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Everything posted by bluedan

  1. 1-1 with us to do them in the 2nd leg. Davis to score
  2. Ronnie will surely go down as one of the greatest in the last 25 years. A tank of a man with that turn of pace. Always mind when playing for Brazil he was through one on one,did a few step overs and left the keeper on his arse before slotting home. Was a shame he's been blighted by injury but still left some unforgettable memories.
  3. I watched the game in some pub in Melbourne, i'd had quite a few shots and beers so my judgement wasn't the best ;-) but even a drunken jakey such as myself could see how impressive Bartley was. He's a mountain of a lad, a proper athlete. Hope it continues, and as for Healy, well dreams do come true, lets hope another comes true against the Mhanks cause he will be itching to score.
  4. I agree, he was off when the inital shot went in but wasn't interfering with play i.e blocking the view of the keeper. He's then run back onside and the ball has come to him at this moment so i think it should have been aloud. They need to stop changing the offside rule, tad confusing to exactly know the can's and can't do's.
  5. Point 5 is interesting about the comment made about Murray. Why would he now want to sell. As you say, debt may well have been reduced and we have been successful. At the start of the season you can see that we also have 3 very sellable assets in Shagger, Davis and Bougie. Now you could probebly add Ness to that, pretty sure by the end of the season he could have 20 plus games under his belt and perhaps do a Wilson (hope not). Also of course Naisey just signed a new deal so we could get top bucks for him (b ut with Bain handling things we'd be sure to lose out on 4 million). I think Murray is thinking of holding out...
  6. Could be an inspired signing for us. The guy oppo fans LOVE to hate. Thing i've always admired about Diouf is his workrate and passion, he's got that and you don't get African player of the year if you don't have a fair amount of talent. He sounds excited about the move, i think we got a great signing here.
  7. Glad Webster is off the books along with Beattie. Dead wood be gone.
  8. I think a 4-3-1-2 could be worth a go Davis Jig Edu/Ness Fleck/Weiss Naisy Jela
  9. Has Shagger grown a few inches in height during the past couple of months??? Last we heard Villa thought he was too small. Idiots, Klos wasnt a tall keeper yet he was a legend and a CL winner. Goram also wasnt very tall for a keeper and was world class. Bartez won everything and he was a midget.
  10. 100% agree. Still to this day i've never seen ANYONE turn a player as quickly and effectively as Mols could. Not Maradona,Pele,ZZ, Ronaldo,Messi...none of them could turn they way MM could.
  11. bluedan

    Hello Hello

    Met up with Smalce when i was last back in the UK (dec 2010) We went to the St Johnston game together. He's lost heaps of weight and is looking well. I know his views were extreme but i've always had good banter with him. Infact he hosted me at his old place in Belfast for the weekend when i went to Gers v Linfield. If i remember,i met Cammy F and his Mrs along with the First ever Gersnet flag. He's a good lad and still in regular touch on FB. Welcome back Jimll, old Gernest days returning? All good.
  12. While I agree with you, are you saying they're the answer right now? Cause right now we need experience and for our senior members of our squad to haul us back out of the hole they've put us into. Must say, and this is my first comment about the game on here, but I wouldn't say it's time to hit the panic stations yet. We have big players,key players to come back in and our key players on the day all had an off game(miller,boogie,shagger,Davis). I'll prefer to wait and see the reaction from the team over the next 3 games because one thing this team do have is heart which we have ALL seen. Our mistake was on Sunday was that we didn't build on a good start,they got confident and in the end wanted it more. Was impressed by young Ness,would like to see him given more time but Walter will,and rightfully so,stay loyal to the regulars in order to see a reaction from them.
  13. Great photo's. Only fitting that the 40th anniversary game should be at Ibrox, will be a very special occasion.
  14. Gordon Ramsey has had a couple of restaurants close on him in his peak and he's still one of the greatest chefs/buisnessmen around. No one's perfect.
  15. Great news. The wee man has shown his strength to come back and play well and consistantly after countless long lay off's. Could a be a future captain for me...i like the way he's handled his buisness. I had no idea they were negotiating his contract. But it seems it was done very quickly which to me shows his commitment to the club. He wasn't interested in getting dragged into all the speculation crap with Barcelona being interested or whoever the gutter press feel like making up on the day. He just wants to play for Rangers. Get the young lads tied up,get Shagger,miller,bougie and Sasa tied up and we'll have the spine of our team for the next 5 years.
  16. The pic with the brunette looks nothing like Shagger and the first one is so blurred it's inconclusive. P.S Shagger's Mrs is pretty rank. How fake can you get??
  17. Joke and i hate it. They do this in the Aussie rules. Top 8 go into knock outs. So if you finish top after winning the 'Minor premiership' as they call it, you get a rest for a few weeks while the teams that finish 8th and 7th play each other and so on. Couple of years ago Hawthorn beat Geelong in the 'Grand Final' to win the Premiership title. It was the only game Geelong lost all season. Complete joke of a system. It wouldn't work, this system doesnt belong in football and would make a complete farce (even more a farce) of Scottish football. Here's an idea for the Dundee Utd's of this world, if you want to compete then dont sell your best players to the OF...
  18. Thing about Goram was that he probebly made about 5 or 6 real costly mistakes in his whole Rangers career. Unbelievable consistancy. Weigh it up against the points he won us, and we can let him of with the odd blunder :-0
  19. Shagger would have held it ;-)
  20. Did you watch the video? Until i watched it i thought the same thing, mainly cause it's an independant survey. But after that video and hearing what he say's, Stand up and take a bow Mr Mcleash. Everything he said there is what the fans want and what the old fuddy duddy's that head up the SFA,SPL and SFL have been failing to admit for YEARS. We're stuck in a time warp in Scotland, we need dracstic change because it is stale. We need new ideas and as Mcleash say's, why is there an SFL and SPL? Merge them because in recent times ala Mcgregor being suspended for the 'Kick' and Samuass not getting anything for a knee to shaggers head, the fans have no clue who is responsible for 1. coming up with such a stupid foggy law in the game and 2. Who the hell sits round a table and makes the call that this incident isn't deamed violent but this one is??? No one seems accountable, that needs to change. Our procedures ARE extremely outdated and it's no wonder why our game is on its knee's. Goes all the way to the Junior football, only recently at long long last have the started to include Junior teams in the Scottish cup which, if you look at England and the FA cup, as long as your club meets FA standards (ground,facilities) you can play in the FA cup. Why did it take us so long to click on and allow this? Again, outdated and minds with no vision in charge of our game. Well done Mr Mcleash and thank you, someone with a bit of clout has finally stood up and revealed what a sham and state our game is in and offered the necessary solutions.
  21. Heard it was cause his fiance was shagging one of his team mates. Obvious rumour to start though...What a shame,always is very sad to hear news like this.
  22. In this situation the player usually gets his way. I'm pretty happy as he'll surely go back to Boca (they need him) and if he does i'll be able to see him play when i go to see the derby there next year:-) City will struggle BIG time without Tevez's guts and determination.
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