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Posts posted by Wija

  1. As I have said already, the sooner the claws of Murray are out of Rangers the better. Yes men and a Manager who used defensive football to great effect in the Uefa Cup run 2 years ago (with a better team than we have now) has now been found out. Weak team, buddy buddy players in the squad out of position when there are youngsters who could do far better. The signing of a player so inept (which last night was magnified) at getting stuck in and putting in a performance.


    We need a new owner with ambition, and with that some money to spend. Not stupid money ala Man City etc. And most of all we need a Manager who is not still living in the tactical dark ages and will get rid of the dead wood.

  2. He looks uninterested, lost most of the time.


    Was he signed to silence the fans? Was he signed to silnce the mhedia critics?


    We were ripped apart time and again down the right.... an yet in the first half when we moved forward (which TBF wasn't that often) they backed off and gave us room. And yet no one used it, and we tried to slow the game down... what the fcuk was that last night. At home against the weakest (!!!) team in the group. 1 man up front, defensive minded set up, negative minded players out on the pitch and Davie Weir stating on Sky Sports that we were scared.


    FFS, The sooner Murray's claws are out this club the better.

  3. Your frustrations are understood by me, and mirror some of what I feel too.


    But Scottish football is peasantville, and we are in the middle of changes within.


    I don't think we will return to the days of 9 in a row spending whilst being chained to the rest of the SFL. They are carried by ourselves and our Old Firm rivals.


    We, and they, are bigger beasts than Scottish football can handle. Unfortunately we are being strangled by those constraints and as such money from TV, sponsorship and outgoing players will be significantly less than most of the other Euro leagues.


    Do we leave and possibly kill off Scottish football as has been spouted by the press - I don't personally think it would as many Bears would go to see there second teams (as would the soap dodgers).

  4. Leave when you want... If you pay the ticket price then you leave when you decide.


    Who the fcuk is anyone on here or anywhere else to tell someone to stay until the end.


    That is not the Rangers way. If a fellow Bear leaves early - then concentrate on the team and not them leaving. After all you are no supporter when having a dig at a fellow Bear.


    Total nonsense. Who the fcuk are you or anyone to tell someone what they can or cannot do when they have spent there money.


    Grow up and get over it. Its like follow fcuking follow on here with this sheeite, we are beyond that and more.

  5. Celtic apparently signing the China captain, Kris P. Duck.


    Seriously though, he's a free agent so they can sign him after the window closes.


    Again, and I hate to say this, but they have got a gold mine there. The China Captain, on a free.


    Flucks sake, I know we are skint but the money to be made from a signing from the Far East would more than compensate.

  6. 0,,5~7032514,00.jpg



    Kinda looks like Vidic !!


    Looks fooking miserable... should fit into the dour Scottish game then!!


    Happy we have strengthened, but we have failed to strengthen were it was needed most (not that I am saying midfield didn't need adding too). A Central defender was needed. We cannot rely on Boughy to run like a c_nt in every Euro CL game.


    Still a very good addition, welcome to the Rangers WATP.



    Also good to hear that big Dado recommended that he come to us as we are great. :spl:

  7. 9 Points - very get-able.


    12 points - get-able.


    Top of the group - will be hard but again I feel Walter's tactical know how may overcome what we lack. Although a Central defender is what we require before deadline. It is a must.

  8. A great result. A great work ethic in the 2nd half, and some outstanding performances throughout the team.


    Some silly bookings though...


    Have to say I think it was a red. Not that he meant to take his standing leg, but he did.





  9. Another pathetic scoreline for a Scottish team in Europe. Five teams out by August, looks like it's all down to the champions...



    Unfortunately timmy will be in the Europa bargain basement trophy.....


    And I don't want to take the shine off a new season but TBH I don't think we will do much without a new defender and midfielder....


    Yes the harbinger of happiness is here again!

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