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townhead ranger

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Posts posted by townhead ranger

  1. I hope he never put the gers top on again...the guys a liability and his heart isn't in it........anyone that would want to join a team like fulham doesn't deserve to wear a gers top.


    They will never learn.....but once they leave, they realise just how big we are and how much of a privilege it was to play for The Rangers.


    Here here !

  2. Other than Nachos Penalty that was the most nuts I've went at a goal in a long while.


    4 Games to go Come on Rangers !


    Greatness is measured in success in my book. Go on and become the greatest Rangers ever !

  3. I really hope it doesn't go down to the last day against Aberdeen.


    I have an exam the next day and from experiencing helicopter sunday in the stadium ( Having not had one at the beginning of the day) it will be very hard to stay away from Aberdeen !

  4. Great read TR, and good to hear about the Bears in the home end - funny song aswell .


    Although arent you a student? Another trip funded by the taxpayer??? :D


    Perhaps :fish:


    Nah a trip payed for from savings made since I was a nipper, sadly all but gone now !


    Think a student loan will be in order for the supercup in Monaco :fish: :rfc:

  5. I would go as far to say tomorrow could be make or break. I think we'll win tomorrow and win the League. We can't do anything about what they do now. We just have to concentrate on OUR games


    Was just about to say that in my last post but stopped myself. Helicopter Sunday is still too fresh in the memory to take anything for granted.

  6. He's 6 foot 2 with curly hair, his teeth are fucked but we don't care. He's Carlos Cuellar Rangers centre half

    nannananananananan Cuellar Cuellar

    nannananananananan Cuellar Cuellar

    He's 6 foot 2 with curly hair, his teeth are fucked but we don't care. He's Carlos Cuellar Rangers centre half


    We had this lasting for 30 minutes in Pisa airport ! The barstaff in the bar nearest the main entrance are legends. Gave a group of 20 bears free shots and were joining in the singing and dancing !

  7. I can honustly say I have had the best two days of my life ! Everything about the trip was fantastic. The bears are simply the best !


    Take my hats off too the Italians they were absolutly superb and so welcoming ! Had tons of viola fans wishing us well in Manchester the day after. They get nearly as bad a reputation as us.


    Managed to get a ticket for a 100 euro for the Fiorntina end. I was a bit apprehensive at first but hats off too the police and stewards all the bears got gathered up and their wasn't a single bit of trouble. What a racket we made too ( Singing What a shitey away support was hilarious :D) At the start of the second half a " if you canny take your top off your a tim" chant started and we were all left standing chittering :D


    Top Marks to Fiorentina for organsising free transport back to Florence city centre too :thup:


    I really can't some up how good a time I had !


    P.s I will never believe anything printed in the British press again !


    Pubs to be closed ? Everywhere was open and accomadating

    No way In without a passport ? I got in pretty simply all be it I had to get a German to buy it.


    Nothing but Scare Mungoring



    We are the people


    " Now you're going to believe it, now you're going to believe it, now you're going to believe ittt. We're off to Manchester, We're off to Manchester....

  8. __________Alexander_________








    Cousin for me is probably the better striker but I don't think we can take the gamble on whether he can be arsed or not on the night.


    I've stayed away from papers and rangers forums etc since Wednesday night. Can anyone fill me in on the extent of McGregors injury ?

  9. When it comes to Buffel absence doesn't half make the heart grow fonder. Same old Buffel on display yesterday, talented but he has no heart what so ever.


    I wish I was an Arsenal fan right now, their fans have really got their moneys worth this season with all the silky one touch football. Who needs success when you have entertainment :yawn:

  10. i have the right to complain as i spend good money to watch Rangers. if i had bought a product for the same amount of money out of the shops id want my money back.


    May I ask why you continued to pay the money to watch Rangers after the Paul Le Guen era ? (Remember our opponents today ran over the top of us at ibrox, just a year ago)


    Presumably you done so because of your Rangers and hoped for an improvement on the pitch ?


    Don't you agree you have seen that improvement this season ?


    As a consumer to demand anything more from Walter Smiths side this season is a bit unreasonable in my opinion.


    Next season is a totally different kettle of fish however, at times it can be soul destroying watching Rangers but I think back to thumping defeats at Ibrox from Hibs, St Johnston, Celtic etc etc over the past few seasons and I'm just thankful we're making progress. Next season If performances don't improve I will start to criticise, as Smith at least has a steady ship with which he can now build from.

  11. If it's not, we'll be round your house and taking the ticket off you!!!


    Ha I would have reservations about going :D


    I've got a Chris Burke style hair thing going on just now too (Started it before him mind you :P) I hadn't had my hair cut since before Red Star and went to get it cut just after the Pana match. It dawned on me I hadn't had it cut since before a single ball was kicked this season, so now I can't get it cut until the Quadrangle is no longer possible. I didn't think for a second it would last this long :o

  12. Been to parkhead 9 times lost 9. Don't have a ticket for this one (don't know if I would go even if I did). I'm very supersticious but I do have a ticket for the next one. Fingers crossed the league is as good as over by that time

  13. Bournemouth to Pisa on the Thursday and back on the Saturday


    �£63 :D


    Put all my details in, just want to click that button to confirm and thats me, although the mother is insisting on me to go with an adult


    Nice one :thup:


    Looks like I might have jumped in to soon.


    Ah well Rangers are in the semi final not alot matters at the moment :D

  14. and the english commentator saying " and the Rangers supporters are singing are you celtic in disguise". you cant buy publicity like that!


    I was pissing my self for ages when Robbie Earle and Andy Townsend burst out laughing at the " Nakamura ate my dog " banner ! :D

  15. Its good to have him and Cousin both available.


    I would like to see them together for an hour or so on Sunday.



    I think you seen the class of Cousin when he came on. His first touch and hold up of the ball is first class.

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