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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. That is a good idea mate,however I'm not always available,but you could start it?,or admin could make it a sticky?,but it would add a wee bit of competition right enough.


    Will try and remember for next game then.


    Changing my scores. Templeton instead of McKay to score as a sub. McKay not in the squad. Will make all the difference to my probably woeful prediction! :-)

  2. Did we not witness just a few short weeks ago, Mr Lunny suspend a Hearts' player for 'flicking out' at a CFC player? Did we not also witness TLB in the forefront of the cheering section for the couragious actions of Mr. Lunny in his application of the rules?

    Well then ...


    Very good point. Anyone put tat to Lennon? Any journo had that printed in his paper?

  3. Maybe so, but it is far easier to attack from a position of strength. Right now we can point the finger at them and say "they are signing bad songs" and they will point right back and say "theirs are worse".


    If we eradicated anything that could actually be offensive (ignoring their faux offense) then we say "what songs would they be ?" - right now we make it easy for them to deflect back to us. That, I think, is the point.


    I can see that logic. That's how it should be. But it's not. There's only one teem under the microscope. Event few were squeaky clean and tried to get the press/government to go after other, genuinely offensive fans we'd be accused of whataboutery.


    This isn't about cleaning up fan behaviour or sectarianism. It's about neutering Rangers under he pretence of sectarianism or whatever else.

  4. But parity won't be shown as long as it continues! That's already been proven. Clean up our act and then we really can point the figure and make a point.

    It's pretty childish really to sing songs just because someone else doesn't get in trouble for it! Bloody hell, I even tell my son it's not ok for him to swear just because others are doing it.


    Equally I dont think theres anything to suggest that if we make enough concessions they will stop asking for them.


    We've dropped most genuinely offensive songs so now they target other songs they dont like but aren't in anyway offensive e.g. penny arcade and the bouncy.


    If there was never anything sung about NI, the orange order, the YCV at Ibrox I think you are deluded to think that would be the end of it. They would attack us anyway and ignore more offensive behaviour elsewhere as they do now.

  5. Anyone else and i dont think they'd be blaming refs or opponents. They'd be blaming the individual who lined up the kick for being an idiot.


    Lennon says the initial challenge was a booking. Throw in the kick out and thats more than enough reason to send him off (the kick itself is a red).


    You cant deliberately kick other players regardless of how hard or how sly you are. If you are seen to kick, throw a hand or motion a head towards an opponent you are walking. Whether or not you connect or how hard you connect.


    Why is this being ignored and made out like it is an injustice.

  6. I don't know why you feel the need to invent a position for 'the group on here' that you disagree with. The stance is clear: from time to time we should stand tough, and from time to time we should box clever.


    Hardly the most difficult concept to grasp, I'd have thought. No need to make up bullshit just coz you're angry.


    IMO there are certainly posters on here and in our online community who think that all we need to do is drop everything that currently offends our opponents and all will be rosy and they will even go after different targets. And yes on this site you are chief among them. I was trying to find (and obviously failed) a collective way of referring to people who have that view point to see if the incident this weekend has in any way change their view. I should have just come up with a name that had "haters" tagged on the end!

  7. I edited them out because I agree with them, it was the description of him as cowardly which I think is unfair. No doubt about it, he was under-prepared and that is incompetent, no matter where you go - but especially so coming to a club of our size, but just because he decided that it would eb a mistake for him to stay doesn't mean he's a coward. We also have to remember, that PLG left with dignity intact and didn't hang around to be sacked and claim compensation as he could have done. And as for Murray's claim that he would have supported PLG, if you're asking me to believe the word of David Murray or Le Guen, I'd believe the Frenchman every time.


    PLG has never denied this as far as I'm aware?

  8. Do the group on here who think we should just apologise and flog ourselves after any "incident" that the Oirsh, Celtic fans, media, politicians don't like? Or do they see my point now that we need to stand up to them and say "oh, you're offended? Tough luck. You are the bigots and your moral compass is knackered. Now fuck off".


    Or shall we apologise again. Bend over and look for the next concession we can make?

  9. People who are arguing about whether they are sectarian, political or whatever aren't even fighting the right battle. As if thats what Celtic and their compliant media and politicians are fighting for. They are trying to censor and silence our fans. They move the goal posts. Anything we do is bad. Anything they do is ok or hidden under some pretence of being political or some other tosh.


    To engage them at face value in this propaganda war is foolhardy and we would never win. We need to have a say in what we are actually arguing about and not just defend our own position all the time .The more we cede the more they will come for and you are foolish to believe otherwise.


    That cunt greenslade this weekend is a prime example. We celebrate the sacrifice of our armed forces and give them a little in return and it is attacked.


    Fight a battle where one side dictates what is being contested and can change that at its own whim and you have no chance of winning.





    On a side note, the money being wasted going after fury should be put towards going after this Roy Greenslade in some way. I emailed the Guardian telling them I wont visit their site nor read their paper whilst they give him a platform. Wont do shit but made me feel better.

  10. Whether it was 30, 40 or even 110% joining in is somewhat secondary to the fact that (from what I hear) all the major radio shows gave it a lot of publicity. That will reach more than just the online fanbase, those at the ground and will also be a bigger issue for the incumbent board now that national press have heavily highlighted the cause.


    So congrats to all who contributed.

  11. According to The Sun, this is the 'threat':


    A user had called for fans to get in touch in private about a demo and complained when only two did. Another poster responded : "What's your plan? Why the secrecy ? For all we know you could be planning to torch Stockbridges car/house or hold a protest banner up outside the ground. Folk might be up for one but not the other".


    That's a joke then as that is not a threat. Club wasting our money.

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