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Everything posted by lenny3k

  1. Yes, apparently my other half said our wedding tasting tonight takes precendence so I will be watching the game tomorrow morning, hopefully having not seen the result
  2. This, of course, is by no means a justification, its a problem in itself...
  3. bare in mind we have a higher quantity of players in the first team squad earning first team wages...
  4. Depends on the weather for me, if not Paris, I enjoy a tour around Benelux
  5. I particularly enjoyed him not shirking at the physicality and even dealing some out himself, should quieten down the "He can't hack the physical side" comments for at least 23/24 hours
  6. I don't know, I think (hope)Beale is being smart in saying it won't be a huge rebuild in the summer and keeping his cards close to his chest for a number of reasons, admintting the squad needs to be completely rebuilt has no positives that I can see.... Firstly, the current squad, they're failing and underperforming enough as it is, it won't help to basically admit he has already made up his mind on the players that he doesn't trust and wants rid of as they could effectively chuck him under the bus and get fans more on his back. Secondly, any prospective players clubs knowing we want to do a large rebuild could put us in a worse barganing position for any transfers as we'll be desperate to get players in and quick so we can maximise squad cohesion time. That also works the other way, clubs knowing we're desperate to offload players quickly, again, puts us at a disadvantage when negotiating transfer fees/payoffs.
  7. This was my exact thought, the returning players, specifically Souttar and Yilmaz are returning in positions we have been stronger in under Beale.....
  8. There was a comment from Beale towards the end of the transfer window that made me think this was going to happen, was surprised it didn't when Raskin came in... Correct decision all the same I think, squad is too big as it is and everybody needs game time to prove whether they can be part of the team going forward
  9. Rangers 2 - 2 Celtic fgs Tavernier (pen) Win it in ET
  10. Tillman was more or less unplayable so I gave it to him but I could so easily have given it to Raskin as well. Really looking forward to seeing how he develops given how much football he's missed over the last few months with Liege
  11. Is this game actually on RangersTV live? I heard it was only being broadcast live on HeartsTV...
  12. 2M Euros is a lot, however, waiting til the Summer brings a lot more competition for the signing and takes away the guarantee that we would get him as there would be no rush for him to sign a pre-contract with us, rather wait until see what teams come in for him. The money has been paid this window to mitigate the risk of another club coming in and turning his head with a contract offer better than ours.... Or thats what I'm telling myself
  13. Rumours on Twitter today we are potentially trying to punt Morelos to Inter Milan
  14. How does anybody know for sure that Whittaker was ever in the squad for the game on Saturday? How does anybody know it wasn't Swansea pulling a bluff to try and get us to up our offer, a bluff that we called?
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