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Everything posted by Bill

  1. .... even when it is sinister
  2. But we’ve got it now alright, in spades, and the fact is only one side has changed. It used to be enough to support Rangers, now they have to change what Rangers is to make it compatible with their politics. I couldn’t give a shit who they vote for, just stop reinventing our football club the accommodate their nationalist agenda. They f**k up everything they touch, I’d prefer if that didn’t include Rangers.
  3. I told you so ? and thanks for confirming it. There's no point having a go at me. I never expect anyone to be bothered what I think.
  4. Like I said, denial and indignation runs deep, so deep that some will go to any length to create a make-believe reality where their conflicted values can co-exist. "Other folk do separate them" Yes, by pretending to endorse one thing with this side of their face and the polar opposite with the other. Of course some people see nothing wrong with being two-faced and it's difficult not to define them accordingly.
  5. Nope, not a chance. The only reason anyone would see new value in Scottish football is the Gerrard revolution but expect the SPFL to make an arse of it.
  6. Bill

    Semi Final

    I think you'll find it was actually Foot in Mouth disease.
  7. Of course it does. I've said many times, you can be an SNP supporter and you can be a Rangers supporter ... but you cannot be both of these things without compromising your allegiance to one or the other, or both. If you take any Rangers supporter who advocates independence and defends the politics of the SNP, you will find someone who repeatedly has to reinvent the nature of one or both in order to find even shaky ground to stand on. As you know from long experience in this forum, you'll find most of them defined by denial and indignation, the twin props of indefensible pretence. Anyone who tries to combine these two deeply incompatible positions is inevitably conflicted and would benefit greatly from the honesty required to make a choice and fully embrace either supporting Rangers or engaging in ScotNattery. Let the indignation flow. ?
  8. Bill

    Semi Final

    Aberdeen is just seizing another opportunity to show the world what a petulant sideshow Scottish football has become. Run by intellectual pygmies for the benefit of the morally insane. Like much else in modern Scotland, hate drives all.
  9. Actually, I'm not advocating it but if anyone is unhappy with the direction being taken by Club1872, by far the most effective way to show it is simply to suspend or cancel their donations. That's what I would do now but, whether lucky or prescient, I only ever saw history repeating itself and Club1872 succumbing to the same inevitable egoism, so I made a decision early on not to join.
  10. As do I, which is why I expressly said I did. If the objective is simply to entertain then that's one thing but if it's to educate or mobilise then there must come a point where anyone still unconvinced is either too stupid to worry about or are 'at it'.
  11. Why? For what (realistic) outcome?
  12. I live in hope you'll open your eyes and actually read my post instead of just guessing what it says. Sadly, hope doesn't always coalesce into fulfilment. ?
  13. I’ll start by saying I quite enjoy reading the original posts in this topic, not so much the predictable secondary qualifiers from the usual “commentators”. Also, I wouldn’t dream of telling anyone else what to read, they’d pay no attention to me anyway. But, that said, surely the point has been made many times over after more than 1000 posts. I’m guessing everyone gets it by this time ..... the BBC in Scotland is rabidly anti-Rangers and flaunts its bigotry with confidence and impunity. What is it about the next 1000 posts that’s likely to add to what’s already been said?
  14. Used to be one of us. Now just another media monkey prostituting himself for money, saying what he doesn't mean because someone else wants him to.
  15. “The guy picking the team” couldn’t pick his nose, for goodness sake, and holding him up as some kind of proof that an anti-Rangers conspiracy doesn’t exist in Scottish football is taking gullibility to new levels of naivety. “We’re in the clear guys, Alex McLeish is back in charge.” ?
  16. Knowing exactly what attitude they take to Rangers, you have to ask why any Rangers supporter is still tuning in to listen to the BBC, let alone distribute their podcasts. Does it take over 1000 posts to convince anyone that there's something intensely rotten in that bigoted organisation? I mean, really?
  17. I fully understand the reality of the "tartan army". They mostly conform to a strict nationalist agenda and, like all ScotNats, will continue to take an adversarial attitude to Rangers players. It doesn't matter whether our players are good enough, whatever that means nowadays. If any Rangers player isn't "good enough" for Scotland then he certainly shouldn't be playing for Rangers. I'm more than happy to reciprocate in full and wouldn't be particularly disappointed if I never saw another Rangers player in a Scotland shirt. Scottish football is run by bigots and incompetents, mostly for the benefit of one club. The evidence is all around us. The idea our players should help sustain their blazers by playing for them doesn't appeal to me. I'm proud to be Scottish and feel immense pride when Scots do well in sport of any other aspect of life but you couldn't pay me to go to a Scotland game.
  18. If Club1872 would commit its resources to work like this - exposing the corrupting acting against our club - I would join and donate today. But not while the vast majority of its resources are devoted to pursuing a seat on the board.
  19. Tax should be avoided by all legal means. Giving money to politicians is guaranteed to be an exercise in wastefulness.
  20. It will be great work only when those responsible are removed from their positions and the correct outcome is secured. What I expect is concerted denial and inaction.
  21. A seat on the Rangers board would see Club1872 go from merely being partially compromised to being totally emasculated. I'd have thought it was the last thing they should be chasing. It's certainly the last thing the board wants.
  22. I'm never disappointed when a Rangers players avoids the risk of injury in a largely meaningless international fixture. Nations League, League of Nations, United Nations of Leagues, League of Monotony, Yawn of Nations
  23. Yep, I've been at a few of the other games mentioned here but (and it's only an opinion of course) few of them even come close to that wonderful April evening in 1972. The crowds were so much bigger in those days, I believe it was about 80,000 going mental that night. Can you believe it's over 46 years ago now?
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