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Everything posted by Barebear

  1. I'm sure he's got a good grasp of the game and he does talk a fair bit of sense on RTV, but I sometimes cringe when I hear him shouting on the team in commentary. Shug Burns is the same in terms of the commentary but Lovenkrands has far more understanding of the game in general.
  2. Only one thing will keep these kinds of boys in our academy, leave the Scottish league. Until then all of our best youths and seniors will get plucked for the going rate. I agree that it would be fantastic to retain the likes of Billy Gilmore but I think it's just not possible when there is the combination of the lure of the EPL for the kid and a windfall for us.
  3. This is a no brainer. Sell the boy, take the money. Wonder-kids are rarely ever all they are cracked up to be. For every one Billy Gilmore, John Fleck, Danny Wilson, etc, who have been the next big thing, there's an under the radar success like Barry Ferguson or Shagger. But more importantly, there are hundreds from that level who don't become the next Messi or Rooney. From the RFC website: Lewis McLeod, Fraser Aird, Barrie McKay, Chris Hegarty, Robbie Crawford, Rhys McCabe, Andy Mitchell, Kane Hemmings, Thomas Kind Bendiksen, Ross Perry, Darren Cole, Jamie Ness, Kyle Hutton, Gregg Wylde, Andrew Little, Jordan McMillan, Andrew Murdoch, Tom Walsh, Danny Stoney, Luca Gasporrotto, Kyle MacAusland, Scott Gallacher, Calum Gallagher, Charlie Telfer and Ryan Hardie.
  4. There is a lot of talk of what the solution is, where to go next. From Ernie Walker to Malky McKay, via Germans and Dutch at various levels trying to tell us how it should be done, we have been all over the place for 30 years!! So what's the answer? Do we return to a Schools system that served us well bringing through the likes of Kenny Dalgleish, et al? What is a modern version of a system like that? Do we continue to explore what works for other successful countries and give that a go? It worked for Germany 12 years ago, so can we do that? Is that what Malky's doing? Or is Malky bringing the English system to Scotland? Should we follow the Welsh system and punt the two biggest teams into the English league, dock the tail of the SPFL, and let it 'flourish' at a lower level? Any other ideas? Personally, I reckon it has to be number three. The best Scottish players will NEVER get better playing in a stunted SPFL especially with Rangers & Them still in the league. The Old Firm and potentially some of the other regular top 6, need to be in the top flight of English football (probably only the old firm) or some other elite league structure to let the players get better. These players still want to play for the Old Firm at a young age, but their development can't bridge the gap between SPFL level and European International or Elite League level. Wales, NI & Republic of Ireland often punch above their weight at International level, in my opinion, because they recognise their leagues are poor, and actively send all of their best players to England. That does not happen in Scotland, not because the players are not good enough, but because at a young age, all the best players are at the Old Firm and just don't get the level of competition or coaching required. I believe all of the Scottish national team should come from outside the SPFL. Even if that happens, there are still so many questions to answer. How did Scottish clubs manage to become successful in Europe in the 80's with all of the best players down in England? How can we stir up the passion in today's kids that I had as a boy in the 80's? Are the Old Firm really good for Scottish Football? Who is next in the procession of fixers after Malky McKay? In football terms, what is the "Scottish Way", have we lost our identity?
  5. Strange one for me. I'd never want to see Scotland lose (same for Rangers), but I'm desperate for Strachan to get punted. I was listening to the game on the radio and kind of half celebrated as the goal went in. Strange feeling.
  6. On the bench as coaches you mean Steve? Murty looks like he could be doing with some sports science before he pulls even a subs trackie on
  7. OK, I won't answer... Rhetorically, however, I wonder how Murty will fare with the U20's now that the club's Plan B is not to do Plan A better? I look forward to the day we get the Reserve league back and there's a much better mix of players for Murty to work with. He's got my full trust to bring first teamers back from injury, and boost confidence when they are out of the loop.
  8. Rush of blood to the head more than likely but I've said it now. At least I think we can do Dolly twice.
  9. I wonder if St Mirren are still the best team they've played this season?
  10. I think we can beat Aberdeen twice, and gain another five points on them by a combination of them losing and drawing. I think we can win all bar one of our remaining league games.
  11. Awesome work by all concerned. Murty deserves massive credit. Warburton wouldn't have got us anything there. I repeat what I've said about them, they can't get any better than they have been this season. It's not possible in Scotland. I have got a great feeling about our chances over the next couple of seasons. Every chance we can do something in the cup too. They'll be rattled but we need to beware of a back lash. Great days work bears.
  12. What a test of character for our guys. Time to step up.
  13. Ha ha. You could get that German/Austrian feed up and listen to whatever language that is.
  14. I don't know whether Brenda has had a game plan of allowing us to have the ball and breaking fast or we have actually been able to dominate at times. Either way, we've had some good spells, so I don't think all is lost. How will our fitness go in the second half?
  15. I agree. As far as playing football goes, they're not out playing us at all.
  16. We're not out of this game yet. Hyndman and McKay can make the difference if they get their act together. There's nothing to lose now for those up the park, as long as we stay tight at the back though.
  17. Long day for the Aussie based bears, but there's no way around it I'm afraid. 11pm kick of here in Eastern Oz so for those of us with kids, it could be a 20 hour day. Lucky it's a public holiday here tomorrow. I must admit I'm not looking forward to this. Even the best Rangers teams perpetually struggled at the midden, so if this team takes a draw I will be ecstatic. Despite the time, I will stay for the full 90. No subway loyal even in Canberra ? The rhetoric from them, - from all quarters, current players, staff and ex players and even no marks like that thug, - is sickeningly arrogant. If we can silence them that will be nice. Another thing, we put them out of the cup and they stepped up a gear. I really don't think they can take it up much further in Scotland so that's the level we need to reach.
  18. Not sure, he certainly isny any better than Halliday.
  19. Hyndman is making Toral look pointless. Total was a passenger.
  20. Glad I postponed my commute this morning!!! Could have been 4 there
  21. How surprised are you that this happened?
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