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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. Is the above re: "Contacts" post on FF or do you have another "source"?
  2. Where did you see this mate? Can't remember much about Rasziak other than his time at Derby although I don't remember seeing a lot of him.
  3. Pretty bizarre if you ask me. Will make a point of avoiding that site I think.
  4. More fuel to Buster's speculation: Official site Important bit is from the manager.
  5. BTW, will this just be posted on the Trust website or will it get a wider audience than that.
  6. Very good response. Hoping McNee doesn't apologise and that Rangers ban him. Although wont hold my breath on the latter. However the club have improved recently in defending the fans so lets wait and see.
  7. Had to cringe seeing a fan inside croke park wearing a timmy top at an England Ireland rugby match. What is wrong with these people? Seriously, leave it at home and give it a wash for once.
  8. Would be good to see them lose to Racing and teams below them to pick up some points for the reason you mention. But what are the chances of Racing beating them, even at home? Racing are a middle of the road Spanish team as well so could go either way. Would be good news for us if they take their eye off the ball, but as Pete points out we just have to take care of our own game and go into the tie as focused as we would for any other game.
  9. First 20 was great, after Chelsea scored the game was very dull. Only other momments of excitement were the defender trying to kick Terry's head off his shoulders and the shoving match towards the end. Doesn't make up for 70, sorry 80!!!!! minutes if boredom.
  10. Can't disagree with any of that mate. Well said.
  11. Gallacher - 17 Lowing - 19 Perry - 17 Donald - 18 McMillan - 18 Emslie - 18 McShea - Furman - 18 Shinnie - 17 Lennon - 19 Fleck - 15 MacLachlan - 17 Djeziri - Harvey - 17 Good young team. Anyone any ideas how old McShea and Djeziri are?
  12. Rangers to defend McGregor Mentioned this in the poll thread, however thought i'd give it it's own thread with the link and quote posted so it didn't get lost in the otehr thread.
  13. Could the guys who voted for Klos just to play in Europe and for Robinson to play explain why. Not saying they're wrong, just want to hear their arguement. There aren't any lurking timposters are there?
  14. Not voting yet as on the official site it says we're appealing.
  15. Thinks its the latter but wouldn't swear on it. Can get a ticket to watch the OF on the tv's there for a tenner. However I don't think that is worth it but i'm a poor student.
  16. Pretty impressed with Bar72. Mainly blue and white inside, with pictures printed onto the walls of action from the 72 final and signed team sheets from each game. They handed out team sheets to all the fans in the bar so we had the lineup before evryone else. And most importantly for a student a pint was �£2.25, pretty reasonable. Well worth going if you get the chance.
  17. Totally agree excellent football. And re: teh comments they can't be that bad if they got this far. They stuffed PSG in Paris 4-2 and the french team have decent players even if they haven't been performing.
  18. Agree a 2 goal start is needed from the home leg preferrably with a clean sheet.
  19. It does seem now there is a definite bias of opinion on strikers work rate and build up play based on PLG's opinions. There may not have been a huge improvement in Boyd's work rate and build up play last night but Prso, despite setting up a goal and one strike was woeful with the ball. Aside from the simple square ball for Barry's second every single time Prso passed the ball it went astray. This isn't a dig at the big man and I know he wasn't on long. It just seems guys like him and Novo start off 1 point better off in the ratings before a game has even started in most cases. Boyd definitely held the ball up better last night. At least he occasionally laid the ball back to a team mate.
  20. Yet which team scored the opening goal from a dive last time? Smart man, not only have his team got away with a lot of diving last time, but the ref will prob be wtaching our players this week.
  21. Gotta to find a way to reach the guys who don't get online though.
  22. Nae luck mate, maybe you'll win next time. SOrry gisabeer they're all accounted for. Edit: after promising peopel seats i'm a bit worried they wont turn up tomorrow or it was a prank.
  23. Every so often there's a new item on the official site about winning tickets in conjunction with our partners carling, or some such guff. Answer an easy question. This one was who scored in Tel Aviv? (With a pic at the top of the page of Nacho celebrating his goal, lol). Emailed the answer, my name, address, contact no. and d.ob. 2 minutes work, 4 free tickets for tomorrow night.
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