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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. This Move on, it's done and we're heading in the right direction.
  2. As I said yesterday, never saw the game so no vote for me, but it's great to see big Souttar getting so many mentions, he's really growing as a Ranger. 💙
  3. Fantastic. I was out of mobile signal in a Bothy in West Highlands overnight, got back to the van in time to hear Diomande slam that goal in, just as my mate pointed out the Killie score. What an end to a great weekend!.
  4. You can have that, you just need to move the ball, no one says you have to cross it from the corner. But then you get the howling 'get the fuckin baw in the box' brigade! 😆
  5. I've always thought that in general football teams are lazy at corners, generally unimaginative, and as such the stats are poor. An average quality cross can be made fruitful with plenty of movement and a bit of innovation. We've seen teams do it, but it never lasts.
  6. Spot on, I love how Clement has us keen to get the ball forward quickly when the option is there, instead of prodding it around like a training exercise.
  7. Aye, according to the beeb this morning, we never made top. ahem, yes we did.
  8. Christ, I only mentioned Colak once, and some folk go and soil their tights!. Great performance, fantastic football, the mhanks are now shiteing it, keep it going Rangers. 💪🏽
  9. I'll disagree. Alfredo was a better all round striker, but Colak was a far better finisher. And Morelos couldnae give a flying in the end.
  10. I have an aversion to looking back at players who've left, but fuck me, how many goals would Colak score in this team??!!
  11. It's incredible that we're still right in the hunt this season, without an actual goalscorer.
  12. I'd love to see Souttar being future captain, he shows the necessary qualities, but don't want to mess with the juju.
  13. Agree completely, he's not had a good game for us since before his injury.
  14. The rumours doing the rounds at the time re Lawells BBQ was some connection to a boxing promoter? Barry Hughes maybe?
  15. That's a ridiculous decision. They are bad btw, if we don't win this league I'm going to watch the juniors.
  16. Aye, but the other 11 are Ayr players. For 90 minutes, by all means.
  17. Not a chance Hibs will beat them tonight, they are a dreadful side.
  18. Matondo is a wee enigma. His drive to start the move for his goal was superb, great finish too, brilliant run to set himself up for a second, then goes all Dessers on us and panics. His pace is incredible though, must be horrible to play against. PC has completely galvanised Cantwell IMHO, he had obvious talent when he first arrived, lots of nice tricks and flicks. Whatever PC has done, he's turned him into a far more effective, driven player. Even our bench looked bloody strong last night.
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