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townhead ranger

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Posts posted by townhead ranger

  1. There is a simple formula normally used for these types of occassions.

    Where x (normal human being) + y(Rememberance Sunday) = z (Dignified two minute silence)

    Secondary formula can sometimes occur which leads to z (Dignified two minute silence) being disrupted and that is the introduction of group t (the undignified anti-British hatefilled maggots who follow that team)

    Therefore it follows that T + Y will never = Z because T does not = X !!



    :D That made me laugh, so true aswell

  2. the guys on the bus.


    i dont like leaving early as I never used to have to. But since I switched buses I need to as the others on the bus leave before fulltime



    Use the townhead ( LaCala bus ).

  3. Maybe the midfield will look a bit more solid too if its the full backs getting forward rather than us playing with two wide midfielders?


    Yup, to often it seems like it is 4 2 4 rather than 4 4 2.

  4. I agree that team does look good, the only problem i would have with it is the lack of width, if ICT decide to defend on the edge of the box i would rather we tried to attack down the flanks and get some decent balls into the box, i think we might struggle to break them down with such a narrow formation.



    Their is a clear lack of width but I think this would give Bardsley and Smith a chance to get forward, which both have seemed eager to do in the past few matches.

  5. I'd go for:












  6. They were implying we stole their stereos being weegies and all that. Fannies!


    :D fuckwits.


    What's with "we're only sheep shagging bastards" aswell. Everyone else in the country already takes the piss out them for it do they need to do it themselves :confused:

  7. Yip, I'll go with that team. I hope we have a bit of a go at them rather than playing a containing game (we are away after all). Not seem much about the manky tims to worry us as long as we keep things tight at the back.

    I'd agree with that team aswell, papac looked solid against Dunfermline and I don't fancy seeing Svensson trying to win headers against Jim Vineger. Only problem is it looks a bit light weight in midfield.



    What about a slight change in the system:















    I was thinking this would be a good idea after Wednesday but I personally would play J.Rod and Papac with Hemdani as a sweeper. Bringing Adam into centre mid with Barry.

  8. I realised yesterday that I had been to every game this year thus far and with me having a ticket for the piggery and swinecastle I shouldn't be missing many matches this year.


    So it got me wondering what the least amount of domestic games everyone has missed over the course of a season. I would say mine is between 8-12.

  9. Rubbin it in? Yer right I'm rubbin it in! I'm going to Porkheed I'm going to Porkheed your no your no!!! :P


    5th time lucky for me. 3 defeats and 1 draw in the previous 4 times I've been there for an OF. :(



    I'm going :D


    This will be my 7th in 3 seasons. 6 games no wins :( Just aswell I'm not supersticious.


    p.s shat my self when my ticket didn't have a tear off slip. Found out that they're all like that though

  10. I think the people who clapped and boo'd Rickson are both wrong. I will never boo a Gers player (which nando still is :( ) but what he done last night was totally out of order. He nailed Burkey then didn't even go over and check how seriously hurt he was.


    He should never play for Rangers again.

  11. nah mate - just setting yourself up for a fall with that kind of talk. if we get to c hristmas unbeaten then maybe we can start talking about it but i dont think it's realistic



    Can't see us going un beatan at the piggery, tynecastle and easter road tbh

  12. Albeit, I don't have any coaching badges but I thought I would offer Monsuier Le Guen some advice from my sound tactical knowledge.....;)


    ____________________________ Letizi____________________________















    Potentially, we could be a bit lightweight in midfield but with this formation it still caters for Buffel and two up-front and also Prso could drift back into midfield when defending.........


    I would play this formation against most of the diddy teams e.g dunfermline :( because one up front just doesn't work when a team put 10 men behind the ball. Against Hearts, Hibs, Aberdeen and the scum I think winning the midfield battle is paramount. I would play a strict 442 and take out Buffel and put in Hemdani keeping the two up front against the better teams.

  13. -------------------------Letizi------------------------------











  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/5230772.stm



    Ricksen advised to leave Rangers


    Fernando Ricksen has no future at Rangers

    Rangers manager Paul Le Guen believes defender Fernando Ricksen should try to find a new club.

    "I told him (Ricksen) that perhaps it would be better to leave and discover another context and asked him to think about it," said Le Guen.


    Ricksen was sent home from Rangers' pre-season tour of South Africa following an incident on a flight.


    He returned to Glasgow this week but was not permitted to train with the rest of the first team squad.


    Ricksen checked into the Sporting Chance Clinic following his premature return from South Africa and underwent residential counselling for anger management.


    However, it appears he has no future at Rangers, with Le Guen saying: "Perhaps it would be best for everybody", when asked if he thought Ricksen should find another club.


    The 30-year-old Dutchman, who arrived at Rangers in 2000, has one year of his contract at Ibrox to run.


    Good riddence as far as I'm concernd. Only played when he was trying to win a contract.


    He disrespected the managers and the club as a whole.


    Sianara Fernando, one day you'll realise how good you had it.

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