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Devil's advocaat

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Devil's advocaat last won the day on March 1

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  1. This pretty much goes against the whole of Scottish football. Good read Yuddie, thanks for posting that, we need to be in this for the long haul.
  2. I'll admit to not really being a Porrini fan, I was a bit disappointed that we spent a lump on an Italian and he looked and played like a Scot, solid but uninspiring.
  3. Alan McLaren, was signed for a fair bit of money, but wasn't a glamour signing by any means. A superb defender who had a cracking record against the tramps.
  4. I think Cammy is in Florida atm, hopefully holed up somewhere safe!.
  5. Marks off for posture and not holding that belly in. Well done Ally.
  6. The guys positioning and anticipation is incredibly good, really top class, he gets himself into goalscoring positions frequently, every game. I'll give him that.
  7. Don't know if I'd say very tight angle, he's 6yds out, about the same wide, so circa 45deg. That still is after he played the ball. I mean it's not ronny rosenthal or Patrick Roberts levels, but it ain't good.
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