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Everything posted by bmck

  1. ... before he's past it! Wish it was now. http://www.football.co.uk/rangers/gattuso_targets_rangers_return_235616.shtml Italy midfielder Gennaro Gattuso has promised to return to Rangers before the end of his career. The World Cup winner was a firm favourite with the Ibrox faithful during a 15-month spell in Glasgow early in his career, but manager Dick Advocaat did not share the fans' enthusiasm and sold Gattuso to Salernitana in 1998. The 28-year-old, who now plays his club football for AC Milan, is still annoyed about Advocaat's decision and has told Gers chairman David Murray that he feels he was unfinished business in Scotland. He said: "I don't know when it will happen but it will happen. "I just have to go back and it's a promise I have made to myself and David Murray. "I spoke to David in August in Edinburgh and he told me the door was always open for me. There won't be any problems with money. "I know they are going through a bad time financially, and I won't go there to take a pension either. "I won't go at 35 or 36, I'll go when I've still got something to offer them, at European level as well as Scottish. "When I left Glasgow, it wasn't through the main door, I was forced to flee almost like some sort of thief, at four in the morning. That's stuck in my throat since. "I'm a player who wants people to see how much I put into things, not someone who just runs away in the night. "I've got a debt towards Rangers fans because of the way I left. They helped me get where I am. I just have to go back." Gattuso, who is married to a Scot, is contracted to AC Milan until 2011.
  2. have to say i agree with you fraser, though i can understand the fans frustration. well done to you.
  3. on that note. anyone who doesn't protest against the introduction of a state database (and id cards) deserves everything they get in the future. http://www.no2id.net
  4. bmck


    its uncertain whether he was being serious or not.
  5. mass civil disobedience is the only way forward.
  6. dont get me started on the polis and government.
  7. if so, they need to take a long hard look at themselves.
  8. exactly frankie. why would you play a goalkeeper who has handed in a transfer request ahead of one who is contracted to the club and chosen as first pick? mcgregor's done well, but i think you need players in who are commited to the cause.
  9. i think his attitude has got him dropped.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to5eMDtzMlA
  11. that wasn't what i was looking at, but aye... check again
  12. not really, since beyond pressley was only him, the goalkeeper, adn fresh air.
  13. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/tm_headline=i%2Dm-a-really-lucky-bhoy-%26method=full%26objectid=17916282%26siteid=66633-name_page.html spot the mistake.
  14. bad for scottish football if it goes through.
  15. its on youtube, i've seen it. just cant find it now.
  16. i'm going to against hte grain and say i thought it was a sending off. the supposed last man only got to the ball after shevchenko was on the deck.
  17. he's a bit injury prone, but definitely a good product of murray park.
  18. he'd like it provided he's given assurance he'll be number one. i just dont think this kind of stuff should be dragged through the paper.
  19. how did your horse go craig?
  20. i'm taking it just means stupid/mental.
  21. aye, plenty of time for him (providing he doesn't die in some sort of freak accident).
  22. yup, we a horribly thin, squad wise. i've no idea why we always have so many injuries. what are the constants over the last ten years?
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