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Devil's advocaat

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Everything posted by Devil's advocaat

  1. I'm not sure mate, sorry, I suppose it'll depend on how far Senegal go. Looking at their squad I'm not sure he'll feature much anyway, so hopefully he'll come back fresh.
  2. Of course it will. We have to realise most of us know the current sides shortcomings, and yet PC is reeling the enemy in, without even adding a player or having a preseason with the players. Rodgers bailed out once he realised Gerard had the measure of him, PC is a far better manager than SG was. Yesterday has done nothing to dent my belief that our current manager is set for huge success.
  3. Should goals be expressed as a ratio of XG? Ie 10 goals for us is easier than the same fir Hertz?
  4. Playing up to my moniker, what if those 10 goals were like John McGinns the other night?.
  5. I don't really watch EPL, is he a good un then? I'm wary of big name loans, after 'the welshman'.
  6. Thats 2 absolute belters in a week, both with his standing foot. And a decent header too. He's a goalscorer, doesn't have to have a great game.
  7. I'm not sure 'not paying over the odds' and 'getting deals done quickly' are particularly good bedfellows. 😎
  8. Ideally, yes, but guid fitba teams are greater than the sum of their parts. You could argue that Ferguson and McCall weren't a huge upgrade on McStay and Collins, but they ended up a cornerstone of a very successful team. Likewise Boyd and Larsson, but the former scored more goals. If £4m gets us straight into the CL, then it's a worthwhile outlay.
  9. On the face of it, seems a lot of money, but IMO we'd be getting a proven goalscorer, leader and a guy who has improved incredibly in the last two seasons. Loves a goal against the rheptiles anaw. Never been a question over his finishing, but he's developed his hold up play and all round game a hell of a lot. If the likes of Naysmith et al can get that out of him, just imagine what PC can do for him. Get it done.
  10. I'd like to have seen big Soapy at DM, but happy to bow to Monsieur Clemente's superior knowledge. 😎
  11. I've no idea why, so don't ask me to explain, but I can't get excited about this at all. 🤷‍♂️
  12. He's doing what he was asked to do, steadied them and had some good results. I wish he wasn't in football management, as I quite like him as a pundit.
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