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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. Yup, in that last game he was clean through and bore down on our goal with the conviction of a junior centre hauf! ?
  2. Cosgrove has been awful this season tbh, he looks more like the big cairthorse that he did before his one season wonder period. Hibs will end up with Thumb heid again, once that lot finally realise he's no interested in getting himself fit once again. He'll be even more of a nitwit at Easter road, as hard to believe as it is.
  3. Yup, Real have been bailed out for years. How the hell does a club with their earning steam end up in so much debt.
  4. I recall some folks saying the same about Ryan Jack, Kamara too.
  5. Imagine a scenario if you will, last day of the season, and we get the opportunity to lie down to someone, sheep, hivs, whoever, to stop the reptiles getting 2nd place and that CL spot... The impending timplosion would be worth it, oh the joy!
  6. Fantastic, I want to see his pain and suffering to be a long, drawn out affair, and for him to see the champions beat his lot in their own midden again before.
  7. Any manager worth his salt would be looking to play one way against them, ironically the way they used to play with big mutton, play for free kicks and corners. They are abysmal from set pieces.
  8. Yes, This has been the case since elite sport restarted, same in rugby, obviously it's a part of both games so the exception is that the close contact is permitted on the pitch in a match situation and in training. If the sporting bodies didn't agree to this, we wouldn't be watching sport as we are now.
  9. The exception for football is over the line, ie playing or training. They'll be doing it on purpose so that the village idiot can lump Livvy in with st johnstone and hamilton in his next special assembly. The sight of him launching his Snus into the snow last night was a particular highlight. They were dead on their feet at the end, imagine hanging on against a team that was missing more first teamers than the Dubai dynamos were?. Tremendous.
  10. I need to have a listen to the full press conference, the wee extracts I've seen are gold! Love the line about his rage at Sturgeon using the term R and R, when she was quoting him directly! Thicker than a whale omelette.
  11. Aye, I'd agree Bill. It may be that he's one of those you hate him at other teams, but would love him in your own type guys.
  12. Our celebration yesterday was noticeably muted, and I'd imagine that was on purpose, given the interviews with face coverings etc.
  13. It's natural to be disappointed, but that's a decent result, still sitting great. Noticeable lack of contact at the goal celebration, have to say our professionalism throughout this season has been exemplary. Onward and upward.
  14. I don't think Gerrard would tolerate complacency. Gerrintaethum!.
  15. It's hard to quantify that one, aye less games equates to less chance of injury, but the likes of Steven Davis has managed a fair amount of caps, which has enriched his game. Bill, I'm hoping the lure of CL football will keep Kamara here for a while yet. If he goes though, best of luck, we'll do well out of the deal. Keen to see this boy Campbell of Well in the game, as he seems to be getting good reviews, must say I've not paid much attention to him.
  16. Nope, always been proud to have Gers in the national team, always will be. Another tough game in what has been a pretty solid stretch of games, keep the foot on their neck Rangers.
  17. 'It's affected us more than any other club'..... What an embarrassing statement that is, trying to rouse the orcs against the rest of society, as ever.
  18. Indeed, we welcome the chase. And can we put this in the General football chat section, shouldn't be posts in here about other teams.
  19. Barkas, Hazzard, Jullien, Broon, Taylor, Ralston, Henderson, Johnston, Ajeti, El Hamhead, Rogic, Botton, and Klimala. That's the list that I saw tweeted by a few different outlets.
  20. They have absolutely no one to blame but themselves. But they'll find someone.
  21. Aye, but as I always say, if der Goalie could've passed a ball, we'd never have seen him at Ibrox. He was phenomenal in one on one situations, I don't think I've ever been as confident in that situation with any other keeper. They all had and have fantastic attributes, and we're lucky to have had all 4 of them.
  22. The sycophants have awoken, and are phoning in to balance the discussion, to the phone Declan!
  23. They're not in bubbles, bubbles is the bake off contestants living away from their families for weeks, or my mates working offshore in Angola who then spend 10 days properly isolated in a hotel before getting home. These guys are going home to their families at night, the exemptions they have are only when they cross the white line, ie training and match days, that's it. Sitting next to each other swallying is not part of the exemption, that's why Kennedy had to say that they'd had 'issues'. To be fair, you won't get a better ventilated space indoors than an aircraft, the amount of air changes possible is incredible, air is bled from the compressor of the engine, enters the upper end of the plane, and is taken away at feet level. It's a bit of an urban myth I'm afraid.
  24. Radio Shortbreid debating this on phone in this morning, they're getting a roasting.
  25. Agreed Compo, keep the foot on their neck for the next few games, then when we get Jack and Arfield back, it'll allow us to kick on again. That lot can't be looking forward to playing Livi either, given the run their on - Ironically it'll suit us better playing the way the new guy there has them playing rather than a wll of 10 as they did before with Holt. Brilliant to see wee Morelos back scoring and smiling again, he's looking like he's getting his sharpness and his mojo back, perfect timing.
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