps more shame on them. They hate us more than they support their team, and they even hate their own.. Animals, scum and the lowest of the low.
  14. Some of the Maths seen don't work out but that is by the by. I would be in favour of it. I would not however, be in favour of 1 group having a greater say than any other. Democracy is needed within the ownership.
  15. A work colleague was at the game (Bairns fan) and he has stated on my FB account (JonC and Fraser can verify what he says "They were under the stand out of sight, it was never a minority"... words to that effect as I am at wok with mo FB. I am however happy that at last someone (RBL) has come forward and openly stated there disgust!
  16. Anna Smith's agenda is well known, but she is getting more and more column inches and more and more people buying into it. The food for this is being handed on a plate by the small band of idiots who shame the club.
  17. Not from what I have seen so far. Quite an easy judgement IMO
  18. It is a good return from Boyd, and long may it continue.
  19. And the drinking culture in Scotland is far bigger than anywhere else I have ever been. And as much as we all think its funny, it is the ruin of our nation. Youngsters who could have been great sports men and women ruined by bevvie.
  20. I saw no one wading into the idiots throwing the chairs. As stated I agree that the old boy being hit was bang out of order. The shame is that there is a minority who believe that they are above the law, and that they can react however they want and be beyond reproach. It is a blight not just in our fanbase but throughout all of football, but we are the ones who are under the microscope.
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