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Profit Squad

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Everything posted by Profit Squad

  1. Hey guys we have changed the promo offer to make it even better! You can trial it for 10 days absolutely free!! visit this link: http://profitsquad.co.uk/promo-trial/?utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=10day_free_trial&utm_source=gersnet&utm_content=CHFOSO
  2. Hi Blueflag, sorry you gave it up so quickly. I would like to point out a few things for the benefit of other readers though. Firstly your final sentence, is that your own system or ours? Because we never put our members in a position where it would matter if the horse/team won or lost because you back and lay everything. Money goes up in one site and down in another or vice versa depending on whether or not the horse/team won. As for 'the system' we provide, well it is many systems really. Free bets are the beginning, but there are loads of different offers. I make most of my earnings through casino and bingo offers. Additionally, our dutching spreadsheet, and I'm not even referring to race with an extra place here - gives you a risk free shot at winning big. Yesterday's 14:40 at Bangor made those members who got involved over 300 quid for a 600 quid outlay covering every horse at varying odds. Stakes were calculated so it was not possible to lose. Had the fave won we'd have broken even. But do these races regularly and these winners arent rare. We get easily 4 or 5 a month on average over the course of the year, even if they are sometimes clustered together during the same week with a few barren spells in between. But this effort took about 30 - 45 mins yesterday. Boom 300+ quid. Any members on here who have signed up can check yesterday's horse racing forum thread on our site and see that this happened with the spreadsheet and suggested stakes uploaded by myself that morning. Anyone feel free to verify. You absolutely can use our site to make decent money week in week out. Those who positively approach it and try to learn how to do a little of everything make consistent profits every month. Your friend at Sky Bet, sure these bookies are employing strategies to detect us, just as we are always looking to counter these with attempts to stay under the radar. Everyone will lose one or most their bookie accounts sooner or later depending on how much they are blatantly taking the piss, plenty of ways to make this less likely though. Interested if your friend knows anything about the Sky roulette loophole we all ripped between about 1 and 6k each from last August over about 48 hours. Pretty sure it cost their company millions in one weekend. I managed to keep my sky account intact for a whole 13 months after that until I finally lost it recently. So yeah, sure there are hurdles, but this is a game with all kinds of opportunities. Mix up your free bets with casino, bingo and dutching, throw a few mug bets in (which you lay on the exchange) and you soon blend in with regulars. a 100 quid bet on a team priced at 1/5 can often be laid so that no matter what you lose about a quid, well worth it to throw them off the scent looking like someone who would risk 100 to win just 20. Do a little of everything on our site and once you have built your bank up a little you can expect about 10k in a year for a few hours here and there at home on the couch. Easy money Apologies, just to reiterate, you've already decided it isnt for you but just want to respond to your criticisms with useful info for others who may consider joining. Cheers, Davy
  3. How is everyone getting on? would be great to see how your all doing
  4. Wow that sounds very harsh! I wouldn't worry you rarely see them on the calendar so they dont offer many good reload offers anyway! Dont think I even have an account with them at all!
  5. Nice! Do you have a link? if its a permanent offer I will get it added to the site!
  6. Have you found the training section? There's over 30 lessons there, and also a 60+ page ebook (for those who like to read!) that goes over everything in a lot of detail. Even if you have the accounts open though, we still recommend watching the videos in the matched betting tutorial. So if you did this, and got lost along the way, please by all means tell us as much info as you can about what is confusing you, what you would like us to explain differently / additionally. We're always looking for ways to improve our training - it's honestly pretty rare that we get any input on this now so we assume the training is to a good standard (many people tell us so) but I am sure there is still room for improvement, so keen to pick your brains on any input there.
  7. Great glad you are taking a look and getting stuck in. If anything seems overly complicated or difficult to understand, please let us know as we're always keen to learn how we can improve the training (and overall experience) to make it as easy and approachable as possible. For those who are concerned this is geared towards new customer offers, this is just a common misconception. There is of course over £1000 to be made from sign up offers, which may sound like a lot of money, but in the scheme of things, it's not really compared to the potential you can get out of our service. If you check your "account" page you will see a monthly breakdown of the EV and guaranteed profit available from the offers purely posted on our calendar. These offers are purely for EXISTING customers, after you have opened an account. You'll see the total for the year is currently £12k+ and while it may be unreasonable to expect anyone to do every single offer we post, you can realistically out-earn this figure by doing the other offers that do not carry a guaranteed profit figure (for instance, offers that are risk free and give a 50% chance of a free bet won't carry a figure) Has anyone checked out the "Extra Places" & "Each Way Dutching" yet? These are 2 fantastic opportunities to make £100+ from a single horse race, without any free bets or bonuses involved (you also don't need to know anything about horses!). They're maybe a bit advanced for newbies to start off with - but that comes back to what I'm saying, that the sign-up offers are basically just to help you learn the ropes, the real income comes later. There is huge amounts of profit to be made from these, I have attached a couple of screenshots of some recent results, so you can get an idea of just how good it can be!
  8. Thats the great thing with this, you do not need luck, just the ability to watch and repeat videos because we are matching each bet making it risk free we do not need luck, just free bets and bonus's which the bookies give out all the time
  9. Awesome! Sounds like you have done it all correctly! In regards to the next offer, you can go straight onto the next one if you like. The only reason people wouldnt really is just because of money, if they need to wait for the funds from coral and betfair to clear before they can afford to deposit into the next offer. So if you have the money to deposit into William Hill and money in betfair to lay the bets then you can crack on with them straight away
  10. Try this one - we'll get the link in the OP ammended, thanks for letting us know.
  11. Did you sign up? The dedicated support is via email, the forum is merely a better place to ask some questions so you can pick the brains of other members. But any regular support can all be handled via email or over the phone. Bad timing on the phone call as we're unable to take calls today but most days it's fine. It's easier if you arrange a call with us though, which can be done either daytime or evenings or weekends. Just not Wednesdays or Sundays unless pre-arranged. Regarding it being time consuming, what gave you that impression? You should be able to make your first £15 in 15 minutes (as shown in the first video) generally you will find it all gets easier and faster the more you do it. Like learning any new skill there can be a bit of a learning curve, but show me another way to make £1k+per month that lets you get started within 15 minutes and we'll be impressed! I usually liken matched betting to learning to drive. You might spend 30 hours on driving lessons but once you finish it, you're not worrying about gears, mirrors and whatnot, it all sinks in and becomes 2nd nature. The same is true for matched betting. Some people are making far more money than we state (but we try to keep it realistic/modest) so if it were difficult to make say £500/month then how would it be possible for some members to be making £4k+? The answer is, most people who have got passed the "learning the ropes" stage are able to make £500/month in just 1-2 hours per week. That's a significant hourly rate!
  12. There are lots of reloads though. Bingo, casino reloads too of course. One additional feature we have though is a dutching service, where we show you the races to use our unique spreadsheet to back every horse, guaranteeing a profit of typically between 2 and 20% of your outlay cheers Davy
  13. Your in the same boat as most of us here then! Majority of our members have never gambled in their life! We all enjoying make some cash at the bookies expense! Feel free to check out some of our posts on other forums where you can read posts from people like yourself that was skeptical, but after joining they were sold and are now full members! Here is our last forum we done: http://spurscommunity.co.uk/index.php?threads/new-betting-loophole-%E2%80%93-quick-easy-money-with-profit-squad.126464/
  14. Hi Tannochsidebear, Its a "Similar" thing yes. However the reason we have come after the others is purely becuase we have more to offer and were a far bigger community, over double to size. We have other strategies unique to our site and a lot more tools in the pipeline If you have tried the other service I really would urge you to give us a go as I am confidant we will not disappoint! Thanks Joe
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