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Everything posted by buba3d

  1. Could be doing with lovenkrands just about now, lmao
  2. was this one of those dodgy offside goals, i ask this because he's clearly wee offside yet still runs while the shots been taken? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMjuVKfxwlw
  3. If he has any sense, Get away from ibrox and don't look back. However i do hope he stays cause he's a smashing wee winger just a pitty about the finnished product.
  4. Bring back novo, bring in N'dyae and steven lennon.
  5. I hope a naked smalace sits on your face for that:admin:
  6. What's with the "txt" speak you do know it's not "leet" it's simply plain lazy.
  7. Great group for us however i don't see us getting to the next stage, if teams like molde, the pars and hibs can get past our defence countless times then say good night vienna.
  8. I got a link now so wooooooooooooo
  10. The wee fuck aids took burkey's shoulder out, watch the replays its so blatant. I hope aids dies of aids the wee turncoat.
  11. My view on it is simple, if barry got a slight touch to the ball before bourc then it's a clear cut red card for bourc and a penalty to us again that's if bourc brought down fergusson.
  12. Well as i was passing the gallow gate in a taxi, something i thought i'd never see and that was a huge brawl going on yes of course it was old firm related however, what i saw was unbeliveable *sp Celtic fans brawling with....... other celtic fans, no rangers fans insight which i thought was quite funny, as of typing this out i've just got word that the brawl has escilated *sp over to the glasgow green, police vans, squad cars, riot squads, ambulances are all out on force toight. I just wonder if this will make the headlines.
  13. Mr le guen again got his tatics wrong, no suprises there.
  14. Prso has been ruled out for todays game and that includes the bench Bastards setenta are GRR he's playing
  15. To be honest i think it's time to deploy the french formation, the same formation we set out against motherwell cause i seriously think that's our chance to destroy celtics defence.
  16. buba3d


    The rangers team confidence is an all time low, what the hell has happened to this team? Thank god i have to go to work in 15 mins means i wont have to suffer this shite.
  17. buba3d


    stop looking at the male totty thread.
  18. buba3d


    McGregor Hutton Papac Hemdani Smith Burke Rae Adam Sionko Boyd Novo Novo in defence?
  19. buba3d


    ______________________McGregor________________ Hutton_________sven________Barsley________Papac Sionko/novo_________Hemdani_________rae____ ________Adam __________________Boyd________Sebo I don't hold any hope for tonight
  20. Clement is ijured and wont play
  21. if he's found guilty tomorrow, he then misses the cup game and saturday's game, they said if he is found guilty then he will be hit with a lenghy ban.
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