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Everything posted by buba3d

  1. i was worried that barry was going off and whittaker was coming on for him. that's a true captain and i hope he never leaves and that all so goes to novo.
  2. i can just see it now "bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy na na na arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
  3. lee lee super f'n lee. get in there 3-1 6 points to play for, 4 points is a must.
  4. get in there my son, long may this continue.
  5. WTF 12K is what they got fined. fuck right off.
  6. what dida did could have resulted in a riot, as for what miko 2 did, well hes gommy cunt who'll be hounded to death by the ibrox boo boys unless a drastic injury forces him not to play against us.:devil:
  7. i have to say ours was the best and here's why. a 1-1 draw at motherwell, we then head to france and beat a team who's been champions for six seasons in a row, you might say lyon team is a shaddow of its formerself, hell you could say the same about an attrious ac milan side.
  8. also i'd like to extend my congratulations as well.
  9. brilliant result for them and also for scottish football. that's roughly what you guys where saying about timmy in that other thread
  10. funny that when you considder, if hibs have been the feeder club for celtic then why didn't they get hold of andy goram, one of the greatest keepers to step between the sticks.
  11. mine LMAO, i couldn'r rip the version from uefa.com so i had to make do with a cam coder. lol:uzi:
  12. when do uefa.com show highlights? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SzLL_67c5qY
  13. i think champions league games should be on bbc and itv, not everyone can get a dish where they are.
  14. mother fuckers changed 2 games i wanted to see barca lyon and of course us. (this is what it was ment to be like) WTF that came out very very wrong
  15. anyways libor sionko is playing against roi and is looking good
  16. don't you mean can't? now i don't know about you but this struck me odd. when setanta showed the highlights of the gretna game he said darchville however on RTV when they showed the full game he said darkville. so it was either darkville or darchville.
  17. he skinned aids boy on saturday, not once but twice, it was great to see.
  18. i agree however the only problem with that is copyright issues, thats the reason why rangers can't play the original song or else every time they played the song they'd have to pay some sort of royalty.
  19. when do we play france, i was told it was next week yet thats when we have the champions leage start up. WTF
  20. buba3d

    Run DMB????

    an old computer command
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