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Posts posted by bmck

  1. A player who will put all his effort & ability in to the game and help the team to lift the league trophy.

    Not someone who'se second touch is a tackle.


    i seen ronaldinho make a bad touch once.

  2. I don't think it is fickle - I think it is fans seeing that we have the exact same problems that we had last season, we have signed players who haven't settled in as quickly as we had hoped and fans remember how bad last season got, and don't want a repeat.


    That is hardly fickle, it is a worry based on the fact that in our first 5 games of the season, we have only beaten one team of note (and it was a great performance) and sturggled agaisnt teams that will be in the bottom six all season.


    PLG knew he had a lot of work ahead of him, I think the first 5 games have cemented that and he better start to turn it around soon - we must win our next 6 games (4 domestic - Falkirk at home, Hibs away, DAFC away, Crfaptic away and AFC at home) as if we don't, we'll be out of Europe and out of the SPL race by mid September...... then PLG will be under HUGE pressure.


    Cammy F



    nonsense. is this the same cammy that said he would happily surrender the league for a few years if it meant blooding youngsters? we're playing nice football that is not, yet, five games in, 100% perfect. and this is what is causing all the uproar.


    that is the definition of fickleness.

  3. no... but i canny stand how we lose points to teams as shite as killie dunfermline and dundee united... rangers of old wudny do that


    i know its hard mate, but i think we've just got to accept that, for the moment at least, all the european dreaming, gazza signing etc has passed. we've just got to look to the future, try and develop youngsters and get back to the top the ajax route.


    we've got a good manager in PLG, and unless we get some massive investment or admitted to the english league then this is the way it will stay.


    i also think we tend to have a rose tinted view of "back in the day". watching some of the old games on rangers tv you see that our football wasn't that great to watch. i think we're moving in the right direction, there's no point in looking back.

  4. surely tho we hear all this dross bout investment, finances being fixed, less debt.... but we cant pay for players??? yet that lot can??? wtf is happening? we are rangers... not sum piss small club


    would you rather we spent a fortune on players and went back in to debt?

  5. I haven't seen the match from the weekend so i really can't say for sure, however going on his past performences under eck he looked kinda meh but then again the whole team was played out of posistion.:mad:


    true, he didn't look great under am, but perhaps we'll see more of him.


    what is it with am? he's made some good signings, but then never played them properly!

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