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Favourite Rangers Player

  • Favourite Rangers Player
  1. Youve just threatened me with a ban for calling you a clown yet you come on making outrageous comments point scoring about child sexual abuse. Stop deluding yourself. You and all the other idiots that rant about sex abuse like they really care, more like petty point scoring over another football team. Go on , ban me, shut me up CLOWN.
  2. The guys giving his opinion on football matters and you feel the need to bring up the fact he was raped as a child? Zip it you utter clown.
  3. So they were in effect expecting McDonald to cheat and not score against them so Celtic would win the league? Typically gaining an advantage over their rivals by dishonest means as they can't do it honestly on the park. In recent years they've progressed because we've been demoted out the league. It's the only way they could do it. No dignity, no class.
  4. Scotland have always bored me anyhow but like I say, definitely not supporting a team brown plays in.
  5. Come on England. Could never support any team that Scott brown played in.
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