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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Looks like the EPL is already the ESL.
  2. Supposedly has good skills, can turn to the left, and turn to the right .
  3. Goal was credited to Kane , the goalkeeper is only credited as 'assist'.
  4. We were favourites to win the Scottish cup, i personally just couldn't see it happening, we just took our the foot off the throttle too much since our league triumph.
  5. I don't think that's at all unfair, St Johnstone have that bit more urgency about them. It's a quarter final, and we're playing it like an end of season league game, al la same as last week.
  6. Is this the same Andrea Agnelli that's just resigned ? .
  7. Safe to say that Florentino Perez was the main driving force behind it all, he was to be the saviour of football. “The new format which starts in 2024 is absurd. In 2024, we are all dead " Hopefully just his club that dies.
  8. Anyway, looks like Man City and Chelsea are both pulling out , so, ...last one off the bus is a pariah.
  9. Chelsea's turn to demonstrate tonight, unfortunately there's a distinct lack of 'Abramovich Out !' banners , to be seen.
  10. I see the. term 'Sporting Integrity' being used a lot in relation to the new Super league. Yes, well as Rangers supporters ,we all know that the true meaning of it bears no relation to it's actual meaning. Quite funny seeing statements from English clubs, all adopting some sort of moral high ground ,when they are as much a part of the problem as anything.
  11. Suppose that's Mourinho now on his way to manage his boyhood heroes.
  12. So clubs from Italy, England and Spain (6% of European countries) will make up a European Super League .
  13. I think you'll find that within that war chest , there lies just a lonely old biscuit tin.
  14. All players to be fitted with mics, that'll put a stop to any racist abuse.
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