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Devil's advocaat

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Posts posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. 11 hours ago, Fa1833 said:

    Anyone watching the Barca game with that young 17 year old defender?

    Barca had 2 in the starting line up, one who is 16 and has started nearly 50 games now, with 6 caps for Spain, and one who's 17 and has played over 100 games, with 20 odd caps - We in this country still think that a 21 year old is young.


    Barasic, please no. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, compo said:

    we may have to settle for one but let that one be a leader someone not slow to tell the rest to focus on their job

    I think big Souttar would really benefit from a Davie Weir, it's finding one that's the issue.

  3. Absolutely, it's been an incredibly wet winter, granted. But this lot are a feeder club, for a big(ish) English club, you'd think they'd want their loan players playing on a half decent pitch, not borrowing covers from coverup fc.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    Goldson has had a terrible few months and is turning into a big problem.

    Aye, agreed. I don't think it's just his head that's away, he looks a yard slower too, in everything, reactions, speed of thought, decision making, ground speed etc. Confidence looks shot too.

  5. 6 hours ago, Malangsob said:



    Connor Goldson-might be here in body, but he is not here in spirit. That cat is fried like a fritter. He has always been a pretty chill character but them eyes don't lie. His mistakes are growin. Next year will be worse. 


    Davies-I would rather watch a video of Celtic goals than see that mopey assed mug one more time. Nothin worse than a mopey man. Sell to someone--SPL, England, UNICEF.


    Souttar-tries but he is not really at 'that' level. I like him though. Tough as old shoe leather. Solid Bench.


    Balogun- Kinda guy you would buy a beer. Solid team player who embraces the Rangers ethos. Extend.


    Tav--He was unlucky on Sunday but he is Captain Clutch when it matters. Run him till the wheels fall off. 


    Sterling--Not sure about right back but CDM all day. Once Lundstram moves Turkey, or where ever, he could slide right in. 


    Ridvan--I like him. Feisty little bastard with good pace and a solid work ethic.  Durable enough? 


    We need another CB and LB with BB leavin. 



    Can't disagree with any of that.


    11 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Ridvan - A solid work ethic? More like permanently injured (or missing). 


    Wasn't on the bench on Sunday, so it looks like he's out for another few games at least. 

    Imagine you picking one from that list, no one could've seen that coming.

  6. After big Cyriel's usual 'clean through from the halfway line' miss last night, I think you may be right 26th! 



    18 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Worth noting, he was written off (what age was he) by the majority of Rangers fans,

    Away and don't talk rubbish. You seem to see a few folk saying something online and then extrapolate it to our whole support!

  7. 14 hours ago, CammyF said:

    Dessers is still being written off even though he has contributed more

    Dunno if I'd agree with that, I like the big man, he finds some really good positions and keeps coming back for more, but his finishing and decision making are very poor. I don't think you can compare the contributions of a full back and a striker, apples n oranges. I wouldn't be bothered if Dessers stays, as an option against diddy teams he does okay, but in bigger games, and particularly in europe, we can't be having a striker who converts as little chances as he does.


    I don't really see anyone lauding Ridvan, tbh our support rarely lauds anyone more than they should.

  8. 8 hours ago, Franc Ergs said:

    Because the Beale ballot was made public and some people are still banging on about it 😉 .

    Aye, and some of the main protagonists would've settled for Warnock, which they seem to forget.... 

  9. Tannadice is, and has always been, a dreadful surface too. Who knows, maybe bitterness and envy ain't good for the green stuff.


    It was funny listening to Stewart on sunday, trying to work out how he could blame this clusterfuck on Rangers.

  10. 12 hours ago, CammyF said:

    When Dessers signed for us, I'm sure it was Ronald De Boer who said Dessers is an enigma and is a confidence player who'll eb and flow over the course of season.


    Think we are witnessing him "ebbing" rather than "flowing" at the moment. 


    Silva to start and Dessers to come on later IMO.

    Yes, but he also said Lammers was a guid yin.

  11. 3 hours ago, CammyF said:

    I'd like to see Barasic play tomorrow as Ridvan look absolutely shattered on Thursday. So much so, he attempted a long throw into the box and it landed at his feet.

    If Ridvan had dropped 2 acid and wore a dress for the match, I'd still have him playing before Barisic.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Whosthedado said:

    I'm in this mind frame too but they might just not fancy it or have an off night. I don't think us going out would be the end of the world league wise either

    I get you, but I think still being in Europe helps the players feel ten feet tall, as Bill rightly says. Confidence is fuel.

  13. 2 hours ago, Malangsob said:

    I intimated F all. 


    My words




     I never stated that Rangers give four year deals to all, most, any or the majority of 30+ players.


    It is my believe that THIS 30+ year old player...John Lundstram...will receive that kind of deal. 





    Lol, whatever 😂

  14. 3 hours ago, Malangsob said:

    Asked about a possible contract renewal, Lundstram said: “I have never shied away from saying how much I love the club and I would love to stay but it is obviously between me and the club to sort it out.


    “I hope so (it is in the pipeline) of course, but that’s between me and the club, but I would love to stay.”




    I'de bet my prized pig that John is gettin a 4 year offer. 

    That we don't know, but you intimate that we always give 30+ players a 4 year contract, I'm merely saying that we don't in my experience.

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