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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. A keeper who can move the ball quickly against the teams we play weekly is a massive advantage, as this is something thats probably needed more frequently than shot stopping. Even taking a cross, which is pretty basic, is huge in terms of then setting quicker players off on the attack. Such keepers are not ten-a-penny, sadly.
  2. Absolutely. I've seen pics taken from Cathkin with a long lens that make Ben Lomond look as if it towers over the city. Stills can be very easily manipulated.
  3. Stills are completely unreliable in such situations, has been proven before.
  4. I'm hoping Beale operates in the same manner as Gerrard did, ie the press are the last to have any info on who we're after.
  5. Dunno about that, I'd say last seasons run in the EL saw the best atmosphere I've ever seen at Ibrox, on more than one occasion.
  6. Subtle feet very much have their place in football, you can clearly see in your ethos that US sports have conditioned your thinking. Strength, bulk, height, not so much need for skill. Gimme a proper footballer with wands for feet anytime, over a physical sample. Alex Lowry will develop into a top player, I have no doubt about that, I just hope it's in Govan.
  7. Messi doesn't play in Spain. Lowry is a young guy, just back from his first serious injury. Get a grip ffs.
  8. We've no idea about stuff like that though, you can't just sell a player, nor can you make them sign a contract. If a player wants to sit tight and not sign a contract, whether it be to get a big signing on fee elsewhere, or to see if a new manager cones in, in reality there's fuck all a DoF can do.
  9. Hopefully this means more game time for McCann and Lowry, instead of taking a punt on another foreign 'prospect'.
  10. And there's one of the reasons the atmosphere at Ibrox is shite!.
  11. There's a player in Matondo, hopefully Beale and some confidence can tease it out soon. He was a wee bit unlucky tbh, gave keeper the eyes, did the right thing, was a couple of inches away from taking it round him. It's all about fine margins though eh, look at Sakalas goal in midweek, horrific first touch, second touch even worse, then slashes at the third. But, it ends up in the net so no one talks about it.
  12. County 1 Gers 3 FGS White, big striker always seems to score against us.
  13. I don't really like to judge how MB will organise our defence given we've been makeshift for ages, I'm sure if our chosen pairing get a run, we get a bit of competition at left back, and whatever is holding our captain back gets sorted, we'll be much better. Which will give much more confidence to our midfield and thus front line. These things don't work in isolation IMO.
  14. Your rivalling gisabeer in the positivity and optimism stakes these days compo. 😉
  15. As much as their have been very obvious flaws in Beales first 2 games, I'm delighted at the outcomes of both. Makeshift defence, some players just back, a right back at left back, only a few weeks of his influence, and 2 opponentss who treat our games as a cup final. He'll have learnt a lot more about his players than he would pumping the likes of Killie or County. I'd rather his reign started slowly, as it indicates that there's a lot more to come, rather than a more simplistic motivational bounce, which rarely lasts.
  16. Not really comparing apples with apples. In 1970 the world Cup was one of 2 or 3 televised football events, with 'exotic' players that were relatively unknown. Pele himself was a bit of an unknown, how often did we get to see him play? Every 4 years? (Genuine question, not a criticism, I was born in 75!). Fast forward to the absolute overdose of world football that we have now, it doesn't really have that 'special' feeling that it did in the good old days, we get to see Messi et al on a weekly basis. I've always thought it a bit bizarre that Messi was judged against Pele, Maradona etc negatively, as he hadn't won a world Cup, As if thats an individual acheivement. Indeed, even the great Pele never really tested himself domestically outside of his own country. It was an awesome world Cup in Qatar, whether it was as good as another one half a century ago is pretty much irrelevant.
  17. Can't? Nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I don't think we will, but I don't get the hype over that lot, a couple of dropped points, the Greek and the Croat leave, it's game on. Never over.
  18. It'll be interesting how that lot line up, after thinking we were there for the taking last time, then cowering in fear against the pot lickers at the weekend. Intae thum.
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