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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. -When player power wins the day

    -When a disruptive influence doesn�´t allow the manager to work the way he wants to, hence poor results (look at the stats, BF playing/not playing..we got better results without him)

    -When the player who cuddles up to the Lurgan Bigot , Chesney and the press can walk back in as if nothing happened.

    -When just because they don�´t like the working hours, diet etc. they immediately put it down to a silly foreigner instead of embracing it and giving it a chance to work.


    I am feckin fuming, more so now than any other time in the 34 years I have supported this club.


    Is the part in red true mate? Never seen stats either way tbh so was just wondering?

  2. To be honest this is the first time i thought it was called right on Scotsport.

    Chris Boyd was totally wrong in his schoolboy show of defience.(i Think shot at dawn was literally meant.:)

    If i was le Geun he would be out the team for the next game.

    The manager has to root out the weeds of treason.

    They can be Scottish.

    They can be our best players.

    They cannot think they are better than the manager at picking the team.

    Or bigger than the club they play for.

    How can le Guen do his job with these traitors in his his fort.

    They think they are doing Rangers a favour well in my eyes they are not they are trying to stir up treason.

    If it means all this group leave the club then so be it, they can be replaced.


    I understand your reasoning to an extent, but i'm bloody glad you don't pick the team.

  3. Possibly... but then not guaranteed, right ?


    And even if so then why the need for such a drastic upturn in fight and determination ? Would that be suggesting that the players haven't been fighting the cause this season ? And should therefore also shoulder blame and responsibility for our hitherto shambolic season ?


    I don't think anyones has suggested the players are blameless.


    But as ever the manager shoulders the majority.

  4. There is no doubting that Barry Ferguson is a class player, NO DOUBT.


    However in watching that game yesterday I saw a team who had more collective fight and determination in them than we have seen this season. I also saw a team who had a higher tempo, nicer, crisper passing, at times, than we have seen this season.


    I think situations like these would forge a fighting spirit amongst the players and would not say they had greater fight and determination because Fergie wasn't playing.

  5. Forgot to ask, does anyone think Boyd will be in trouble over his number 6 "tribute" to Barry after scoring?


    Wont have done him any favours, another PLg wants out the team but knows he needs him to get the goals and keep the fans off his back. Goals win games and Boyd's our only striker who dos it regulalry.

  6. at this time of year in the Premiership clubs tend to panic buy,you have West Ham,Charlton,Wigan and a whole host of others fighting to stay up.


    Ferguson still has a reputation in his time in the EPL...I think injuries have been unkind to him on his return to Rangers and maybe this has had an effect on his performances .


    If Charlton offered 1.5 million for Brown I am sure Ferguson would command more..just my opinion though.


    and Souness maybe is doing a bit of scouting for someone hopefully:thup:


    The fact that the club obviously want him out now strengthens the buying teams hand considerably though, dropping his value hugely.

  7. where did I say he was pish??


    I said he has been average..but he should still command a few million as he is a current International captain.


    Then again...why bother saying what I think as you are a mind reader and your say so is given!!


    You're right putting words in your mouth there. Apologies.


    Just bemused by your opinion that you can't wait to get him out the squad but think that lends itself to a decent sell on value..


    Seriously though? A few million for an average 28 year old SPL midfielder (not my opinion of him but yours)? You'd be damn lucky, or do you know Graeme Souness will be getting the next EPL job to become available? He likes to throw us a few million.

  8. and hopefully he will rectify that with our support and decent backing from the Chairman.


    Ferguson should never have been brought back in the first place!!


    Just an idea but an easier way to rectify it would be pick and support his best players. (i.e Picking Sebo ahead of Boyd occasionally and given the aforementioned questionable footballer great backing whislt never failing to put down Boyd)


    Also signing a proper British CB.


    A far easier way to do it. :thup:

  9. Fair enough Ally - but on what do we base our grounds of opinion ? On the miniscule piece of non-descript information we have received ? For me that isn't enough to form an opinion as to who is right or wrong (if anyone).


    Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as respectful which most are being.


    Because PLG didn't take the opportunity to straighten out what happened.


    EIther he chose no to.




    It is merely a personality clash.


    Either way its an error (the second being a greater error).


    So it's another mistake to add to the catalogue that he has made with the Gers.

  10. well said mate


    Ferguson has been average since he came back..a couple of decent performances recently but nothing spectacular....


    get him punted and lets get behind the manager in this difficult time.


    I was cringing today watching our so called fans with their PLG OUT banners!!


    Hook line and sinker from the media again:mad:


    Fergie may have been average since he came back, but PLG has been poor at best since he came in.

  11. So what you are saying then is that we also shouldn't be taking sides in this yet as we are still speculating ?


    At this point we should all have an open mind about what is going on - but surely we shouldn't already be pro, or anti, either person ?


    Actually I don't see why you can't have an opinion now, as long as your open to change. Don't see why people are so against it. We'll probably never get the full story so as with anything in life we begin to form opinons on what we do know, however little that is. As I say as long as your open to new ides this is fine.


    But if we're having moderators and senior posters saying people can't pick one side, I'm disappointed by their lack of response to people who are taking the opposing view.

  12. If Fergie is being shown the door then DM will surely realise that this calibre of player will not appease the fans as a replacement for Fergie - but at the end of the day will he provide PLG with the funds to get someone of similar stature in ?


    Will Murray give a toss about that? Never bothered him before.


    That's why we can't afford to force out top uality players atm. We don't have the ability to replace him.


    We're poor as it is and will only get worse with decisions like this.

  13. First of all a manager has to have the respect of the players. If he feels one player is turning other players against him then he only has one choice really.

    Personally i feel Barry has played his last game for us and will be sold as Murray will back le Guen.

    It then depends on who comes in and how the team play whether the fans get behind le Guen or not and how quickly Barry's exit is accepted.


    If we are forbidden to speculate on PLG's blame or not in this issue, would please refrain from making up stories of BF.


    PLG has said nothing to help ur understnading of the situation so to I dunno where this barry turning players agaist him idea has come from.


    I don't mean this as an attack on you, just find it odd that speculation of Barry does not come under the same attacks as speculation regarding PLG does on here.

  14. I wasnt overjoyed with being linked with those 2 anyway and i do think Fergie is better but only when he plays as an attacking midfielder like he has done on occasion.


    I really hope our ambitions are to sign better quality than Thompson and Brown. They can come as squad players and regulars but not as are bread and butter midfielders


    To assist our current midfield I would like Brown, add a bit of grit and steel. I don't think we need thomson as we already have Clement and Hemdani.


    However as replacements for Fergie it would not be acceptable imo.

  15. Then maybe it will free up money to bring in Scott Brown and Kevin Thomson.


    As has been said in previous threads, this would weaken the team (at least in the short term, next few years or so).


    And then would fans use this as anothe example of Murray lowering expectations or would it be PLG's fault for frocing out a superior player?

  16. Still doesn't say a whole lot more - looks to me (speculating) that tho whole cliques rumour could be the issue here - could it be Barry was drivinga wedge between the Scottish players and everyone else ?


    Who knows - but if DM leaves that as the only explanation we get then PLG will get a whole lot more abuse because that explanation is very non-descript. Without a proper explanation PLG's position could become untenable.


    To your first point, I don't beleive that would be the issue, as Boyd and Prso had been cited together today as two players who got themselves in trouble with management and obviously Prso is Croatian and very friendly with some of the French contingent.


    To the second point, if that's all that's said it is PLG@S fault, not DM's, because that is all the PLg has seen fit to say. If anything the official report makes PLG come across better than he actually did but that is probably due to language difficulties.

  17. You of course are right - but ultimately the manager should be managing his squad and in this instance that is what he is attempting to do - whether he is right or wrong is another matter.


    I could easily be wrong but I reckon the manager wins this issue all the way.


    I think you're right, I think he will. I just think he has made yet another mistake.


    If we were playing good football consistently and weren't a shambles in teh league fair enough. But for me he is no better than Eck who took a hell of a lot of criticism.

  18. If you see the way the official site reports the issue they appear to beleive that the "reasons" have been explained:




    Le Guen Gives His Reasons


    PAUL LE GUEN has indicated that Barry Ferguson will have to change his ways if he is to have a future at Rangers.


    The manager spoke out after today's 1-0 win over Motherwell and gave his reasons for stripping the midfielder of the captaincy and dropping him from the matchday squad.


    Barry FergusonThe Frenchman revealed that in his opinion Ferguson was not carrying out his duties as captain in a proper manner and therefore the only option was to appoint Gavin Rae in his place.


    It was not a decision Le Guen took lightly and while aware of the fans' frustrations, believes in the long term it is the correct decision for his team.


    Paul told Rangers.co.uk: "It was a hard decision for me to make regarding Barry but in order to get a good team bonding it was one I felt necessary.


    "I knew it would not be a popular choice but I had to do it.


    "A captain must set a good example and I don't think this was the case. He must try to help his manager and team mates and again I didn't feel he was doing this.


    "When you feel that a player does not back you then any manager has a decision to make.


    "I don't know what the future holds, it remains to be seen.


    "I don't know if Barry wants to continue with us but if he does he will have to change his behaviour that much is clear.


    "It wasn't an easy decision and I know it will be tough, but I have to cope with that."


    Looks to me then like it is purely down to a personality clash and I think everyone has a right to question his ability to manage his players.


    I backed his management of Ricksen and Bardsley.


    But the way he has treated Boyd over Sebo has been pretty disgraceful imo. And now it seems he is treating our captain badly.

  19. No player is bigger than the club though and PLG is in charge so he can do what he sees fit.


    Your missing the point. No man is bigger than the club and that includes the manager as ultimately Murray is in charge.

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