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Everything posted by Bill

  1. Kinda like voting for a goalkeeper who made one save during the entire match and uncharacteristically flapped wildly at another cross ball. 😉 I tend to see MOTM as someone who makes the best overall contribution to a game, rather than who make the fewest mistakes. On that basis Butland certainly made a telling impact but for a goalie to come out on top he really needs to make more than one save. Young Turk might have joined half a dozen others who misplaced some passes but if you're going to dismiss players in this team for an absence of perfection then there will seldom be a MOTM at all. What Yilmaz did contribute was a goal assist, some very decent defending, a willingness to break the LB tradition of passing backwards all the time, a readiness to come inside instead of endlessly pumping crosses to no great purpose ... and a generally positive involvement in play from KO to final whistle.
  2. That's not the point. Shankland is the officially approved focus of conversation for this transfer window. Whether or not the club has an intention to sign him is completely irrelevant. 😉
  3. Or to put it another way, 80% of those voting so far had their heads up their arses. 😆
  4. Rangers have spent similarly large sums of money on goal scorers before and seen precious little return, as evidenced by last summer's debacle on the transfer market. To be pragmatic, it's not so much what we spend but how many trophies we win as a result. If Shankland comes on board and scores the goals that win the league then the difference between £2m and £5m is largely irrelevant. If he comes on board and we don't win the league because we continue to fluff our lines in front of goal like last Saturday then even £2m would be a gross and pointless waste of money. My point is that if we seriously think Shankland is likely to score where we've previously been making a horlicks of it then the actual fee to sign him is to a large extent unimportant.
  5. Ten outfielders started the game. Another five came on as substitutes. And none of these was Sam Lammers. Strange the things you cling to as reasons for optimism.
  6. If it shows us one thing it's how little the likes of GvB or Beale actually understood about management.
  7. When assessing the performance of our players it's essential to appreciate this is Rangers, not Bayern Munich or Man City.
  8. You're right to mention Connor Goldson. I thought his all round game was very good today - possibly his best game for some time.
  9. That players like Ridvan, Sterling, Dowell, McCausland and Dessers have emerged from the disarray of Beale's tenure to make solid contributions is testament to the current manager's coaching abilities. He said he would improve these players and that is largely what he has done. The future is looking brighter.
  10. And the winter break starts, I think enough time has elapsed to make a valid initial assessment of Philippe Clément, who was appointed manager of Rangers on 15th October. In that time he appears to have transformed a chaotic playing squad that was on its knees and collapsing. He has persuaded the same players to qualify top of our Europa League group, place silverware in the trophy room and re-engage with the league title race. But more than that, after the long years since Walter left, he has finally returned a missing credibility to the office of manager at Rangers. The absence of bullshit is tangible. While it's still early days, he looks very much like the real deal to me, someone to believe in and dare I say it .... trust. It's beginning to feel like Rangers again and I can't wait to see what we will achieve under Philippe Clément.
  11. When Connor Goldson has his eye in he's capable of some brilliant passing.
  12. Finally we're getting glimpses of what Ridvan can offer. Not there yet but a run of games is starting to pay dividends where this young man is concerned. Keep the progress going. Love the positivity.
  13. Struggling to name a team for today. Do we have eleven men still standing?
  14. I agree it's beyond annoying that so many Rangers supporters have been drawn into the offside trap. Why are we doing the authorities' job for them instead of pursuing the clear and obvious cover up. If it really was "arm in a neutral position" then why award a bye kick instead of a corner? Basically, none of it adds up at all.
  15. We need to ignore the possible offside that was never actually tested. The only reference to offside in that incident was as a subsequent determination that played absolutely no part in the denial of a penalty. The issue here is that the referee either failed to notice the handball or chose not to act on it .... then that VAR either failed to see that a handball offence had occurred or did notice it but decided the handball didn't amount to a punishable offence. These are the ONLY issues that should be debated and only the audio conversation between VAR and the referee will clarify what happened and who played what part. The fact a bye kick was awarded following the decision not to award a penalty makes it clear that both VAR and the referee both decided the ball did not come off the defender's hand or body ... again, that is the ONLY conclusion. The upshot is that VAR, having the luxury of examining the video footage, did one of two things ..... it either made a complete hash of interpreting the video or it deliberately ignored the evidence to hand. The subsequent and rather dubious business of the possible offside is utterly irrelevant to whether or not there was either gross incompetence or deliberate corruption at play.
  16. Prso Mols Laudrup Albertz Tugay Caniggia Numan Cuellar Amaruso Reyna Klos
  17. No it's not. It's anything but irrelevant. This is not a matter of whether there was a player offside or what that might have meant regarding the award of a penalty.
  18. Neither you nor I can say it was accidental unless we have special powers to read the mind of the defender. In any case, no one can be partly accidental. It's either wholly accidental or it's deliberate.
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