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Everything posted by bmck

  1. No it's not. If you have a worthwhile employer who's going through hard times, and you're happy and well paid even with the pay cut, then it's not laughable at all. That happens in the real world, if we're determined to look at this from KM's perspective rather than our own. Given that he wouldn't mind coming back doesn't seem that far fetched either. There are more important things than money... I'm also equally pissed at the board for not giving him the money and chancing the title. The whole question is whose perspective do you look things from: what's best for KM? what's best for the moneymen at Rangers? what's best for you as a fan? They're all looking out for their own interests, and so what I think should happen is just whatever I think is best for Rangers. He either should have got the money or taken a paycut, it's irrelevant to me which, and both parties made the mistake of not getting the best outcome for the fans. Anyway, guy's gone now. C'est la vie.
  2. He's just not thinking about his family or his retirement. Think of the money he could get elsewhere. Seriously, though, Davis, though inconsistent, is the best all round footballer we have at the club. I'm glad he's staying. Very much so.
  3. Like I said, I don't think it's our job to look at the reality of what's most likely to occur. Or what he's most likely to do. Or what other footballers would do. It's inevitable people are going to blow themselves up in misguided attempts to get to a paradise of virgins. It's not our job to see it from his point of view. It's our job to demand and expect people to what's best for us, as fans. In this case it meant him staying, because he was playing well. It's not like I'm pissed off at him for doing it. He just made a mistake. Once he realises he ought always to be doing what we as fans most want, he'll be back on the path of goodnes and light.
  4. Yup, like I said earlier - money being right and appropriate to his age etc. Precisely my point from the start. But I'm a Rangers fan, so if mine and Kenny's interest collide, I'm sticking with mine - so he's wrong. Yeah, was pissed at Murray too for letting us get into that situation. Not KM's problem, not mine either. He should sign derisory contracts, the club should offer a better one - it's all the same to me. ENJOY MAN! Lucky bassa! I'm suitably rebuked and back to writing about transvesite Heracles and Roman politics.
  5. Are you asking me if I'd stick by my club when they were in dire straits and needed me most? As much as I like imagining I'm having to decide whether I'm going to stay at Rangers or not, it's straying from the point. The point is not whether Kenny Miller acted sensibly in his own interests, which is what he probably did - but whether we should be trying to see things from Kenny Miller's point of view or not. He has enough people looking after his interests, I'm only concerned with Rangers and what's best for us. I think people should want to play for Rangers for 30k a year, never mind a week. I'm a fan, that's how I'm meant to think.
  6. Btw, it seems Kenny would like to come back. If Kenny he it either means he could cope, and could always have coped, financially at Rangers and his family wouldn't be flung into poverty on retirement - or he's placing them in grave, grave danger.
  7. I'm sorry, but to suggest that KM couldn't live comfortably in his retirement on Rangers wages is absurd. Is Turkey the very top level now, or are we moving the goalposts away from money because it's failed as an argument? Either way, as Ally said, you can fullfill all your football dreams at Rangers. Especially if you're a Rangers supporter. I could support my team and play in the champions league to test myself against the best players in the world, while being really rather rich. If it was a choice between being really rich and playing with rangers and being really really rich and not playing with Rangers the choice is easy.
  8. Horrid abuse of the word comfortable. My parents live comfortably in their retirement. My dad worked all his life as a skilled manual worker who probably never earned as much in a year as Miller does in a few weeks regardless of where he plays his football.
  9. I wouldn't leave Rangers for more money.
  10. We can't all look like Sasa Papac.... Oh Sasa Papac, you're the love of my life!
  11. No worries mate. I'm irresponsibly skiving from my dissertation, I best get back to it too! Speak soon, and safe trip!
  12. I think the article's exaggerated how badly he's missing Rangers - I don't see anything that says he's unhappy. If he's available for cheap, nice one. Anything else I'd leave it - he's had a go, chose to leave. But he has the right attitude, in terms of will to win, and never given anything less than 100%. He's scored important goals, and at the tail end (contract renewal time, though) started to do that regularly. Given he's got time left to run, though, we're talking a transfer fee - might be best to look forward rather than back.
  13. As a matter of interest?
  14. As I said in the other post, it depends on money - especially with the factor of his age. If he was cheap as chips, obviously. But he's the wrong side of 30 and we have other decent options up front. He would improve our squad, but so would other players. Depends on the options.
  15. How has he done over there?
  16. I don't have to be. Maybe the club, and the agents, and the players do - they've all got to look after their own interests and deal with reality as they see it. My job's just to want what's best for me, as a Rangers supporter. That means wanting the good players to stay, and the bad players to go, and to demand that happens insofar as I can. When you start being 'objective' you usually find you've stumbled into someone else's point of view as they're acting on their own interests. Like I said - I don't hold it against KM that he acted in his own interests rather than mine. But it'd be silly for me to swap my interests for his. He wants to want what's good for KM, I want him to want what's good for Rangers. It's a compliment really that I wanted him to want to stay at Rangers. Just because I don't actually think every player will stay at us, it's my job to think they should. We're the only club in the world worth playing your football at.
  17. Since when did objectivity become a virtue? I'm not buying a car or choosing a political party. I'm a Rangers supporter. Show me an objective person and I'll show you a person subjectively choosing to be objective. In this case there's no need.
  18. Nope, it's - like everything else - a pride issue. I don't dislike Miller for leaving, but my job isn't to think about things from his perspective, or his family's. My loyalties to Rangers, it was better for Rangers if he'd stayed, therefore he should have stayed, for me. It wasn't about money. It's a pity the non-money thing it was related to wasn't a sense of genuinly being an unambiguous hero in something bigger than yourself, an institution that will outlive your grand children while all the while in your own days being adored and living well. KM served us well, and cheers. If the money were right, and he weren't so old, I'd have him back. But he's had his shot, for me. More than once
  19. This loyalty to his family stuff is abject nonsense. If it were a choice between leaving Rangers and his family starving , then it's fair. We're talking shades of millionaire here. When you're in that position, you can afford to be loyal. There are more important things than money.
  20. You've destroyed the world!
  21. Is it really fathomable a guy's taken us over, made modest-decent promises, and can't actually take them forward? That's the question. Personally I'm not sure anyone would put themselves into the limelight to be so thoroughly hated if he's as bad as some fear. Unless, of course, he can see a financial angle everyone else cant and is willing to make money and do the off and just live with the hatred as the Man Who Destroyed Rangers or whatever.
  22. If they have a sort by age and injury proneness feature we'll have something to goto the bookies with...
  23. Not sure what to think of Lego, these days but he's usually worth a read at least. Thanks for posting Ian.
  24. http://news.scotsman.com/news/ExIbrox-director-Donald-Findlay-in.6769539.jp news to me!
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