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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. Hard to argue with your choices, Gribz, (although I would take issue with 7 being world class) and I wonder if your new category of "near world class" could just as easily be described as European or Top Quality European Class; because almost all of those players would come into that category. My personal opinion is that as good as Mols was, RdB made him a better player than he was in reality; and Prso was a better all round football player (won't easily forget him chasing after the ball any time he lost it, something I don't recall Mols doing, for example).


    The only obvious ommission is Jim Baxter; but who to leave out? And what of Ronald de Boer himself?


    Also like to say that Trevor Steven was a better player IMHO than Gary Stevens.


    I like your summary of Laudrup, unquestionably in my view the only Rangers player in my lifetime, apart from Baxter, to earn the title world class (and have his place in the FIFA rankings to prove it). Gascoigne and Mikhailichenko (a place on the bench?) are the only Ranger's players to have featured in the European rankings, both earning one 4th placing in the nineties.


    One player whose name I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is, Claudio Reyna, who played in FOUR world cups for the USA, correction he was in the squad but didn't play in 1994. He had 111 caps for the USA. That said he was not guaranteed a place in the outstanding midfield we had at the time (and for that matter neither was Albertz, Tugay or Kanchelskis) and often played at RB.


    Is there much of a difference between top European class and world class. Out with S America and the odd African player etc you don't get many other elite players. Even more so if you talk about players plying their trade inEurope as opposed to representing a European country.

  2. Hibs opened the scoring with a goal that should clearly have been ruled offside. On top of that, the Celtic manager was heavily critical of Hibs’ physicality.


    maybe it's just me bu I'm sure the media don't speak in definites when we are on the receiving end. Phrases like "appeared offside" or "looked to be" are used to throw uncertainty into it.


    The article does not read as if it is in an impartial national newspaper but off their own website. Lots of quotes on physical and over the top tackling. Supposedly on Clyde they could not agree with Lennon on this and their is no balance in this article givin the other side. Certainly he article comes across as if it agrees with Lennon's views on the matter.


    Last point, Lennon's "we'll play hibs again though....." line comes across as a threat. Over to you Mr Lunny. :rolleyes:

  3. perhaps a little but not by much.


    And not as much as Rooney is overrated. Don't get me wrong fantastic player. But not so long ago media in the UK were trying to put him up with CRon and Messi. Laughable.

  4. So are we saying there's all time greats, some have used the term elite. A very small group containing Maradona, Pele, Messi, Zidane, CRon etc. below that there are guys who are world class. Among the best of their generation but not necessarily a best ever player or all time XI type.


    And above all that there is Ally McCoist. ;-)

  5. It's even more laughable that people use that as a reason for what happened at Ibrox.


    Dont like the inference here that it is something that needs defended or was unsavoury. Just because the media/journos try and tarnish it we do not have to take their line on it.

  6. Trevor Steven was never world class in his life.


    Neither was Souness, Durrant, McCoist or Goram.


    World class means guys like Morton, Baxter, and Gough.


    Are you talking about Souness at Rangers or over his career?




    Unless I'm picking some comments up wrong are people suggesting that there can only by 11 World class players at any one time? There have been comments that you must be able to start for or improve any team in the world. So there can only be 1 world class goalkeeper right now, one right back etc.


    To extrapolate to other sports is Leigh Halfpenny worldclass or is it Ben Smith/Israel Dagg. Who is the only world class tennis player? Is it Nadal or Djokovic. Clearly Olympic Champion and Wimbledon title holder Andy Murray is only second rate.


    I think the number of world class players is entirely dependent upon the era and the strength of talent available. Across Buffon's career there have been many world class keepers. Currently there is Neuer. Czech in his prime was world class. ( Hart is NOT!). You have Xavi and Inesta in midfield. Are Schweinsteiger (sp) and Xabi Alonso not world class.


    Who are the two world class strikers right now. Van Persie, Lewandowski, Mandzukic, Suarez. Pick just 2 strikers from around the globe right now? For example I would agree Henry was world class yet someone had him listed with Messi, Maradona, CRon etc. can't say he's in that company.


    In any sport world class means being able to compete at the very peak of competition. Going back to tennis even guys like Tsinga and Berdych are world class. They will never likely win a slam and there are 5-10 players better than them. Hell even the top 20-30 are world class.


    Extrapolate this to football and it becomes awkward due to the sheer volume of players, teams and participants in "elite" competitions. Most, but not all competing at world cup will be world class. If you qualified from Europe or S America you are likely in a world class team but may not be quite a world class player (9 or 10 world class players can carry 1 or 2 sub-elite players. Look at that Milan team and Dida :P) If you qualified from Africa, Asia etc your team is probably not world class but you may be a world class player. E.g. Eto'o once upon a time.


    Then you get your Bales, Giggs, Bests etc.


    I don't think that the rules for world class in football are hard and fast and clearly everyone has their own definition. There isn't set criteria.you get "crap" players at the world cup an champions league. "Shit" players have winners medals from these tournaments. World class payers have never graced some of these stages.


    I think world class in football or team sports comes from "common" agreement amongst fans and peers at the time. There may be the odd dissenter but if a large proportion of football enthusiasts are declaring someone word class they probably are (except Joe Hart :-)).

  7. Don't agree with the inference that we shouldn't have these sort if celebrations because some may misunderstand the reasoning for hosting such an event. Or indeed because media and the Celtic minded insist there were nefarious reasons.

  8. Call me a puritan if you like (or perhaps it's the ex-referee coming out in me) but I personally do not see the need to use foul OR abusive langauge at all.


    IMHO points can be much better made with a little judicious use of a dictionary or thesauris.


    NB: Please delete expletives from any comments!


    Funk off. :P

  9. amms, at least twice you make mention to the idea that this is the reality we find ourselves in and so we must fall into line.


    I still disagree. As is rightly pointed out corrupt politicians and a biased media set the agenda and the rules. But I don't think we have to just sit back and go that's the status quo we must march to their tune.


    We as a support must find a way to have a day in the agenda being set so it is not all one sided.


    I don't feel my "culture" is under threat. I feel my right to enjoy the football, to engage in banter, to have fun and express myself is under threat. There is a battle whether people want to acknowledge it or not.


    I'm not overly fucked about political or terrorist songs. I don't care about TFS.


    I care about what they represent. They are attacking any expression of support, and chance of creating atmosphere at Ibrox.


    BD as torn your argument on TFS to shreds. There was nothing wrong with that song but the media, politicians etc ensure it was outlawed. You can claim that "normal" people dismissed the other attacks mentioned but the arguments persist and once they have removed the easier targets they won't be slow in going after anything else they don't like. They'll be back for Penny Arcade and anything else.


    There is a clear and obvious propaganda war against anything we do and to ignore that is foolhardy.

  10. At the same time SA all of those things were treated with the disdain they deserved by all normal people. We'll never stop some people being obsessed with Rangers, but most of the things you mentioned were rightly ridiculed, no one took them seriously. That's a big jump from songs that denigrate someone else's culture or religion or show support for murder gangs, you can see the difference right?


    Where do our media and politicians sit in our society. The policy makers and key influencer? Jack McConnel and Alex Salmond. Are these the "normal" people you refer to. Would normal people give 3 names or the leading catholic spokespeople in Scotland a platform.


    Should TFS have been banned or dismissed as banter?


    Edit: I've said this recently and I stand by it. The Rangers support are fighting the wrong fight.


    We are still defending ourselves on a case by case basis. Song by son. Incident by incident. What we really need to do is challenge the landscape of the entire battle. Change what we are arguing over and who are the final arbiters and where and how they set their line in the sand.


    It should not be down to trial by tv and radio phone in shows with Celtic friendly media an politicians setting the agenda and the Catholic bigots in their church being given freedom to spout their shite.


    The whole sectarian industry is a sham and that is what we should be challenging. Not whether TFS, TBB or Follow Follow is sectarian.


    As long as we continue to fight their battle we will lose.

  11. A lot of hyperbolic pish getting trotted out on this subject. They will "go after" the blue sea of Ibrox, really, does anybody actually believe that possible let alone remotely likely?


    It's not hard guys, we just stop singing songs about scumbag drug gang extortionist terrorists. It's really that simple. It would certainly enhance my match day experience that's for sure.


    Explain Penny Arcade, the hokey cokey, black socks red tops, to an extent the famine song, yellow and green straws, peperamis, eggs benedict and sash-cut pitches.


    Yes I think there is plenty to suggest try will attack non offensive songs in our repertoire as they already have.

  12. Freedom of speech will never go out of fashion.


    Let's say our fans dramatically and unison stop singing the songs which are considered offensive or even illegal....do you think that will be the end of it and we'll be left alone? No chance, they'll go after Blue Blue Sea of Ibrox and all the other "clean" songs for tenuous reasons and eventually they will be tarnished. Rinse and repeat, throw in some political weight, some NUJ members hemorraghing printed bile and bingo onto the next one.


    The tit-for tat culture and perma offended mindset has to change.


    Been trying to make the same point for a long time now.

  13. McAusland seems to getter better with every game he doesn't play.


    Seems to be getting the "Perry treatment" - who was getting talked up when he first broke through as some sort of world beater.


    I said at the time when Faure got moved to the right and Jig returned to centre back that McAuslands performances were overstated. He has, however, been no worse than any if the other options and may prove the long term option. Seeing as h appears no worse than the experienced picks I say get him in now. He's not fantastic but he's as good as any other option with likely greater potential to develop further.

  14. Appears to be our problem area, no?







    That appears to be approximately our first XI at the moment.


    Goalie is solid. Left back is one of our star men.

    The CBs may be up for debate but they're comfortable enough for this season and we have decent enough options.

    Law with Black in midfield are again decent enough even if Blacks absence has disrupted things. I wouldn't play McLeod as a LM but understand the manager wants to find space for him in the team.

    Little will score goals and deserves to start with Daly who brings a physical presence and links play.


    That right hand side though!


    Foster does not seem as quick as he once was and is prone to defensive errors. Has he proved any more reliable than McAusland?

    Peralta is no right mid and I struggle to see him getting a game in his reportedly favoured position of CM. who would come in for him?


    Crawford was ok but didn't do enough for me in the wide right role considering the dominance in possession and territory we enjoy in games.


    What would you do with our right flank?


    I'd be tempted to go for McAusland behind Templeton. Or even Little back at right mid and try Templeton or Clark off Daly.


    The lack of a decent right side is only amplified by Wallace on the left.

  15. Wish i'd seen this yesterday. Would be more prepared to do it soon after the game. Feels like a lot has happened since then and wouldnt trust my own scores.


    I feel like Little is becoming the latest target in the squad in the ilk of Alan Hutton, Charlie Adam or Chris Burke who are far more accomplished players than given credit for.


    Little was far from outstanding, but aside from taking too long over that chance in the first half and ultimately making an arse of it he had a reasonable enough game. There were comments on another forums match thread asking if he was the worst player to ever wear the jersey? Fuck me. I think he's a very useful first team player if not exactly the second coming of Laudrup.


    There aren't huge differences in Zappa and Ian's scores (one or two aside) and I wouldnt be far away from either. (I would obviously score Little more like Zappa has) and agree Mohsni and Black were two of the better candidates for MOTM.

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