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Boogie Man

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Posts posted by Boogie Man

  1. We need to have the players and the support aware of when a new manager is coming in. The level of uncertainty is causing the problems on the pitch to be worse.

    If we continue with Murty there is a real possibilty that we will lose 4th and european football. If this is the case will this affect our ability to get the manager we want.

    If we are going with DOF he needs to have a say in the first team coach being appointed. The first team coach picks the team but contract details, player recruitment and youth development and putting in place a real scouting network,have to be with the DOF.


    It seems as though the Board wanted MW out but havent lined anyone up to replace him.

    This void is causing the team to fold. They have to get someone who is willing to do it for a few months if our first choice FDB is saying he cant start until May.

    God help who ever did come in javing to sort that defence, non existant midfield and attack.

    The manager should only pick those who have desire and fight even if they are 16 or 17, as those players on the pitch go into hiding when the going gets tough.

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