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Devil's advocaat

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Posts posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. 5 hours ago, Bill said:

    I think there will be disagreement but I would be seriously pursuing Kevin Nisbet as the answer to our goalscoring issues.

    Agreed, I've said as much on this forum before. I wouldn't be averse to Van Veen taking a shirt from Roofe tbh either, you'd get a lot more from him.


    However, I'm confident Beale will identify better options.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Malangsob said:

    Davies on 27K, Kamara 21K, Matondo on 28K...Wilson was a first rate dipshit. 

    How do you propose we sign players? Come play for Rangers, we'll give you five G, but you'll play for the jersey son, and play your heart out every week. 



  3. 4 hours ago, Malangsob said:


    I was calling for him to be moved on two years ago!

    Call me the cruel American but the patience this club has with the chronically injured is beyond me.

    Good Lord cut the cord! 


    Aye, but you were howling at the moon that cantwell was shite, remember?.

  4. Yilmaz and Souttar need games, now is the time, although Barisic doesn't really deserve to be dropped.


    I like Alfredo, over the piece (even going for free in summer) hes been a success. But I wouldn't play him again, pointless.

  5. 15 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

    A poor transfer window last summer & a load of injuries caused us to regress badly in the first few months of the season. Beale has stopped the slide but will be judged what he does(or gets allowed to do)in the summer transfer window ahead.
    The yahoos are a club who thrive on media hype and self fanaticism. They are no world beaters 

    Spot on Rab.

  6. 38 minutes ago, yuddie said:

    I just dont see the slower, patient build up being conjusive to breaking teams down

    We did this in the 55 season to great effect, sucking teams out. If you just go at teams fast when they sit in, it doesn't work, utterly pointless. You have to be really confident at your ability to hold onto the ball and wait for the mistake to come, a wee space to open up, then go quickly.

  7. The Wenger stat is a bit stretched tbh, he never joined Arsenal til 96, the 86 thing is from the likes of Adams and Winterburn playing since then.


    96 itself is impressive, calling it 86 is a bit shit tbh. He just happened to inherit those players.

  8. Tbh they ain't stupid rules, don't get me wrong, they don't really work as designed at present, but they're designed to keep football competitive, and to potentially stop club owners doing a Barca.


    We may be a big fish up here compo, but if these owners were allowed carte blanch, then we'd get horsed even more than we did on the CL this season.

  9. 18 hours ago, Malangsob said:

    I think the league did their due diligence.

    A four year investigation and a hundred counts against MC?

    Gotti wouldn't walk on that much evidence.

    PLUS with the gubmint already looking to bring forward stiffer regulations on the FA for this kinda thing?

    Sheeeiiit...example time. 

    Lookin forward to watchin this sphincter dilation. 

    Due diligence? Lol. All of the big clubs are at it, and have been for years.


    But, and it's a very big but, fuck all will happen. The spectre of a breakaway league is very much still hanging around, its never gone away, and the EPL and UEFA know it.


    And as for establishment clubs, they don't exist, money and power is far more important than any made up establishment.


    Look what the so called establishment done for us, HMRC, and the BBC.

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