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Posts posted by bmck

  1. Since AM started to deviate from his successful 4-3-3(ish) formation at the start of his Rangers management career, we have been crying out for a manager with a set formation that has been proven to work and get rewards.


    We all slated AM for continually changing formation / players / positions etc, and we are now urging PLG to scrap his favoured and successful 4-2-3-1 formation and start playing players where in positions they are not suited to.


    If we are going to be successful, we must trust PLG and we must ride out this shacky start. IMO, this type of start was predictable as the players and management need time to settle in and get used to the style of play.


    Sunday was the only game so far where we looked 'average' (at best) - the previous 2 games we were superb. Basically, all I am saying is that it is too early to panic and far far far to early to chop and change formations.


    Cammy F


    well said!!!

  2. I thought Prso looked pretty jaded against Motherwell although his goal was obviously superb. Its amazing that with such little cash, and relatively little time, PLG has transformed the squad into such a state where it almost seems like there is cover for every position -- now especially upfront where we were so lacking last season. This obviously comes from having a fixed formation and idea of how to play, but PLG doesn't strike me as the kind of manager who will change for change's skae - so I think he'll probably start with the same eleven.

  3. Agreed - can't believe Hutton is getting a bit of a hard time. He's a powerful right back who has been a stand out player against Celtic over the last few seasons when he's played. Just needs a good run of games to get back to full fitness and sharpness.

  4. Sadly, IMO, they are incorrect in their beliefs regarding freemasonry (at least.... I am in the blues and they couldn't be further from the truth in believing that they plot against the Church).


    I agree, the RCC couldn't be further from the truth on quite a lot of things, I think.


    Perhaps historically there has been some issue between the masons and hte church regarding plots and what not, but certainly not nowadays, from what i know of the freemasons.

  5. Ok Plastic Orange Order Member for the pedantic, I was looking for a noun representing these people and that was the one I came up with. I assumed most would work out what I mean...


    I dont think its an issue of pedantry - what we are discussing here is ignorance, and I think misrepresenting religious organisations just adds to the problem. It is only for the media, and some celtic supporters, that no difference between organisations like the freemasons and the orange order exists.


    And I still dont agree with the idea that there is no fundamental difference between plastic orangemen and plastic paddies. Providing support for the orange order is not, and never can be, like supporting terrorists like the IRA. Of course, support for the UVF etc is the same, but I think the generalisations on the whole issue are part of the problem.


    Unfortunately, too many people enact there being no difference between the UVF and the Orange Order, which, I suppose, is why things are in this state.

  6. surely even from a financial perspective doing something like this would be good business for rangers. investing in sheets for words etc may save the club in the long run from fines etc.


    as an aside, it seems that the RCC's position on freemasonry isn't as rosy as I had thought. there's been some ambiguity over the years but the ancient precedent seems to be "Persons joining associations of the Masonic sect or any others of the same kind which plot against the Church and legitimate civil authorities contract ipso facto excommunication simply reserved to the Apostolic See.".


    But the RCC's a lot more liberal on these things nowadays.

  7. So why don't the club get to work and dish out new song sheets before games and play songs over the tannoy to go with the lyrics and stuff. Have the songs for download from the website and stuff. I know its going to cost some cash and take a while, but surely the club has to start doing something positive about this rather than just moaning about the problem.


    good point. but i think the ultimate responsibility lies with the fans. we're responsible for our own keep, as it were.


    and thanks craig - its good to be back. :)

  8. Good, then we can lay the plastic masonry thing to rest. As for it making the singers of it "plastic orangemen", then possibly. But an orangemen is something you can be, with legitimate cause, in Scotland. There are a great deal of Scottish orangemen who are good Christians and not at all interested in bigotry.


    Its doubtful, though, whether they would be interested in singing the sash - but there's nothing inherently wrong with it.


    As for the comment on the masons, that is typical reactionary catholicism in scotland. I know that there are a great deal of catholics in european countries who are masons and this is true right through the ages.


    Quite typical of scotland to be a microcosm of all the bad in these organisations.

  9. What was missing last season? Like most people, I was frustrated by McLeish - I wanted to say he was a poor manager, but he did get the results. There was just something missing, though - and that something, hard as it was to articulate, seemed simply to be that we didn't enjoy the way Rangers played - even when they won. So what was missing?


    Passing and moving. One touch passes. Movement off the ball. All variations on the same thing. Watching us play Middlesborough the other day, I began to see Rangers players playing football. It wasn't magnificent, but it was an infinitude better than all the football we played last season. At the end of the game I felt as if I had watched something worthwhile.


    The La Guen revolution is as much a revolution of football philosophy as it is a changing of personell - and I, for one, am looking forward to seeing not only a winning, but a passing and moving side next season - I think that is the best way to get the most from good football players.

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