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townhead ranger

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Posts posted by townhead ranger

  1. Another youtube clip. Looks good.






    Some info from Barrybaldy on FF, who is always correct:


    1. He is known simply as Aaron and is supposed to be shit hot - Chelsea, Madrid and Liverpool all wanted him on loan, Benitez especially after bringing him up at Valencia


    2. Will be right into first team squad.


    3. Made Champs League debut at age of 16 v Roma


    4. Likes to play left wing, but can go through middle and is captain of Spain's Under 20's.


    5. Frank Arnesen, Chelsea head scout, was involved in recommendation through relationship with Smith and says 'he is one of the best young players he's ever seen coming through in Spain'


    6. There will be something written in that if we take up option and buy him after two years, Valencia get first shout at signing him back


    Im waiting for the catch, seems like a very astute piece of business.


    Well done Rangers

  2. Is it McArthur or McCarthy? Confusing but both are good.

    BTW that right back Stevenson might do Gers a turn - we need a free kick specialist as well.


    McArthur, the bear :thup: He was a couple of years above me in school and only joined Hamilton when he was in 5th year. After getting released by St Johnstone I think it was.

  3. Can't believe how well McCarther is doing. Having played with him a little during my school days he was always a good player but at the time their was a lot better than him about, who I thought would " make it ". With a bit of good luck and alot of hard graft seems like he is getting what he deserves.

  4. on JD for those of you are concerened ( form a cue in an orderly line please). the bottom line is , ill turn out for whaterever Rangers team is put in front of me. why? god only knows what compells me towards Ibrox. But i feel a sense of pride when i walk down edminston drive via helen st and get to my seat (mfp row q 307). something that was installed in me as a youngster i suspect by my father.


    thats the problem with your head and your heart. We really dont like whats going on at the minute but at the end of the day, when you clock in at ibrox park on saturday theres only going to be one feeling.


    One of pride. Why. Well let me tell you. WE ARE GLASGOW RANGERS!


    I stated earlier that I would consider my position as a season book holder due to the current climate at the club.


    In truth, this is not the case.


    I will never walk away from Glasgow Rangers as long as i live and let me tell you, my six year old son will be right behind me to follow on the tradition that runs right through my family.


    we are in deeply droubled times my friends, but we are the one thing that will pull us through the dire state we find our selves in.


    without our support our team is nothing.


    keep it in mind on saturday.


    let others hear our voice, let them know who we are!


    It's Ironic that this post of a drunk mans ramblings sums up exactly how I feel. The most I've agreed with a post in ages mate:thup:

  5. Roughly how mych money does WS have at his disposal? Last friday he said he had enough money for 2 additional players now he has the �£8M for Carlos. So what do you reckon?


    Ceptic going after is only reported in the day late rebel. I think im sure its just B*llocks, to get a reaction. (YOU DONT SAY)


    Bearing in mind what money we have available, who would we like to see at Ibrox, realisticly.


    I think we'll get the money from the Cuellar deal and the money for the two additional players WS mentioned will myseriously dissapear. So half of the Cuellar money will be given to Smith with Murray making out he got the full thing.

  6. You have plenty of life-long Rangers fans giving up their season tickets in disgust at what is happening at the club, and you expect Cuellar to look at the team that Walter had put together for this season and you expect him to take a risk with his career and want to stay? :confused: That's more than a tad harsh on Cuellar.


    Good point. Maybe I am being harsh. I am just absolutly gutted, I worshiped him last year and will never forget singing the big mans name for hours on end in Florence. I just genuinly thought he would be here for another couple of years.


    I think I hung my hopes on the guy that we could actually keep a genuinly world class player for many years. Its hard coming to terms with the calibre of player we can keep at the club.


    If your not a Ranger you're no use to me...


    Perhaps in a couple of weeks/months I'll forgive the big man but I'm too gutted he isn't a bear just now to do it.

  7. I believe that Cuellar deserves to be looked upon in a favourable light. If he was that interested in leaving, why did he turn up at the games when he was injured?


    He was let down by the club, and can't be blamed for wanting to leave IMO.


    I am quite indifferent to Cuellar at the moment.


    Cammy it seems obvious hates individuals trying to manipulate the public through press conferences etc. What Cuellar done recently was very Murray-esque. I think Cuellar told everyone what we wanted to hear and if he really did love Rangers he would ride out a season without European football in a bid to help bring the league flag home.


    I have no problem with players using us a stepping stone, it has happend for years ( Gio, Arteta...) Lets face it their is no loyalty left in football. However I don't like the fact Cuellar made me believe he was here to stay.

  8. Firstly Murray is the master of spin, and we can't be sure what comes out of the club is the truth. I know a number of things Murray has lied about in the past 2 months, and I wouldn't put it past him not to be 100% truthful about this.


    Could we have got �£10m? Only if someone was willing to pay it, and perhaps Murray wasn't willing to take the risk in the same way as he wasn't with Hutton.


    Cuellar and his agent may have agreed to the release clause being taken out for a higher wage. Apparently bain offered him double his wage on Sunday. Why wait until then?


    I believe Carlos would have stayed for this season if we were still in the CL and only left because we were not in Europe and because Walter had showed no ambition in his signings, and we were obviously a club going nowhere.


    Saying all of that I do have some sympathy with your view, and I would put much more of the blame of the current situation on Walter and his dismal signing policy overr the summer and his tactics against Kaunus.


    I agree with this 100%

  9. How can you get so up in arms by David Murrays " pish and wind " but still find it in you to wish " King Carlos " all the best. Their was absolutly no need for him to come out with his own " pish and wind " statements when he knew full well he would fuck off at the first oppurtunity.


    Cuellar can take a run and jump. To think I believed he loved Rangers and would be here for years to come :brick:

  10. One would have thought that the Chairman might have renegotiated the contract in early summer, gaving him a huge wage hike and getting rid of the release clause.



    ....if there was a release clause.....


    Paranoid much ?


    Don't you think we could have got 10 million easily for one of the best centre halfs in Europe last season. Why would we settle for 8 million ?


    If a release clause was integrated into the contract less than a year ago, why would Cuellar and his agent agree to it being removed.


    Cuellar used us a stepping stone and Cuellar told the fans what they wanted to hear.

  11. But if you look back and catalog those 'minor details', David Murray has said some stupid things in his time. It is all those added together that show he isn't the man to take us forward. A few that instantly spring to mind :


    For every fiver Celtc spend, I'll spend a tenner

    Celtc supporters are more loyal than Rangers supporters

    We'll replace (insert transfered players name here) with better quality

    'moonbeams of success' etc, etc


    Cammy F



    Like I said earlier I am by no means pro Murray and realise like the examples above he has said some very stupid things. I am very ill educated on the full subject. I think in this instance though a large section of the support are extremly pissed off with Cuellar going and are looking for a scapegoat. I feel Murray is getting a bit much flack for this particular issue.

  12. On Friday, David Murray, Martin Bain and Walter Smith told Rangers supporters that CC would only be sold for, and I quote 'funny money'. Now, I certainly don't regard �£7.8M as 'funny money' when talking about the best centre-half we've had since Richard Gough. It is less than we got for Alan Hutton and less that Sunderland paid Hearts for Craig Gordon.


    At the time of making that statement, all three knew of this release clause - so why make the statement at all? Just another case of pish and wind for the master of pish and wind, SDM



    Cammy F


    Cheers, must have missed the quotes. I'll have a look for them. I think we'll both agree David Murray isn't a dumb guy, this strikes me as extremly daft considering he knew about the release clause.


    I think this is a minor detail though and no matter who the owner of our club was the end result would still have been the same.

  13. Well I hope those who choose to protest are treated more fairly than they were a couple of seasons ago - I was one who protested and was verbally and physically abused by fellow Rangers fans.


    If I'm through early enough I'll join the protest prior to kick-off and continue with anti-Murray chants through-out the game. Interesting to see if the Carlos transfer finally changes peoples attitude towards Murray.

    Cammy F - In A Murray Out Frame Of Mind Loyal RSC



    Cammy can I ask what Murray could have done ?


    I think a section of our support look to vilainise Murray at every turn.

  14. Personally instead of walking out after 60mins i would rather supporters stayed outside for the first 5 or 10 minutes and then go in and support the team to the end. That would let Murray know that the supporters are angry, while still supporting the team.


    I agree with this, I feel the 90 minutes after 3 o'clock Saturday should be all about getting right behind the players on the pitch. Our anger at Murray/Bain/The Board should not detract the support from pushing Rangers towards bringing the league flag back home.

  15. I'll admit to not being up to speed when it comes to the pros and more importantly the cons of David Murrays tenure as owner of Rangers football club. I really tend to stay away from reading about it on here and FF as it is difficult to decipher between fact and what has been twisted by peoples personal bias. I am by no means pro Murray, just not educated enough on the subject to properly debate it.


    However I've heard alot of people saying the Cuellar saga has been the final straw and they are now 100% anti Murray. What I don't understand though is what difference would it have made if someone else was at the helm ? In this occasion I don't see what Murray could have done.

  16. I dont know exactly how it works but you will definitely get your stake back and they may pro-rate the winning portion of the bet. Not sure though and it differs between bookmakers




    It was with coral. I had a look at dead heat rules but could only find rules on horse racing. Their was 8 people joint top goalscorer so if they do it the same as horse racing, my �£10 will be divided by 8 and I'll get a grand total of �£15 back. :D:sigh:

  17. You should have given your Uncle your ticket tr :fish: !


    I didn't have one, I skipped in.


    Took �£500 down with me to buy one off a tout but had no luck. Have heard people saying they were going about for 50 quid too :eek:


    I'll be honust though no matter how bad I felt for him he wouldn't have been getting mine :D

  18. What is really ironic about this situation is when I came out the match I phoned my brother and both of us said the exact same thing, that we were both extremly proud to be a Rangers fan. The way the majority* condoned themself to quote Alex Ferguson made me " very proud " . Clapping Zenit up to the trophy and singing our love of the rangers in defeat was great.


    Then we start getting word from friends of what has happend elsewhere in Manchester. It is a sickner and in one sweep has ruined the good reputation we have built throughout Europe this season, as being a friendly travelling support. No arrests in 9 Euro away trips up until Manchester.



    * I was however left absolutly gutted at some supporters who left after the first goal went in, never mind the second. To not even stay and applaud your team for the heroic effort they have made to get to that stage was disgraceful. It was made all the worse by the fact my uncle, who has attended every home and the majority of away matches for the best part of 30 years couldn't get a ticket because of these glory hunters. It was heart breaking on the phone to him a couple of night before the game were you could hear his voice cracking even speaking about missing out :(

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