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Everything posted by bmck

  1. This simply isn't true. It's nothing like an old political trick to try and force an issue, be told by everyone that matters that you've done it poorly, and be forced into an embarrasing climb down. They may spin it that way, as a form of damage limitation, but that was never the object. They never manufactured the whole thing to make themselves look understanding. They tried to look decisive, and authorititative, and on top of a contemporary issue and had to, in light of wholesale rejection, adopt a listening posture. That this has been turned over is thanks to everyone who objected sensibly and, where possible, loudly.
  2. It wasn't entirely serious. Nonetheless, I do think the SNP/Labour politicians are by and large, morons, and from my own political point of view I'd be entirely happy if they were to show that clearly and publicly. Never said anything about us Scots as a whole or the UK parliament.
  3. Even if all this is true, wait till you have proof or actual sources ffs.
  4. In a perverse sense I want this legislation to go through and be applied ridiculously so that people can really see what an independent scotland would look like under the snp. It's a pity the unionist party couldn't even produce a flyer without spelling mistakes and typos. Frankie, start a political party - I'll vote for you.
  5. MF back at Ibrox - in truth did you think it would occur this soon when you took the stand?
  6. Precisely this. I just want measured, steady, thoughtful, future-looking progress. We need to be competitive from the off, but I'd prefer gradual progress to boom and bust. Wait for the right signings.
  7. You work for the police. You must see it a lot.
  8. Toss up between Naisy and Shagger. I really like Naismith, and he's scored and setup vital.... shit, I probably should've went for Naismith.
  9. We drew with Barca. Man U lost to Barca. Ergo sum, we're better than Man U. I don't care what results say, you can't argue with logic.
  10. Thanks for that BD. I just innocently viewed the thread beside P and got what can only be described as The Look.
  11. I'm too fragile to think about our youth setup after watching blue heaven. That was heartbreaking.
  12. The idea that Whyte's in for a quick sell and buy seems to be taking hold amongst Celtic fans.
  13. You've changed since you've become Rangers financial director, weilding such great power.
  14. I'll be representing myself more like mate. I doubt it'll work out, I'll become a rock star first and it'll all have been in vain.
  15. druuum roolllllll *smash*
  16. Fitting I'm starting a law degree (if I finish this bloody one)
  17. http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-premier/rangers/249062-stv-online-writers-player-of-the-year-2/ No copy and pasting so he gets the hits!
  18. Charlie Adam seems like such a nice guy.
  19. Then they've been stupid, greedy, or infinitely unlucky. Not things you should or can factor in - the first two aren't worth your sympathy and the last is just incalculable.
  20. Kenny Miller managed to see it purely from his own point of view. His agent seen it from his point of view. The board seen it from their point of view. Everyone saw things in terms of their own best interest aparts from us - we get caught in the dialogue about whether Kenny Miller or The Board's interests are more worthy, yet we (the royal we, the ones who actually cough up lots of money) pay all of their wages. It's really not. It's perfectly sensible. Just because I don't think they will want to play for us, I think they should. We're the only team worth playing for. We don't argue But the case is not the same. The relationship I have with Pauline is different to the relationship I have with Rangers. Our job as fans is simple - to demand. All we can ever be, because we have no access to power, is a pressure group. That involves always seeing things in your own interest, even when in reality it can't/won't occur. Being reasonable is just seeing things from the point of view of someone else's reasoning. PS I'm not sure I believe a word of what I'm saying, but it changes up the debate a bit.
  21. It's not profit when you're forced into paying off debt. Debt becomes an expenditure. Again, you can think the club made an arse of it more than KM, that's your perogative. I just don't care - one of them should've budged, neither did.
  22. We were under a bank imposed wage structure. But I'm not defending the club. You can blame the club if you want, that's fine by me. But we were turning huge profits (no we weren't) off the fans money. The best outcome for the fans should've happened - it didn't. KM, the board, who cares - wrong outcome - their fault.
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