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Everything posted by Barebear

  1. Loved Tom Miller's quote "If the rain gets any heavier down there in the dugout area, Ian Cathie might be out of his depth" ?
  2. I didn't bother tuning in to this one. Sounds like I missed a miracle!! Either that or we are really quite fit and came onto a game late when Thistle's legs had gone.
  3. It's almost impossible to predict what Pedro will do. He's that type and seems to me to be very strong minded. However if the media are to be believed then he wants to bring in 12 new players so it can conceivably be drawn that he wants rid of 12 of the current squad. So that would include Hyndma and Toral, leaving 10 others to be shown the door. Look to the bench for most of those. MOH, Halliday, Windass, Hodson, Kiernan, Garner, Senderos plus another 3?
  4. I just read that mate, so back to edit the post. Cheers
  5. Interesting. He is a bit like Clint Hill the way he dives in, wrestling players and gets his body in the way. No fear by the looks of him. Definitely potential but heavily favours his right side.
  6. Quite unbelievable how they use the fact that KM owns the house, but has nothing else to do with him. It's not even well written. Someone with better ability than me can snip the article so that the DR don't get the hits! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/kenny-millers-villa-raided-police-10325081
  7. Fair enough if he's ill. However it's peculiar that he's limited it to Old Firm games. Certainly one for his parent club to deal with and if it is stress/depression then it needs treated early. We certainly can't have anyone not 100% fit.
  8. Think I've missed the Toral thing, what's going on there?
  9. He was my vote for Player of the year. https://streamable.com/4lbc1
  10. Bed for me mate. End of this nightmare season can't come quick enough. At least we got 1 draw, so they can't claim they took everything from us. Looking forward to next season with a fresh start!!
  11. Even if we come back for a commendable draw (unlikely I know), the 'business case' for Pedro to spend whatever budget is available has written itself.
  12. To be fair, this mob should be destroying us, but chances have been few. I don't quite get the reason why. It's not like them to have us on a plate and not really stick the knife in.
  13. Sad news for any ex Bear to die, but my God this is a big shock! Very Sad. Incidentally, Kenny Miller with an assist for the big mans goal.
  14. Make it £30k and they'd not be so keen on playing that daft game. Whatever the fee is, it should be calculated to make the risk of losing it a factor in deciding whether or not to lodge. I'm sure the smart people with Blazers can do that calculation, or at least consult someone who can.
  15. And the fee should be prohibitive. Is it not currently around the £150 mark?
  16. I have no issues with this wanker playing. I also have no issues with Garner not playing. We need to truly measure ourselves against the best they can muster to give Pedro a clear indication of who to bring in. Besides, Holt is coming onto a game and can run the legs off Broon. Their midfield is not great (especially with Rogic out), it's wide and through the middle we need to worry about.
  17. Tom Miller said something at the end of the game that I wanted from us, and got in spades. He said we "slapped Aberdeen down" which made me smile. And I'm coming around to Shug Burns co commentary style. He's still a wee bit OTT but he does have a decent insight and talks some sense between the cringe worthy shouts of "EE'S IN TAM, GON YERSEL SON GO ON GO ON!!!!" ?
  18. Ah ok ? Then your buffering is probably your VPN.
  19. And it's our (expats) way of paying into the club.
  20. Time to send this shower of scum a clear message today!!! They actually think they've knocked us down to at least third force for good!!!! Pedro is right. We need to show the anger and passion that puts these fuckers in their place. Twice. Then destroy them next season and watch them battle for a to six place!!!
  21. You'll find it eventually. As long as you're logged in, when you click on the link for the game, assuming the stream is live, pre match there's a short build up, it will just play. My issue is in regard to viewing the game itself. I want to watch on TV, not an iPad or PC. But I find it a struggle to get it on my telly at a decent level of quality. I've got a fairly decent HD telly, not a smart TV. Being an Apple device and PC user, it's not a simple process to get it going through the telly since Safari won't stream RTV. So I use Puffin browser on my iPad and plug it directly into my HD port on the telly via an Apple HD adapter cable. The quality is poor but I can't get it any better. I tried hooking up the PC to the telly but that's a pain in the arse every time, and mirroring the iPad to Apple TV buffers too much. Any suggestions would be great.
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