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Posts posted by Walterbear

  1. 2 hours ago, Bill said:

    Of course it does. I've said many times, you can be an SNP supporter and you can be a Rangers supporter ... but you cannot be both of these things without compromising your allegiance to one or the other, or both.


    If you take any Rangers supporter who advocates independence and defends the politics of the SNP, you will find someone who repeatedly has to reinvent the nature of one or both in order to find even shaky ground to stand on. As you know from long experience in this forum, you'll find most of them defined by denial and indignation, the twin props of indefensible pretence. Anyone who tries to combine these two deeply incompatible positions is inevitably conflicted and would benefit greatly from the honesty required to make a choice and fully embrace either supporting Rangers or engaging in ScotNattery. 


    Let the indignation flow. ?

    But that’s only because some folk can’t separate them such as yourself Bill. And that’s just fine by me. Other folk do separate them and that’s also fine. If everyone on the street believes in God it doesn’t mean he exists. Point to Rangers constitution and where it defines our religious or political allegiance?  You can’t. You can only point to people who think like you. 

  2. Spot on gaffer. These councillors need punished through the ballot box in their areas and by their party. Glasgow Life snr mgt needs sorted as well. Forgive me if I respect every Rangers fan who puts their club first and who ignore people who try and tell them they are not true Rangers fans or more generally how to vote on global political issues. 

  3. Looks like the dirty deeds were Ibrox and Cessnock misinforming Glasgow Life to encourage them to drop their approval, GCC not allowing a licensing Board hearing due to above deceit, GCC lying about having no information (to cover up local councillors), and Susan Aitken accusing the club of sectarianism. Whether ahead of Glasgow Life was in cohoots with the Ibrox councillors is another possibility. 


    Not fit for local government and some pretty stupid levels of incompetence in management and not even good at lying. No doubt in my mind Celtic supporting councillors are at the heart of this. Aitken is just incompetent and devious.  

  4. Good letter. Hopefully the points in here can be built on, not just about our Fanzone but the continuing sale of public land to Glasgow Celtic at less than commercial value. I imagine GCC is finally waking up to the fact we know they are not representing all the citizens and institutions of Glasgow in a fair, even handed manner. 


    (Only slight point would be to remove Hummel from footer not sure they would want to get drawn up in this). 

  5. 5 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    Are any of us actually surprised at the craven behaviour associated with this? I mean the SFA are involved so don't expect leadership for a start. As a few have mentioned I was also surprised at Gascoigne's nomination. For me whilst hugely enjoyable his time at Rangers wasn't long enough to warrant inclusion in the Rangers Hall of Fame far less the Scotland one. But Gascoigne had, and still has, such a high profile that his 'fame' transcends normal standards. Perhaps, for that alone, he should be nominated. 


    However, this withdrawal is disgraceful. Had any of his 'issues' happened since the nomination then perhaps a case could be made, but as all the incidents happened long before there is no excuse. Scottish football sickens me. 


    As an aside, if short periods at Rangers are enough I think we should consider a campaign to get Mark Walters inducted. I'm sure the Celtic-minded on the board and in the media would welcome the opportunity to apologise publicly for the genuine racism he received and the sickening scenes we all witnessed. 

    ....and they can add to that apology for failing to condemn and punish Celtic and their fans at the time. 

  6. He asked a black guy at a gig to smile so he could see him. Now in my mind that 100% depends on how it was said as to whether it was racist. Black people are comfortable with being black and being referred to as black. If it was meant to demean the guy then it’s racist for sure and should be condemned.


    If racism is the reason for the action they should clearly state it and we would all understand but then they have to also justify why they payed Griffiths (convicted racist) and McKay. In fact they would have employed Griffiths tonight if he hadn’t told them to feck off. 


    Noone can have any dispute if HOF nominations are subject to moral considerations and if they then reject gazza on that basis but the SFA have to do it in a consistent way with reference to organisational values and codes of conduct. They can’t just make it up as they are going along and issue vague statements which kick a mentally ill guy when he’s down. 



  7. 50 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    Oct. 11, 2018 David Edgar

    The SFA and Paul Gascoigne

    Don't normally write on the site as you know but I am so utterly, so completely disgusted with the SFA I had to get it out.

    What they have done in revoking his nomination is an unnecessary and cruel public humiliation of a man with both mental and addiction problems. While laughably claiming to support #MentalHealthWeek they have gone out of their way to butcher someone who is absolutely not in a strong enough place to deal with it.

    This shameful act has been done purely because Paul Gascoigne is English and played for Rangers. Nothing else. And the bigotry of those behind this campaign to rescind the nomination should have been called out for what it was. Instead it was indulged by weak, hypocritical and craven individuals who could not be any lower if they were underground.

    They have disgraced their office, not that they will care. Their actions lack not so much class as basic human decency. They should be ashamed and castigated as the malevolent, evil bastards they are.


    David (@ibroxrocks)


    They can revoke it but they shouldn’t include health (and in this case it is clearly mental) as the reason. And if they use other rationale such as wife beating or criminal imvestigation or racism then they need to state that. They then need to explain why they employ a racist and why a convicted racist is paid money for footballing services to them. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, buster. said:

    A Hall of Fame statement said "a number of factors" were behind the move.


    It read: "Further to consultation with the chair and members of the Scottish Football Hall of Fame committee, due to a number of factors including ongoing enquiries, and concerns over the state of Paul's health, it has been decided to withdraw the nomination of Paul Gascoigne at this time from this year's nomination process."





    Just read this after I put my own comment in. So mentally ill people are excluded. F**k me ?

  9. If mentally ill, alcoholic,  bipolar people (whatever it is Gaza has but he clearly is not a well man) are excluded we should be told. What is the standard of mental health and associated behavioural norms required for this award?


    I can get why they have done this as times change (rise of women’s fitba etc) but yet again our officials who are paid fortunes demonstrate their inability to think things through and get anything right. 


  10. On 08/10/2018 at 10:44, Rick Roberts said:

    Caught some of the first half on BBC scotland MW. 


    They had 30 mins to fill before the bheasts kicked off at St Johnstone.


    In fairness they actually weren't bad on Rangers after Rapid and appeared to be trying to be complimentary. Prehaps theyve finailly realised Gerrards is building something real?


    One thing that was clear, they didn't have a clue what was happening at Ibrox. Goal reports were from the live feed text. Its an unbelievable situation. No doubt they mobilised dozens of PQ out to Perth or over to Salzburg but they couldn't cover the biggest match of the weekend. 

    For the record and I am sure bbc folk look at this website so you should take note; once the Scottish teams are out of Europe I will be filing an FOI request asking how much has been spent in total covering Scottish teams abroad in Europe by BBC Scotland since Europa league stages commenced nail the end of that stage. If Rangers get further than Celtic I will ask for the amount up to and including Rangers departure. If Celtic go further I will draw stumps at the final point when both were still in the competition. Expenses, non-salaried staff and salaried staff payments, operational costs. If they can’t answer it will be damning on their accounting procedures and their trustworthiness to manage spend and achieve value,  if they can answer it will be damning because we will know where all the money went and at that point I would hope that statements from a selection of disadvantaged Rangers fans who can only access BBC for sports coverage can be collated by someone. We will know then in measurable financial terms how some fans are being impacted and also what the BBC are spending to pursue this agenda of disenfranchisement of licence paying Rangers fans who are dependent on responsible and reasonable coverage of their team. 

  11. 7 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    Reference the future of Chris McLaughlin.


    The new BBC Scotland news channel is expected to launch in February'19. There have been some releases on those staffing the channel. The sharp end Presenters are Martin Geisler(a Jambo) and Rebecca Curran(A Dandy). The News Editor is James Cook(Arab). We remember Cook as the interviewer of McCoist six years past. He, and his then Producer both apologised for deliberately editing their several minute piece, to make it look like McCoist took the subject of sectarianism, flippantly. Basically, they cut the film of McCoist laughing at the start of the interview and spliced it in to his answers on sectarianism. Cook was rewarded with being promoted to the post of BBC's North American correspondent.


    Chris McLaughlin's new designation is primarily with the new channel, he is effectively the Sports Editor. It is beginning to look like the new channel will be populated with those who have performed a rite of passage?

    In most jobs that would be serious misconduct. The bbc then use arguments about journalistic integrity with respect to mcglauchlin. 


  12. 36 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    A figure o fun is just a bluff, so give yourself a treat,

    A figure o fun ain't so tough, so give yourself a seat,

    He's a pysh-stained alchy, a fairly tall dead-beat,

    A figure o fun is just the stuff, to give yourself a treat.


    The Cadbury family are Quakers. They tempered chocolate whilst imbued with temperance. The art of tempering puts the glow on chocolate. Apparently abstinence provides an inner glow? By the time this practice reached Ardrossan, it became corrupted and local bhoy Jim was furiously polishing turds. Practice makes perfect, and to this day no one can put a shine on a shit like Delahunt.


    On Friday last, he announced on social media that he was NOT impressed with Rangers second half performance against Rapid Vienna. He urged his followers to get a wedge on Hearts for the coming Sunday at Ibrox. Jim is much loved by Bookies, their children are privately educated on the back of the former Scotsport presenter's punts. Jim boasts continually of holding accounts with all major Turf Accountants. Bears disagreeing with Jim's jaundiced view were met with further pleas to get the mortgage on his tip, because the prices will only fall, after Hearts victory.


    This morning, Jim decided to desist with the elbow grease. He has withdrawn from social media, because Bears and some others questioned his advice. Well, Jim claims those complaining are imbued with bigotry and wants to protect his children from such scourge. After Murty's dismissal, Jim joined in on the fun. Suggestions by DrStu' and Jum Spence that Rangers should appoint Neil Lennon confused Delahunt. He utilised his social media accounts to broadcast to his 33,000 followers, that Lennon, nor Stevie Clarke would be considered because they were both rc. It was pointed out both Pedro and Le Guen were rc, and they were appointed. 


    This afternoon, Jim has gone all moral. He is playing the victim card for all he is worth(after Bookies takings). Forgetfulness is a trait of alcoholism and I am sure Jim cannot remember his conviction for drink driving? Let's hope young mothers were not transporting children home from school that day! I make it three fingers of fudge so far, that's Spiers, Angela Haggerty and Jim all taking the path of least resistance, blame Rangers supporters for their own failings. A self-help group beckons.

    You missed out I’ll Phil, semicolon Joe and about half a million other Tims ?

  13. 3 hours ago, Ser Barristan Selmy said:

    Relax, I was three sheets to the wind. It's stupid that we're not allowed to sing it though. It's a great song. 

    We can and should sing it but change one word. It is a fantastic war cry and whilst pro footballers are genuinely not intimidated the way we belt that out would be another weapon to return us to fortress Ibrox. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Will the yahoos have their ground closed for making political statements and singing songs glorifying terrorists?


    Parity and all that.

    No. Would it make it better if we both did?  If we had our ground closed for a tie it would cost us a million quid. That buys a player or pays a years wages for a good one. Anyone singing the Billy Boys and knowing the consequences are potentially damaging the club. 


    Why folk cant change one word is beyond me. 

  15. Ser Barristan has conditional praise on Alfredo, highlights Billy Boys and all in one thread. Meanwhile everyone else sees the positives. 


    Just one month after dismissing Alfredo and refusing to answer the question I asked the previous time you had a go about how much he is worth. I’ll ask you again. What is your valuation?  



  16. 4 hours ago, Frankie said:

    That midfield three does work - that was obvious from their second half showing.


    They just need to maintain a higher intensity and offer more belief like they did in the second half compared to the first.


    The good news is with Jack, Rossiter and Dorrans all pretty much available now too, we have plenty of options if player A or B doesn't do that.

    We really miss the composite Jack brings. He takes balls off defenders and we build better from the back. Our CHs sometimes lack composure and we end up starting poor sequences of possession with poor distribution from the CHs. 

  17. 16 minutes ago, rbr said:

    Frankie , apart from his Morelos nonsense , I can't disagree with much of what he said written , it's only an opinion , but I thought we were rank rotten in the first half , our first shot on goal was when we scored , that midfield 3 simply gives me the fear , it doesn't work , we play far to often Lat and don't get in betweenness position lines .


    2 nd half was totally different  and the ending as I said earlier left me hoarse. , a proper Ibrox European night , but we need to improve in midfield , again any money we have for transfers in January need to go to a proper centre mid .

    I agree with that. I was hoping stevie g would make a change more quickly. I can’t agree with him that we were outstanding for 90 minutes. I thought we were very good in the second half but not with so much craft when we basically ran them off their feet. 


    However Rapid were a very clever team and quite cynical and at all times I felt (even in the first half) that if we could get a lead we could give them a going over. I think there was a nervousness in the first half as the players worked out Rapid and then Stevie obviously had wise words at half time. Should take a lot of confidence from that and hopefully our players start to learn that they are the 2nd half team in terms of capability. 

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