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Posts posted by Barrheadboy

  1. 23 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    If you don't want to slag the leader of the world's largest paedo ring, barrheadboy, that's fine.  


    Doesn't bother me in the slightest what the Tims or foreigners think about us.  


    As if we don't have enough to deal with in Scotland, without our own cosying up to those who hate us.  

    Actually I would suggest if that is your criteria you look at Westminster Palace where not only a pedo ring has been discovered and covered up for decades, but also murdering of children ,so it must be contradictory for lovers of Britannia that hate Church of Rome for same crime don’t you think?

  2. 8 minutes ago, colinstein said:

    you honestly think "people from foreign countries" actually know what we're singing ?...They ain't all Kapl's who despite being Austrian could distinguish words of a song  in a football crowd....aye right !....In my view foreigners couldn't give a fuck what we're singing.....leave that to tims and their press accolytes

    One of the embarrassing thing about us on these islands is our lack of linguistic skills.

    Every other country one visits it seems all the taxi drivers shop assistants barman and barmaids all speak fluent English.

    Therefore aI am sure the vast majority can work out that  Fuck the Pope is neither friendly,or particularly mature.

    I note you do not condemn such singing but try and pass it off as ok because Johnny Foreigner probably doesn’t understand.

  3. Does anyone actually think these songs and messages to the Pontiff at the end of many of the ditties actually enhance  the reputation of our club, our city ,our country?

    If these songs and chants are not offensive would you encourage parents to introduce these phrases and sayings as they are teaching their babies to speak?

    Does anyone actually think that any of these people from the foreign countries we visit where we stand in their town centers singing about being ‘up to our knees’ and ending with a good Fuck the Pope makes people think ‘Wow that’s impressive I want my children and grandchildren to be associated with that.

    I want Rangers to be their Scottish team,and I want our local team belting out bigotry like that.

    We must all go to Scotland for our holidays these people make it sound so welcoming,so open, so tolerant ,so 17th Century.

    It is an embarrassment ,it as outdated as sending children down the mines,it was once acceptable ,as was drink driving,the world has moved on it is time some in our support did likewise.

    These songs harm the club you profess to love so much they add nothing to the club but negative opinions and publicity.

    We have enough people looking to attack us at every turn ,stop giving them easy hits. 


  4. 2 hours ago, ian1964 said:


    We are supposed to believe that this is a genuine letter?

    ’no list of banners of songs” this came from Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service?

    Wow they really need to install some grammar and spell checker software.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:


    I realise where we are, although suggesting the club now has no dignity is a bit of a push - we should always strive to be the best.  

    It's all about opinions and I'd be happy to take someone like Steven Davis back but Naismith and Whittaker should never be anywhere near the club after that unnecessary press conference.  

    Gonzo I believe that last guy that didn’t make a mistake in life got crucified,ever since we have all made mistakes.

    Yes what Naisy did was regrettable but surely everyone in life is allowed at least one mistake?

    We are surely not so intransigent in our views,or so perfect in everything we have ever done that we cannot give someone a second chance ?

    What we as a club did to Scot Simon was probably even worse than what Naisy did,and we all forgave the club for its appalling treatment meted out to a man that had dedicated half his life to Rangers.

    Let ya be open minded and if it does happen and he pulls on tha5 sacred jersey let us all get behind him without any rancour.


  6. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:


    Our dignity.  

    We lost that in 2012 ,we are where we are and perhaps many of our support need to start realizing neither the team ,club or Scottish football are what they were, even 10 years ago.

    Cutting our nose off to spite our face is something we just cannot afford at present.

    If Naismith is half the player he was when he left and  willing to play till end of the season for nothing it is a win win for everyone.

    It allows him to make a ‘gesture’ to the fans and club and to prove his fitness.

    Then in close season our coaching staff can decide if he is worth a paid contract.

    I believe if Naismith is anywhere near fully fit he can improve our team he s capable of laying anywhere in the middle or upfront and brings experience having played at the highest level .

    He can share that experience with the McRorie, Barjonas, Hardie etc of our club ,it can only make them better assets for Rangers going forward.


  7. Well I would like to give you some positives on the lad , he was the one that wanted away from Man U so he could get first team football.

    Man U think so highly of him they inserted a buy back clause in his sale to QPR.

    Ian Holloway rates him and the reason he has not featured more is that QPR are in a dogfight and Holloway wants fighters not footballers at present.

    It was also Holloway that made reference to Carrick in the boys style of play ,and was also the one that believes he will flourish in a team that dominates games.

    In 95% of our matches that is us so let’s cut the lad and Mark Allen a little slack and see how it pans out.

  8. Like most on here I am appalled at the tackle on Jack was not followed by a red card, it does seem as if compliance officer and media only ever see wrong doings by Rangers players never when the other way round.

    However that said I want to heap praise on our manager for his reaction and words to the incident.

    “ “I’m going to plead ignorance when it comes to the challenge and say I was following the line of the ball.


    “I’m sure I will be getting sent loads of different clips from different angles but now I’m more concerned with the player than anything else“

    Unlike all the other managers in SPFL who constantly demand action against the ‘Rangers brutality’ who keep insinuating there is some kind of conspiracy in Rangers favour , AS IF !

    What Murty has done is act and behave as a Rangers Manager should with dignity and gravitas.

    Rangers have always known how to behave with dignity in victory and in defeat other clubs should really take note.

  9. What I don't understand is why was there not a full programme yesterday when everyone was free from work and the games could be played in the afternoon as in England. Another stupid decision by the SPFL in my eyes.


    I think it may be down to police and stewarding costs ,double time on Boxing Day normal time on 27th saving clubs finances,smaller crowds probably levels out,typical SFA stupidity.

  10. Seems if you are a bank that has been robbing us all blind year after year or a UK company avoiding paying taxes or registering your HQ overseas as do Daily Mail, Tescos but to name two to avoid paying any taxes at all .

    Sir Philip Green robbing his workers pension fund he is only asked to pay back apparently no law or rule broken.

    However if you are Glasgow Rangers it seems the British Tax Authorities and British takeover panel take lots of interest and find rules and laws that can be deployed.

    Moral of the story if you are viewed as part of the British Establishment it seemsyou are above the law ,if you only think you are part of the establishment you are fair game.

  11. Am I right in saying if he makes an offer for all the shares which today are at 27p he has to offer 20 p most if not all would refuse his offer ,so what is the problem with him just making the offer?

    I am not a financier so maybe I am missing something fundamental.

  12. If he has the gig till the end of the season can I respectfully ask you Graeme,ditch the tracksuit and get the blazer and tie on ,it is what Rangers Managers do, it goes back to Struth days when all players had to wear bowler hats.

    If players are expected to arrive for games in the club blazer and shirt and tie the manager needs to do likewise.

  13. Which is ridiculous, given he has been there less than a year. Wonder what the issue is and which side it is that has the issue...

    I heard it is Allen that feels he is being prevented from doing what they employed him to do.

    The Board seem reluctant to accept his recommendations and are acting as if they do not have a DOF in place and continue to take decisions as in days before his arrival eg vetoing his choices for a manager and instead going after McInnes who Allen thought was unsuited to role on new set up ..

    If true it kind of defeats us having a DOF in first place.

  14. Let me start by saying I have no opinion on Steve McLaren either way,however I don’t think some are being very unfair to him on here.

    He was a great number 2 to Ferguson who tried hard to keep him at Man U.

    He went to Boro’ and gave them their best ever seasons reaching the UEFA Final in the process.

    He went to Holland and managed Twente to their first ever title splitting the Ajax,PSV , Feyornood cartel.

    His first stint with Derby he had them flying ,agreed there has also been some downtime’s too.

    However he is reputed to be liked by players and respected as a coach.

    At this stage we are almost at the beggars can’t be choosers stage ,I would also respectfully say some of our fans need to realize just where we are now ,we are not the colossus we were say, ten years ago.

    Personally I want a manager in now and if the rumours are true about Mark Allen I would say to our board why have a DOF then go against his recommendations, it defeats the whole purpose of having a DOF in first place.

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