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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. It was actually believed to balls of silk, in what is now China. Actually yes, there's a lot of sports I find to be a bit nonsense, F1, Golf (I live a mile from the home of open golf, but still) rugby league.... To name but a few. Aussie rules is brilliant for it's sheer madness, it has a kinda chaos that no US sports have (I've always had Ice Hockey down as Canadian, happy to be corrected on that one). Crikey, that mattress advert disnae half make ye cringe!
  2. Pretty sure Kris 'less goals against sellik than Sakala' Boyd played for Portland Timbers?.
  3. I've no distaste for the states tbh, I just find your sports a tad contrived, you do get that don't you? you don't have to dislike everything about a country? I've had some great trips to a few different parts of the US, loved it.
  4. Mainly as US sports are so protracted affairs, they have to make up numbers to keep folks interested. Stats work for certain parts of football, but they ain't the be all, not at all. Ryan Kent gets it tight for his stats, but I'd bet my last shillin that Neil McCann or Davie Cooper wouldn't have had any better. First leg of the City v Real semi final was a perfect case in point, Jack Grealish never beat his man once*, but according to the stats was the most creative player on the park. This is basically as he rolled the ball back to someone to have a shot, as he couldn't make any progress. *FWIW he was very good in last nights game.
  5. As ever, the truth is somewhere in between.
  6. It's all part of the game, he's still earning a shit load of cash, let's be honest. You're average Joe on the street gets punted if the boss doesn't fancy him, no guaranteed wage there.
  7. Exactly, there's enough players down tools and see out contracts, fans have long wanted some kind of performance related pay,this is about as near as you'll get.
  8. A cheeky £2M offer to bring the big man back up the road is worth a go.
  9. Crikey, Joe Garner was on 18k a week!. We've wasted some cash on rubbish over the years...
  10. I'd agree, we probably won't, but not every player has to fit 'the plan', its scottish football, sometimes we need someone a bit more game smart, cuter, and doesn't mind mixing it and leaving a boot in.
  11. I'd take van veen, bloody good player, free transfer, low wages, a good couple of years in him yet, at least. I'm not saying he's I'm any way as good, but Caniggia didn't too badly for us, did he?. He's very good playing the lone striker, for a pretty poor team. A far better shirt filler than Roofe, at least he'd turn up.
  12. Anyone who's even considering that is quite frankly aff their nut.
  13. I think there's a chance we may do this with Kent, but wee Alfie is off hopefully.
  14. IMHO there's a bit more to it than that, we were superb in the 55 season not just because of our signings, but because we had an extended covid close season in which our coaching staff worked extensively on fitness and tactics, which was massively evident in the way we absolutely crowded teams out, ran them into the ground, then attacked and overloaded en masse. The fat grease has done something similar with tenko fc this season, its not hard, but you need a pre season to do it, and players that are willing to learn, change, and work bloody hard.
  15. I am convinced we've seen the best of Alfredo, wherever he ends up he'll never hit the heights he did for us in the EL. He's a poor finisher with a questionable work ethic and attitude. On his day he's unplayable, but those days are few and far between sadly, goodbye and thanks Alfie. I'm also not convinced there isn't a player within Matondo, and I'm also of the opinion that big Souttar is a far better option than Davies. Looking forward to next season, when I think Beale will significantly improve us.
  16. Big Marv? 😆 One of the best tackles I've ever seen, the ball, Jobbie Keane, and a lump of turf you could play a par 3 on. 😆
  17. Bloody hell, I completely forgot about Tom Lawrence! 😬😆
  18. Agreed, I've said as much on this forum before. I wouldn't be averse to Van Veen taking a shirt from Roofe tbh either, you'd get a lot more from him. However, I'm confident Beale will identify better options.
  19. Aye, go for it. In life you can sit and greet about the situation you find yourself in, or you at least attempt can do something about it.
  20. You'd be better sticking to American fitba, cos you've no clue about proper fitba.
  21. How do you propose we sign players? Come play for Rangers, we'll give you five G, but you'll play for the jersey son, and play your heart out every week.
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