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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Naismith and Wylde - best one two ever?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=temc6OE62KI
  3. bmck

    Walter Smith

    But I am a bawbab. Ask anyone.
  4. bmck

    Walter Smith

    Nearly. We've got an Asian Leopard Cat. A type 4, though - so his grandma was jooking about the jungles. He's lovely, though, quite tame and called Byron. He's currently draped in a Rangers scarf and looking thoroughly superior to everything.
  5. bmck

    Walter Smith

    If we ever have a child, I'm calling it Walter. Even if it's a girl. I might get another Bengal to call it Walter. I may change my name to Walter. WALTER!
  6. From STV New Rangers owner Craig Whyte has promised to build on the success of departing manager Walter Smith. Whyte, who completed his protracted takeover of the Scottish champions last week, said: "It is a great privilege to be part of Rangers and while we celebrate this title and our success in the League Cup our thoughts will turn quickly to building on this success." Whyte paid tribute to Smith and assistant Ally McCoist, who will take over from his mentor next season. "Today's title win is a truly great achievement by a club whose hallmark has been success throughout its proud history," he said. "I would like to congratulate Walter Smith, Ally McCoist and Kenny McDowall for their brilliant leadership. "I also pay the highest possible tribute to the players who have shown great skill and determination in turning their desire for success into the club's 54th league title - the highest number attained by any club. "The supporters want to see success and they deserve that success for the way in which they have stuck with the team." Rangers chief executive Martin Bain, who presided over the takeover after a three-year spell in which the club have struggled financially, praised the work of Smith and also backed the fans as "the lifeblood of the club". He said: "Like all Rangers fans, I know how much this win means to every member of the Rangers family. "The achievement of Walter, Ally, Kenny and the players over recent seasons has been nothing short of miraculous, given the challenges the club has had to meet. "They responded in the true Rangers way by standing up to be counted when the odds were stacked against them. "I would also pay tribute to the staff at the club who have supported the team in every possible way, always believing the success of the club is the most important thing. "Finally, I would also like to thank our fans who have backed the club through thick and thin in recent years. "They are the lifeblood of the club and their tremendous commitment to Rangers and Scottish football deserves to be recognised."
  7. Well seen he never joined us. Just doesn't get 'No Surrender'.
  8. The whole thing was properly bizarre. A fecking surrealist sketch, man. "We've dealt with this with dignity" - if Carslberg did irony...
  9. I think honestly that deep, deep down they prefer losing. Winning doesn't sate their deepest thirst for persecuted ressentiment.
  10. Tonight, man. Bloody hell.
  11. bmck

    Walter Smith

    Can't believe you wrote that Gaz, but well said.
  12. The real reason for the nakedness in Frankie's car, perhaps?
  13. Just shows how it overflows from Neil "it wasn't an accusation, it was an observation" Lennon, and becomes validated in their horribly contorted little 'minds'.
  14. Thanks Zaps. I've joined the fone-world. Want to enjoy it fully.
  15. Wow, that's happened to you too.
  16. Jeezo. And my excuse for not posting is writing some essays. That sounds equal parts terrifying, humbling and exhilarating. I've never chased tornados before. One for the future. I've always quite fancied visiting the South, but I think I'll make sure to pick the season. I hope your Boston adventure (minus any trip to the Celtics ground!) is considerably more tranquil, and welcome back! Now, let's argue about something!
  17. PS It's "I know that you two are joined at the hip" or "I knew that you two were". You don't want to miss your subordinating indicator, or have tenses that aren't in agreement. Here to help.
  18. Nope, I added "all the time" lest you mortals thought it a temporary thing.
  19. English (language) and Classics. :blush:
  20. Listen, being profoundly right all the time isn't a burden you want to shoulder alone.
  21. Yeah, I've not been around, thanks for saying. I won't be back properly till after the end of the month. I'm just finishing off a degree, and have just so much to do as I also work full time. Start uni fulltime in September, so only doing one full-time thing I should have more spare time to re-start posting nonsense in earnest. Were you in America during the tornados and stuff? I'm sure I noticed that while I was glancing through. The devestation must've been thoroughly horrifying
  22. Worse than any of these things is the indefensible lack of defence of the fans. That's the one, for me. People can make mistakes - but that's an almost moral failing.
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