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Everything posted by buba3d

  1. lol rangers are absolute pish yet hearts have went through 3 managers in the past 2 seasons yet still managed to finish 2nd yet we're struggling.
  2. Prso i think and clement are on the bench
  3. Why don't celtic just buy hibs? might as well at this rate.
  4. He's got more eye problems than colshy, if you get what i'm saying.
  5. Hopefully the motherwell players don't take this opertunity slide all over the park.
  6. I remember those 4 goals he let in at ibrox and in germany. Don't care what anybody says, he's a legend who should have got some caps in the german squad but of course you had a cunt by the name of khan and that other fairy who's way over rated. See you klos:thup:
  7. Oh god no, not another gobshite, what's with rangers plc keeping gobshite players. You know just to clarify this, i'm joking and it's indeed good news for us and scottish football to have a great talent like his. It can only be good for the game and scotland when he gets his call up.
  8. From the bottom of my heart, that's fantastic news. No and i'm not being sarcastic either.
  9. Can you not tell i'm joking. FFS
  10. He let fireworks off at 2am and he fucked jordan, is that not good enough? te hee te hee.
  11. He's a stupid guy if he sings that contract, if it was me i'd tear the some bitch up and chuck it in there faces, oh and stick two fingers up at glasgow rangers on the way out. ----------------------- ---------->this is a joke<-------------------- -----------------------
  12. I forgot the ibrox & online boo boys hated him, good luck nando
  13. I think we need two tall looking defenders, we need a bit of height in the team because wee seem to be week in that department. You know over the years that seems to be our main problem and that's the defence, even when gough and big dave where in the team. Need a player like butcher who's not affraid to head anything that moves. hehe
  14. This is the type of player we need to sit infront of the defence, he'll do the job for us like the same job lennon does for celtic but..........................of course the media will slate him because he doesn't do enough unlike lennon who's the best in the country.......................Righhhhhhhhhhhht. Good to see him back, i think he'll get about 10 mins or so against motherwell.
  15. The thing is, the ref blew the whistle before the shot was taken, now onto the penalty award i saw somebody hoist mr sutton in he air, did you not see the puppet strings flapping about in the wind? yeah me neither.
  16. You're right m8, he came from some semi pro irish club and then was head hunted by tony.
  17. Sproule boyhood allegiance to rangers
  18. Well bazza for one, the other looks to be bardsley and i wouldn't want to mess with sebo cause he looks a real nutter.
  19. Scott brown is a hothead, we don't need another hothead in the team.
  20. The rumors are fricken false Bardsley hasn't been sent home nor has martin, bardsley is on the bench and martin will shift onto the right hand side.
  21. Who cares, he was shite then and he's still shite now, very very over rated.
  22. Nacho Novo gets a start on thursday and will play on the wing, so that pretty much confirms the two exits of bardsley and martin. Sack two players two sdays before a european game, is not on. I wonder if there would have been an outcry if eck did the same thing.
  23. 5 live is now saying he's not the only man u player to be sent home. they're not meaning martin are they?
  24. Well his loan contract has been terminated *radio clyde* and five live.
  25. stew that is correct, he flew back home at 4pm this afternoon. What the hell is going on with le guen ?
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