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townhead ranger

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Everything posted by townhead ranger

  1. Cheers mate, I started a thread saying "I was shot down in flames yesterday..." but they just chopped it. I can't be arsed ff I just thought I would post it.
  2. I really think we need a scottish/british manager just now.
  3. During the early 90's we were also the biggest club in Britain with English teams being banned from Europe. Could you see us attracting the England captain to Rangers now.
  4. Let's deal with facts here. 2nd In the League In Europe after Christmas Ok the past couple of days have been a bit of a fiasco but I wouldn't say it's the worst crisis in the clubs history.
  5. My brother just phoned me saying that Peter Martin just reported on Clyde 1 Murray is in talks with McCoist in Edinburgh He said Smith would be in the genarel manager but McCoist would be in charge. Anyone lisning and hear this ?
  6. I'm undecided would probably take him short term.
  7. Wish I had put money on davies yesterday when I got that tip off
  8. It's either going to be Davies or Mcoist and Smith.
  9. No the story got leaked, Rangers were forced to release a statment. Then the next day Barry went to the press.
  10. If you read some of my posts I'm fucking ragin about fergie. But I have never and will never boo a rangers player.
  11. That would be sure to please the masses
  12. How long before Clement is out the door aswell
  13. Thats a bit of a joke of a post. Rangers will never be a step down to derby. No matter how bad things get this is still the greatest club in the world.
  14. I think davies and his assitant. Then McCoist in a coaching role, sometimes it is more important just to install the right mentality.
  15. Are you responding to my post, or is it just great minds...
  16. I want Burley or Davies with Mc coist in the dug out in some capacity. I think he would be a great person to have in the dressing room.
  17. He must be the worst rangers manager of all time.
  18. Looks like it was true after all. Absolutly gutted, Ferguson has the running of that club it seems.
  19. As I said I was sceptical myself just thought I should inform the board incase it was true.
  20. Best thing to come out of this is Barry wants to play for rangers captain or not Good news if my PlG story is bullshit.
  21. I shouldn't have posted it on ff bunch of arseholes won't hear your out. I just got a phonecall saying this, obviously I won't believe it till I see it. I don't think it sounds credible either calscot but I just thought that I would post this just incase.
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