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Everything posted by Bill

  1. As a junior member I paid 2 shillings return for the Perth supporters bus in 1970, regardless of destination Adults paid 5 shillings. I think William Anderson may have added his booze bill in his total.
  2. You're the one who mentioned white men, there must have been a reason. How about this version instead .... If anyone wanted to understand why we're voiceless and powerless in our own city a read of this thread is instructive. What started as frustration around a fanzone has morphed into angry black men yelling 'slavery' into the void whilst dreaming of rimming Jeremy Corbyn. No wonder Muslims run rings round us politically.
  3. I guess it’s a premium of less than a tenner over a premier league ticket, which seems reasonable uplift for a European game.
  4. I think it’s more likely you’re voiceless and powerless because so many of you keep voting for parties that despise you. No?
  5. It will collapse. Which is why I think the UK needs to take this opportunity to get out.
  6. You're just saying that because you can't keep football out of your politics.
  7. OK, if you really want to be all pedantic and huffed up about this, I'll try to spell it out for you. 1. I'm not offended by the Celtic celebrations. They were unwise and ill-judged but that's about it as far as I'm concerned. If anyone was so offended they felt the need to riot then they're bloody fools. 2. The Halliday situation was ridiculous because it simply didn't warrant a card. Poor refereeing isn't at odds with not being offended by something completely different, not matter how much you wish it was. 3. You can have and express any opinion you want. I couldn't care less and certainly won't be offended. 4. I made no judgement specifically on your reaction but if you feel the cap fits ... Anything else, please feel free to ask.
  8. I didn't say I was unmoved. I said I wasn't offended. What do I think of the Halliday incident? I think it was ridiculous. Anything else I can help you with, just ask.
  9. Oh dear. This is outrageous. Putting Rangers fans first at Ibrox, penalising innocent Celtic fans and diminishing the great global reputation of the Scottish football. Utterly outrageous. How bloody dare we? Let's all piss our pants in sanctimonious fervour.
  10. You're right but you can't presume anything where Rangers is concerned. I think our goalie may well get a suspension.
  11. Not in the slightest. It's stupid, pathetic and definitely intended to offend but I have better things to do with my life than give those morons credence by being offended by them. The best I can muster is to be bored by them.
  12. You have as much say in how Westminster operates as Holyrood ... effectively none. Westminster may be a den of conniving wankers but certainly no more so than Holyrood.
  13. There’s no need to talk about “inferring” or “general tone”. I’ve already made it clear I think it IS colluding with the enemy. No ifs or buts. I don’t expect everyone to agree with this but I don’t understand why this is such a sensitive issue for you.
  14. Yes, I watched it. It's pathetic, adolescent and pretty much what I'd expect from that club of weasels and scrotes. Then I moved on, untroubled. If it meant that much to them then we're definitely on the right track. We'll get our turn soon enough and I hope we do a better job of it.
  15. That was always going to be the case and why anyone would be surprised by it is a mystery. Anyone who's not happy should simply stay away. It is what it is, live with it.
  16. What is it you all want? Do you want the police to stop celebrations in case "we" can't control ourselves? Because it "offends" us? You think celebration should be banned because it's provocative? Are you really so thin skinned? I wasn't at Parkhead and in my opinion it would have been better if every other Rangers supporter had stayed away too but if you have to go then don't witter on about seeing something you didn't like. If like me you watched it on TV then the off button solves all problems. Offended? Get a grip. There are things in the real world worthy of being offended by but Celtic players running round their own pathetic midden isn't one of them.
  17. I hope no one is going to be naive enough to be unreasonably disappointed after that. We all wanted a win but better Rangers teams than this have come away with worse results from Parkhead. It’s a work in progress and very early days but our improvement is obvious.
  18. I doubt if the SNP constitution focuses on hating England... but the clearly do. Wriggle all you like but on the whole the SNP is vehemently anti-Rangers and those who profess to be Rangers fans while also voting SNP are damn fools.
  19. As far as I'm aware the Scot Govt has full control over health, education, local govt, housing and other spending. They have a budget to use as they please and the ability to amend tax rates that they refuse to use. That's pretty much all the control Holland has.
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