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Posts posted by scotjo

  1. The purchase of Moult would be nothing more than a desperate, panic buy. I do not know what gives you the idea that he is more tactically sophisticated than W & G.


    Simply by what I already stated, he scored a good amount last season and has taken up where he left off, I don't see it as a panic buy and let's face it he's about the only attainable striker in form at the moment.

  2. Moult is no better than Waghorn or Garner, quite frankly, maybe not quite so good, and would struggle, like them, against teams set up like Hertz today.


    See this is where I kind of disagree, Waghorn and Garner may individually be as good or 'better' than Moult but it's the old chestnut, some players in a system maybe better suited than others even if not better players, Moult at least knows the teams up here and has had reasonable success, whereas Waghorn ( apart from the championship) and Garner haven't.

  3. He could do worse than give Hardie a start alongside Morelos? I agree with your point re Moult though!


    Not really sure about Hardie, still don't think he's going to do it.

  4. I don't think it is ineffectiveness. More poor service.


    Could be, but often and I also include last season in this, they did nothing even with service, in this sense Naismith would improve the whole complexion of the forward line.

  5. I am disappointed that Pedro is not going for another striker given our ineffectiveness up front, given Moult wouldn't cost much we should go for him. I know people say he can do it at Motherwell but maybe not at Rangers, but he knows where the goals are and it would be daft not to go for him.

    Put it this way we need someone who at least can link the midfield with the strikers and if we don't go for a striker we should defo get Naismith and Miller can go onto the bench.

  6. The only place you need to go for real news is on here. The sports pages are utter nonsense. If you've got twitter, you have the source that most of these so-called journalists rely upon for their inside scoop. And if it's entertainment you're looking for, what you can't get on here, you can always visit Kerrydale for.


    As for the 'news' on the front pages, does anyone really still believe any of that?!?


    If you stop reading those rags for a week, you'll realise you don't miss it one little bit.

    I don't buy it, I just noticed it online but I didn't click.

  7. Noticed online their headline from Mark Allen interview is Rangers to be selling club.

    What is it with this mob? I would say what he meant was when the time and circumstances are right we will sell, in that sense their beloved team are also a 'selling' club and everyone else in Scotland, but not to us. Not that this headline surprises me but where do you even start with this rag?

    Not when they concocted a negative headline on the day of the new retail deal when they were not even in attendance, just like this occasion and same negative angle. Anything they think is negative for us they will spin to put that slant on it, but it's not the negative they hope it is.

  8. Alves is obviously a winner and goes into the squad with high stature. He just looks like a leader. I just hope there is harmony in the dressing room and this talk of split camps gets sorted out.


    Don't think there is any split.

  9. Make absolutely no mistake. Should this continue there will be the war to end all wars. Through history we have been divided however now we stand united. The attack on our club, heritage and culture from those in positions of power will never end.


    There WILL be a boycott the likes of which has never been witnessed. The publicity that it generates over the hatred towards our club from shame fc will also shine a light on their insidious past. The poison and bile that is generated by the subordinates of shame fc will facilitate the death of Scottish football.


    We have been here before. We will stand by our team, our club and our culture. This is all out conflict and our existence is one again at stake.


    No more money to those who attempt to destroy us. Cut all ties with shame fc and their cohorts. No more negotiations!

    Our existence isn't at stake, we'll survive ( no stripping can take place anyway) but I am not sure THEY will.

  10. Could do with a half back who can put himself about in the middle of the park show the opposition we are not fannying about I get the feeling that if you made faces at our players they would run a mile .


    Think Jack will be that player and Dorrans will be up for the fight as well as being a right good player.

  11. After the appeal that was heard before the one at the Supreme Court, the one in 2015 the SPFL stated that no such mechanism for title stripping existed. All sensationalist rubbish from the press who surely would have known this even if it was at this point yet still peddled out the same strip the titles guff and also why did Celtic issue their moaning statement when surely they must also have been aware of this. It's the same as someone wanting a murderer to be executed in Britain, no such sanction exists.


  12. I agree that the ramifications are horrendous but that won't stop our detractors from stoking the flames. The anti-Rangers brigade will be on the march. This is going to get very messy.


    Don't see anything changing the decision.

  13. The likes of Liewell and others have misled deluded individuals to believe if we lost the BTC then titles & trophies would be removed from us.


    But they knew that removal of honours wasn't going to happen and were probably privately hoping we'd win the BTC and they'd use that excuse for not doing so.


    Now though they have a problem on their hands. A very big problem indeed. The slabbering, Rangers-hating hordes are on the march and are very irate. They're demanding the removal of titles & trophies as promised.


    Yesterday's SFA statement is very clear as to what actions will now be taken -NONE.


    This isn't going to end well. Sit back and let's enjoy the implosion.

    Or rather it IS going to end well. Lol.

  14. Would the 5-way agreement not protect against such ?


    Either way, their own rule book wouldn't allow them to dock points, that is only for an administration event

    That's right enough, Thanks I was getting carried away, reckon we're in the clear.

  15. There is limited scope for any sanctions, as the SPFL said they would look into it, as opposed to the SFA who issued a statement that no action can be taken from them my only concern is that the 'limited sanction' could mean the SPFL may dock us points for next season? that would screw us or can it only be the oldco that can be fined and the newco can't be affected?

    Surely they couldn't do this.

  16. When we had Gascoigne and Laudrup we relied too much on them. Just pass the ball to them and see what they can do. It worked ok in Scotland but not in Europe.


    Don't think it did us too much harm at that time, I don't think we over relied on these players, we had very good players like Robertson, McCall, Steven etc to supplement them, certainly worked fine in the league.

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