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Everything posted by Super_Ally

  1. How can you state that when hardly any of the fans will know about this yet? Think thats crap anyway. Sebo has done bugger all to deserve his adulation yet.
  2. IF only some of our better players got such lenient treatment from the fans.
  3. Definitely written by a tim. Is it just me or does that not make any sense? And I don't just mean the Riquelme part. That man sure isn't using the Queen's as I was taught it.
  4. Good comments Thommo, if true as Wija says get McLies punted Kevin.
  5. I'm confused. Were you not on recently saying he def wont be coming?
  6. The difference between Webster being picked injured and SMith, imo, is that Webster is alread yestablished in the squads, whereas Smith has yet to actually make one. So I can see what Eck is doing, but also see the other point of view.
  7. Been done before apparently, including with Fergie. When there's just a bit of haggling left over the fee and with the window due to close they get it done and out the way in case they run out of time. Edit: BBC think he's heading there.
  8. Early editions reporting Maloney will sign a pre-contract with Villa. Bad day for the mhanks just gets worse.
  9. A few different posters on FF claiming terms already agreed and a medical completed, just a case of agreeing a fee.
  10. Welcome Kevin, hope you do the business.
  11. Would have preferred Brown as I think we miss what he would bring to the team more. Having said that Thomson is a quality young scot. Kind of a replacement for Clement? Also giruTimmy as I think it was generally accepted we need Brown more and they wanted Thomson more. Damn that WS, bringing in all these crap over the hill players eh? Edit: Forgot to add, will the Scottish rags now stop quoting Wullie McLies?
  12. Walter's dead wood have us top of our section. Granted there's not a chance in hell of staying there, but why change for changes sake when we're performing our best since Craig Brown had us at about 20 in the world back around France 98?
  13. Mate if you know something for definite could you not have elaborated? If it's just your opinion you could have made it clearer.
  14. Nice to see poeple giving him a chance. Can't see that that sqaud is too different from one WS would've picked. How many of these supposed wonder kids being named got called into WS' squads? The likes of Smith don't count because he's injured.
  15. Agreed. Stuff Falkirk. Don't think Gow will be the difference between getting 2nd and not.
  16. Aye how many times de la Cruz' yearly wage will Becks get a week and when do you hear of Becks making such gestures?
  17. Apologies if already posted (if it has admin feel free to delete): http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6302665.stm Absolute legend.
  18. Got a few points to disagree with. I would agree we have ample cover at CB, but don't think you can count Hemdani in there. Also to say he's not had a bad game all season isn't true. Not his fault for being picked there, but as I've said he's a rank rotten CB. Also re: the strikers. Sebo looked more like a footballer yesterday. But how can you slag Boyd's chances to goals ratio. Everyone sems to agree having Boyd on the field reduces our number of chances, yet he's scored more goals than probably the otehr strikers combined. So something doesn't add up in these Boyd arguements. Either we create more chances with him in the side, so a positive for Boyd, or he takes more chances the other striker, positive for Boyd. Still can't see how anyone can state Boyd isn't the answer then say Sebo must start. I'm assuming your preferred partnership is Prso and Sebo then? Boyd may have been quiet past two games, but played most of yesterdat with a knock and frankly has to start because our biggest threat. Rest of it seems pretty fair to me though.
  19. Obviously not happy about Hartley's comments. However the man is a winner and will do his best whoever we play against. He will improve the team so iwoudl take him, but would rather have Brown tbh.
  20. Neither him nor Burke are performing well. Wouldn't be sorry to see him go tbh. Saw 1 mil quoted in one of the papers. Not a bad wee profit for a bosman.
  21. Direct quote from WS from Rangers world. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~971044,00.html Edit: Note to self don't post hungover whislt doing about 3 things at once. Meant to add, glad WS seems to be backed in getting targets, as I was worried nooone would relaly be coming in, the two CB's aside.
  22. How many great ex Gers came from "lowly" scots side.
  23. I've made the same point but I think we have to bear in mind that for wingers seem to be the most inconsistent players on the field. Even look at Giggs for that.
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