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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. Sudden thought, any dress code? Edit: Another question, will my seat still have a wee flag? Bet it will be a UJ not a Saltire. It was the Broomie that was the Saltire in the card display. (Btw that's not intended to start any debate on British v Scottish identity. It is my own opinion and in no way representative of teh support as a whole.)
  2. That would be me! Sorry shouldn't be a smug bastard.
  3. Gotta see if one of my pals wants my ST now.
  4. Super_Ally


    Guess who just got a call saying he's won 4 tickets for bar72 tomorrow!
  5. Sorry for the confusion guys, I did specifically mean Gribz there (no offence mate) and maybe didn't write it very clearly. My view is in line with Craig's in that we cannot afford to try Sebo at the minute. We may not have much to play for but 2nd in the league and possible uefa run is important.
  6. Thsi is what gets me with the bears. Pulling up Boyd on his defficiencies (sp) fair enough). But then backing Sebo in his stead when Boyd is infinitely more useful to us.
  7. Goal was chalked off for a shove on Vidic and seeing the close up I agree. Also the goal was similar to the ones Henry scored with all teh controvesy a while back. Giggs asked if he could have it early and teh ref said yes and stepped away. That's the sign that the ball is live. Lille can feel hard done by perhaps but I think the goal shoudl stand. Surely the advantage should be to the attacking team?
  8. Gym was half empty. What was the score. Didn't watch the game but 0-0 isn't a terrible result. Nick an away goal and you're in a good position. However with the mhanky mhobs away form I expect them to go out. Here's hoping.
  9. I think the point is to get people asking "what does BJK mean"? Not sure how effective it would be though, as you state yourself you've only recently found out.
  10. Gonna need him if we want to go through. Good news.
  11. I'm sure a Euro night will bring a decent atmosphere, despite how bad Falkirk was.
  12. Part time loyal. Only messing mate. Didn't see the Gersnet one as I was having a look at the Jock Wallace one in the main stand as my Uncle told me it was his pal who won teh competition for designing it.
  13. Can't decide whether to watch arsenal psv instead (should be a better game). Or head to the gym while the footy is on as it shoudl be a lot quieter.
  14. Super_Ally

    STV news

    I think if I see it on Thursday it will be a case of me saying "put your fucking hand donw or i'm going to speak to a steward/police". Tried amicabally asking a supporter not to do it before. Looked back a few minutes later nad he was doing it again.
  15. Super_Ally

    STV news

    WHen did it start appearing though? Am I right in thinking its a relatively new thing?
  16. The common sense answer. Don't post this on FF they'll tear you to shreds.
  17. Fair do's. He was one of the only other options imo. And Cheers Bmck.
  18. Lol, nail on head mate. As another poster mentioned if it had been the "F" word. (No not that one, the other one. ) it would be a different bloody story.
  19. Me. Only guys to play the whole game who came out of it with much credit where Weir and perhaps Hemdani. I was not overly impressed with BH myself, but a friend who was watching from the Copland and another from the Ibrox suite say he played well. I wonder if that is down to their view of the game as we defended the CR end in the first half and so his involvement wasn't as noticeable to me. However second half Papac played directly in front of me. I sit behind teh broomie goal. He won every tackle bar one and all his headers with good distribution. I admit he may be at fault for the goal as Falkirk appeared to play through teh middle of us. Although I would want to see the goal again and doubt he could solely be to blame. I know he only played one half, but it was an exceedingly poor game. He came on second half, was very solid at the back performing all defensive duties well and nearly popped up wit ha goal before Fergie tucked it in for the winner. Hard game to pick a MoM imo. Would nto complain if anyone (everyone ) disagreed with me. Edit: Cheers Frankie. Is there somewhere we can see the results that I have missed?
  20. Saw the response a while back on FF. Absolute joke. No indication of sanctions against the employee. Essentially they are saying if hadn't been caught or that teh file name was not available online, then the employee's actions were ok. Absolute fu cking joke.
  21. Heard he has 21 goals in all competitions this year. Not a bad return considering how PLG messed him about at the start of the season. Agreed about his overall contribution. Just when I thought it was getting better, at least the last two games its been very poor. I don't buy into the myth the guy is fat. Certainly doesn't look it to me. He has a big frame but doesn't appear to be carrying a lot of extra body fat about. Is the guy lazy or perhaps just not that good, goalscoring aside? Genuine question btw. Everyone quotes the PLG mantra of he could do more. Is the guy trying to, but he's just not capable?
  22. Who got Gersnet MoM for the Hapoel game then? Was this the first one?
  23. After his initial showings i'd not been impressed at all. But the second half today he was immense. Only missed one tackle, winning any others and all his headers and also nearly popped up with a goal before Barry put it away. Huge improvement, lets see it more often.
  24. Dunno had it in my head that you weren't a fan. Obviosuly got it worng.
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