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Everything posted by alanmidd

  1. The Greatest Fans In The World..aye right! Get it up ye timmy That boy Stokes looks a hell of a player
  2. I reckon the team will be McGregor Hutton Hemdani Papac Smith Rae Clement Adam Sebo Boyd Novo
  3. alanmidd


    I agreed with everything you said up until..Konterman! you having a laugh? He was a dreadful centre back, one of dick's dutch duds
  4. I wouldn't want to make do but there is no way Muarry will release a large sum of money for Le Guen
  5. He could header a ball but postional sense and concentration levels left a lot to be desired. Marv was never the answer
  6. How many threads are we going to have on this? Get behind the team and stop bloody moaning! This is the squad we have and there will not be whole sale changes in January
  7. Sad news indeed My thoughts are with his family
  8. alanmidd


    I think Le Guen boobed by leaving him at Centre Back yesterday. He is ok to play there in Europe but don't think it really worked yesterday. A new commanding defender is a must in January
  9. Bardsley isn't the answer at RB and neither is Hutton and I think Le Gaffer will be bringing in someone else in that position And I'll leave it at that
  10. I'm not saying he's a world beater but he didn't have bad games against St Mirren and Motherwell. He was no worse than anyone else on Saturday. Bardsley isn't any better and I wouldn't be looking to extend his loan deal
  11. He's no worse than Bardsley. Bardsley doesn't deserve to get back in yet as Hutton hasn't done much wrong in recent matches
  12. Boyd in for Sebo and Hutton for Bardsley would be my team
  13. Och the usual "I have a mate who works at Liverpool" Like I said, I'm just repeating what I read..Don't shoot the messenger!
  14. I agree this will definitley be his last season. He is struggling to play 2 games in a week now. Hopefully he'll get back to something like his best in the coming weeks. We'll need him if we are to catch Celtic
  15. "Borrowed" (in true Liverpool style) from another board Apparently Steve Gerrard's missus has been hanging around with the head of a group of Liverpool Bouncers, called "Pancake". News is that Pancake has been supplying her with coke and slottin' her one on the side. Gerrard went to the Editor of the Daily Mirror to beg them not to print the pictures they have of his missus snorting and they agreed to hold off on them as it would ruin his career. Gerrard is meant to have kicked her out last Wednesday and has ordered a DNA test for his second child as he believes that it isn't his (may explain his performance aginst the Mancs on Sunday)
  16. I'd like to see a banner of the gates outside Ibrox, a selection of the 9 in a row players and one of other legends like Greig Cooper and Baxter ...if its not too much trouble
  17. Well that doesn't seem to matter too much, ask McGregor and Novo
  18. They may have a new manager by the time we play them. The papers say its.... Sven Goran Eriksson! Surely not, it would be funny tho
  19. Apparently Valdas has been given 2 weeks off due to "Ill Health"
  20. emm I never compared Adam to Albertz, god you're proper fucked aren't you
  21. That would be my team for Sunday anyway. But I think Le Guen will play Papac instead of Svensson
  22. I thought you might be drunk with that "Sign if your not gay" thread but now I'm sure you are!
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