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Posts posted by Super_Ally

  1. Personally I hope that whatever has happened it is possible for Barry to "bite the bullet", "be the bigger man" whatever you want to call it and bows to PLG's greater authority. Just gets on with his job of playing football and playing well because we're a poorer side without him

  2. People need to take their blinkers off. What's Ferguson done for us since he arrived back from Blackburn? Ummmm emmmmm ehhhhhhhh.


    PLG has dropped Fergie and quite rightly isn't saying anything in the media. It's a closed doors matter and he's dealt with it how he feels necessary.


    People need to shut the fuck up and get over it. One player doesn't make a team!


    Is this the delbear school of debating too?


    People have every right to discuss it.


    Also what has Plg done since he's come here of a positive note. Very little and not nearly as much as the negatives. Gonna need to do a lot more than he already did to win back the fans.

  3. Premature poll in my opinion Ally - we need to know what happened although it does seem it has been something festering.


    But until then we should reserve judgement on both sides.


    Maybe so. But he had an opportunity to clarify things there, but instead chose to say fuck all of importance. Treats the fans with no respect as he never tells us fuck all.

  4. Is he struggling in interviews because of his English or has he always been that quiet?


    From that piece on Setanta it sounds like the newspapers have got the right version of events but that it will take a bit longer for the details to come out. When asked if there was a way back for Fergie, PLG said it would be difficult, so it sounds like our captain has thrown his dummy out of the pram unfortunately.


    Never said whether he was up for sale or would play again either.

  5. I seem to remember Alex Ferguson dropping Paul Ince who was supposidly their best player. Brought in Beckum and Scholes so Ince was forgotten quickly.


    Great that's sorted then, lets sign Beckham and scholes.


    Suprise suprise, PLg told us fuck all there. Something we're having to get used to with this manager.


    Ps was Ince dropped just because SAF "didn't like him".

  6. 3 or 4 good games in three years dosn't make him such a great asset though does it. Lataby the old smoking,drinking soul man gave him the runaround a few weeks ago.


    1 bad game doesn't make him a liability either. :confused:


    The arguements to put down our best player (this isn't up for debate really, it shouldn't be he is) are pretty terrible to be honest.


    Anyone knocks PLg and its "whoa whoa whoa don't say anything before we know the facts". Yet it's open season on Barry, pretty poor double standards.


    Also sounds we're playing pretty pish with Rae in midfield (Can't see it :mad:) . Masterstroke so far.


    And people thought Eck was tactically inept.

  7. I'm now on the fence. When a manager is doing badly then has a big bust up with his captain, you start to feel he's not going to recover and is on a downward spiral.


    A lot of good managers have never recovered from losing the dressing room and that includes Advocaat, Eck, Souness at Newcastle and Graham at Spurs.


    So I'm ambivalent, the season's a write off anyway so I think he needs one more bite at the cherry with the transfer window now open. He has five months to turn it around big time or he should be off.


    Co Adriaanse is again my favourite if we replace him although he has recently signed for Metalurg Donetsk. But I'm sure we could prize him from such a second rate club.


    You say he needs another season, but are we even favourites for second now? (Which itself isn't good enough)


    I just dunno what to think. I knew he'd take time to settle I just didn't know he'd be worse than Eck.

  8. "Yet more guff posted on a football forum."



    In your opinion obviously.



    In the first few games of the season we were an attractive fast attacking team.



    BF returned and it went downhill.



    Sideways passing, backward passing, wee turns to nowhere, picking the ball up off the back four, FFS he even picked the ball up off the keeper on Saturday.



    Sell him and Adam, get Brown and Thompson in the midfield and our team becomes stronger overnight.



    It went donwhill? In what respect. Yes we passed the ball nicely but still dropped points left right and centre.


    Sure you're not describing Hemdani re the passing?


    Also just a few short weeks ago Barry played Brown and Thomson off the park. And with the shambles our club is at the minute I'm now doubting we'll get either player in. So Fergie out Rae in. Fucking brilliant. Thank christ for Hearts the only team more of a joke than us right now.



  9. Oh well. I truly hope Le Guen and Murray have an ace up their collective sleeves as Pressley represents the type of player we need right now and now he's joined 'them'. There aren't many of his type around (whether you like him or not), and even fewer of them are available at a price we can afford.


    There aren't many CB' that slow? :confused:

  10. Surely a flat back 4 dosn't mean all the defenders stand in one line and let the opposition get in behind us. In my opinion one CB attacks the ball and the other gives cover in the areas behind him. If you play with a double CH then normally one takes a left zone and the other a right zone If the ball is on the right then the left CB gives cover behind with the Left fullback also coming off the wing to an area roughly in line with the 16 mtr line to give extra cover.

    Rangers have nearly always played with one CH attacking the ball and a soort of sweeper.

    Ronnie Mckinnon attacking the ball - Dave smith sweeping behind

    Colin Jackson attacking the ball - Tom Forsyth covering behind

    I never seen many games with Gough and Butcher but i would imagine Butcher attacked the ball with Gough giving cover and the same with Roberts and Butcher.

    Amoruso also played slightly behind craig Moore i am sure

    I still can't imagine two fullbacks not marking anyone and the centrebacks one on one. That would indeed make us very vulnurable through the middle. It would mean if the two strikers are 30 yards apart our central defenders are 30 yards apart, surely that can't be true



    But Pete the FB's aren't "marking noone". The opposition will attack with more than just the two forwards. The FB's will take the wide players with the CB's picking up the guys playing in their ares usually the two forwards.


    You're are right about the strikers if they play wide then the fb picks him up, but then another attacking player would move into the space left by the attacker and its up to the cb to pick him up.

  11. Unashamedly (sp) stoledn from another site, but an interesting read:





    With an American owner at the helm, the notion that democracy reigns at Aston Villa should hardly come as a surprise. However, even the most open-minded fans have been taken aback by a Villa director's willingness to post messages on supporters' websites, discussing everything from signing David Beckham and extending Martin O'Neill's contract to receiving sloppy kisses and the need for more comfortable women's underwear to be stocked in the club shop.


    Enter General Charles C Krulak. Randy Lerner's right-hand man, a former US Marine Corps Commandant and military adviser to the White House, has spent the past two months enlightening Villa fans with his candid and, more often than not, comedic views on internet message boards. Supporters could have been forgiven for dismissing "C Krulak" as an impostor when the name first appeared in October but club officials have confirmed this is not the work of a prankster.

    Indeed, in one of his early messages Krulak explains: "I am on this site because, like Randy, I truly care about what fans say and feel." It is a novel approach which Villa's supporters have warmed to, with the general's response to those applauding his contribution typical of the bizarre humour that characterises many of his messages. "Thank you!" he writes. "In the immortal words of that famous centre-half, Clint Eastwood, 'You made my day!'"


    Krulak's knowledge of football is clearly embryonic - he describes the strip he recently bought his "soon to be 94" father as "an Aston Villa game kit" and one supporter points out that he should be using the word "pitch" not "field" - but the 64-year-old does not mind being educated. "Thank you for the English lesson . . . and I mean that," he writes. "Last thing I want to do is appear to be some Yank who doesn't understand the King's or Queen's English."


    He is not completely in the dark on footballing matters, though. "We all understand who David Beckham is (remember, Randy and I lived and worked in the UK from 2000-2004 and Randy still has a home here . . . and we are both here very often)," he writes with regard to reported interest in the former England captain. "Becks is a great player and a huge name but we only want those that Martin wants. There is absolutely NO sense in telling the manager who to go after!"


    Krulak, who reveals that Lerner "is a brilliant musician . . . a guitarist that plays with some of the best ever", admits the owner could see dollar signs when he took over. He is not just after a quick buck, though. "Although Randy believes that we can make money at Aston Villa, he realises it is not a 'cash cow' and was never interested in that as a mission. With that as a given, he was and is taken by the tradition, ethos and 'soul' of the Aston Villa FC."


    His analysis of matches is not so eloquent. "Great win! oooohhhhrrr-aaaahhhh! I love it! Mon [Martin O'Neill] and his claret and blue army were superb!" he wrote after the 1-0 victory at Everton. Recent results have been less uplifting and Saturday's defeat to Bolton prompted him to describe the away match at Charlton tomorrow week as "must win".


    Krulak does admit on one website that he did not imagine that sending messages would be "so time-consuming" and, as a result, he now sets aside an hour daily to post comments. He encourages feedback and claims each suggestion "will have its day in court". He is also not afraid to ask supporters for advice, recently seeking help to find a website where he could view images of old kits, with the club apparently considering reverting to a more traditional design.


    According to Krulak, a new strip will not be the only noticeable change at Villa. "Stadium expansion: first the Holte Inn, then Holte End, then North End . . . just watch us," he writes. "Global brand . . . absolutely! As an example, we are on our way to Soccerex in Dubai just for that reason . . . we are looking into a foray into the Czech Republic and, obviously, we are looking at ways to expand closer to home . . . a year from now we will be in many locations that are just a dream now."


    As for the festive period, Krulak has four wishes. After "health for my family" and "safety for the troops deployed around the world", he hopes his presents will include "a continuing steady progress on the pitch for Aston Villa" and "a return of the fans". He has also been thinking pants. "How many women like to sit on a cold seat at Villa Park wearing a thong???" asks the general. "Hev", a "female fanatic" who offered Krulak a "sloppy kiss" for his postings, did not reply

  12. So Pete Svensson and the FB's have to defend, as do the four midfielders, but Hemdani can stand around scratching his arse in case the ball breaks loose or one of the other doesn't do their job? :confused:


    You're right. The team needs to defend as a whole. From the defence through to the attack. But this includes Hemdani and imo in a 4-4-2 there is no place for a "sweeping" role.


    Go simple. Two upfront, have the two CB's pick 'em up.


    I still fail to understand this need for staunch defence of Hemdani's inability to play as a CB yet other players who do their job and do it well can't slaughtered.


    (Disclaimer I know Hemdai is just playing where the manager asks hime too, but persisting with him at CB will cost us points.)

  13. Pete tho there has already been evidence of improved hold up play in some games by Boyd, so why not allow our only striker with a genuine goalscoring threat the same breathing space we allow others, while we see if PLG can develop this more.


    Goalscoring is an inate ability, I however beleive hild up play can be taught.

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