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townhead ranger

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Posts posted by townhead ranger

  1. AYR v Brechin

    Chelsea v Man U - Draw

    Hull v EVERTON

    West Brom v ASTON VILLA


    �£5 returns �£162


    EDIT: Ayr match wasn't even on the coupen and couldn't be arsed asking for the odds. Stuck on Wolfsburg v HAMBURG instead.


    If correct �£5 returns �£193

  2. A point I have tried to raise previously. And with Cousin gone, who only played the "big" games, it becomes even more pertinent!


    Whilst that may allow for our best options in midfield, i think it leaves us with an impotent attack.


    I would like to see big Lafferty given a shot at the role. I think he posseses all the attributes to be a success at it.


    If Smith is to play 451/433 I would play :


    Davis Mendes Fergie Thomson Aaron/Beasley/Novo


    I know in an ideal world this formation should be played with two natural pacey wide players but I don't want to see any of the 4 dropped. Playing this way would see Davis take up the roll he did against celtic by covering big Kirky and coming in more central whilst attacking. I think we would be reliant on big kirky providing the width on the right hand side.

  3. I thought Davis had a great second half and along with Novo and of course Boydy helped change the game.


    I think Miller had a really good game aswell and his performance was only lacking a goal ( Can see this becoming a pattern ). He killed every pass into his feet stone dead today and linked up with midfield brilliantly.


    I would have gave it to Davis.

  4. ...I am a bit behind with this (OK, no giggling at the back there) so my question is simple. How did this talk start, what happened to bring it to the fore. Pleeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee tell me there is some good reason for the talk!!!!!


    Is he gay ?

    I thought he was married too ?


    Thanks for enlightening me mate :cheers:


    Pity for you he is still a shit goalkeeper :rfc:

  5. Above and beyond the call of duty.


    I was extremly skint as well mind you !


    I'm supersticious as hell and said I going to miss the 3-2 game last year but I couldn't resist it and went :(:brick:


    So if we keep going their and getting positive results Im staying clear. :)


    I think I've missed 4 or 5 at the piggery in the past 5 seasons. Including playing them in the cup a couple of times. We've won three !


    1) Vignal and Novo 0-2

    2) Ugo 0-1

    3) Sunday 2-4

  6. Hutton grew into a good right back,I also think Papac has done the same,can Kirk follow ?, there is a chance he could do just that IMO


    As much as I love the big man and do think he had a good game yesterday. I am always very nervous when anyone is left one on one against him. Hope he proves me wrong though. So my RSC can keep singing " we've got kirky kirky kirky kirky Broadfoot on the wing " :D If nothing else.

  7. I have never said that everyone has to be an expert on debating.


    You havin a laff:


    You seem to get worked up awful easily for someone who wants to debate. Usually in a debate people have opposing opinions.


    You have never seen me "worked up" as you call it so please do not insult me.


    I've never seen you period, one of the many wonders of the t'internet. You can communicate with people without visual :D ( This is a joke, not an insult !!)


    I was going by the tone of most of your replys. I may have misinterpreted but to me you take shroomz and to a lesser extent Jonc's opposing opinion as a personal dig against your self.


    A few posts back you said to shroomz " If thats the best you can do, you're obviously not very good " Again I may have misunderstood but I thought you were criticising his debating ability.


    Anyway I shouldn't have got involved and hope you'll forgive the "insult".

  8. 1st point. Why do you think that a protester is only protesting for the sake of his ego ?


    2nd point. Yes we are all entitled to our opinion.


    3rd point. If that's the best you can come up with, you're not very good are you.


    Didn't realise everyone had to be experts in debating to speak about Rangers on a messageboard.


    You seem to get worked up awful easily for someone who wants to debate. Usually in a debate people have opposing opinions.





    I agree with Jonc on this i've never been one who believed that protesting worked. By that I mean that the powers that be, actually listened to a single word being said by the protestors. The past week however has seen an usually high level of activaty. Coinsidence ? I guess only SDM knows.


    I personally think protesting tarnishes the image of the club (Which is at a low point as it is) in the eyes of the rest of the footballing community. For example I always thought of Aston Villa as a shambles when they were protesting to get rid of Doug Ellis. I'll admit I never knew the facts of the situation but do you think Aston Villa fans will look into the reasons we're protesting ? No doubt they think the same as I did. Shambles.


    I think the only point I disagree with Shroomz on is the protestors trying to inflate their egos. I do think they have the best interests of the club at heart. I do know the supporters he is talking about though. The kind that love to make out they love Rangers more than the next guy.


    Perhaps if the problems with the RST hadn't happend over the summer, they could have spearheaded discussions with SDM and voiced genearal supporters opinions. Without us having to air our dirty washing in public.

  9. You would drop Thomson ? I think Thomson will be a revelation this year and his partnership with Mendes already looks very good after Saturday. I would have Ferguson, Mendes and Thomson and would drop Davis from that starting line-up.


    Would play Whittaker at RB for a run of games too.



    Agree with all of that. I like Davis but really think the other 3 should get a place before him. I can see all 4 playing though and Davis being shunted out to the right.

  10. I like the look of that team.


    Until ive really seen Aaron Niguez and Edu play I cant decide. But I also think we can play the 4-5-1 a lot better this season with the options in midfield.


    Also if Ferguson still has last seasons form then he wouldnt be in my team. I also think Hemdani would do very well in the same midfield as Mendes and perhaps Aaron - but the options are great.












    I like the look of that team aswell. After the Scottish cup Semi though I wouldn't have Cousin in a Gers top again.

  11. I really don't think Papac is a good centre half, mate. I've never seen him play well there. Not too convinced about Lafferty playing up himself, but never seen him play there so can't really comment. Beasley looks better on the left than the right IMO.


    I would go:

















    Or if going 4-4-2, bringing in Miller for Davis.


    Not too happy with Broadfoot or Weir being there, but think that they are probably the best in their position. Can't bring in Edu or Aaron as I don't know anything about them. I'm assuming that Cousin was at his best and not being tempremental.


    I can see your point about Papac he was a bit shaky at centre half, he was a bit dodgy at left back for the first couple of months aswell though. Maybe now he is settled in to a consistent performer he could make the position his own. I think we may sign a CH before the window closes which would see Stevie Smith with a real struggle on his hands to displace big Sasa.


    I personally wouldn't have Cousin any where near a Rangers jersey again even though admittadly he is our best striker.


    I've not seen Lafferty up top myself but he looks as if he possesses all of the qualities to be a success in that position. He is big strong can hold the ball up well and his a touch of pace about him.


    I've not seen anything of Aaron either just stuck him in as im optimistic the lad will be a player :thup: ( Watch him flop now )


    As with beasley on the right I think if you play the 4 5 1 it is important to maintain the width and players getting the bye line and getting crosses in is paramount. With Beasley on the left he would cut in to much and cut supply from the wide areas to Lafferty and supporting midfielders.



    ( Just on FF their and the Australian addition of fourfourtwo magazine is running with the story that Breciano is signing for us today :eek: Surely not !)

  12. Their are a lot of posts flying around different topics about how we're going to set up when everyone is signed and fit.


    The formations I've seen have been:


    - Flat 4 4 2

    - Diamond 4 4 2

    - 3 5 2

    - 4 5 1 / 4 3 3


    All though I wasn't a fan of the 4 5 1 / 4 3 3 last season I believe we now have the players at our disposal to play this formation alot more successfully and pleasing to the eye. Also with the amount of midfielders we now have it'll be the easiest way to fit them in and keep unrest amongst the squad at a minimum.


    My preferred fully fit first team would be:









  13. we need to start going with wide men so hope niguez is good and either beasley or burke for the other side, whipping balls in behind the other teams back line is the best way to create chances for our forwards, who is going to lose out for centre midfield roles?


    Has to be Davis for me when Fergie is fit.

  14. can youget down to the bottom teir from the top teir at parkhead?


    ive been offered a "restricted view in the top tier and already have two for the bottom and was hoping to go and stand with the two good views if you know what i mean.



    Nah you can't get from the top tier to the bottum mate. The guy in the top tier should just go and stand by a different seat. I've never stood/sat on my seat at parkhead.

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