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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. They're setting the bar high ,with Peterhead boss Billy McKinlay favourite to land the managers job .
  2. As entertaining and brilliant as Barcelona are, the bottom line is that their budget dictates that, and that's why i like to see them beaten as per Gonzo. Spurs ,though dominated by Barca for a huge part of the game, still had a go, but tbf, i really couldn't give a monkeys for either side.
  3. For all the Barca possession , i can see Spurs doing a smash and grab and nicking an equaliser here.
  4. I don't think Jim Whyte is actually what you would call a Rangers fan, and i've never considered him to be one either ,he maybe started off as one in his younger years , but any love he may have had for the club was never going to interfere with his career. I watched the interview with Si Ferry that was posted here ,and it was a good watch , but i don't think at any point he confessed to currently supporting Rangers, so no point in getting hacked off if he says anything derogatory about us, as he's just another part of the football media desperately vying for attention .
  5. Absolutely ,the club crest is the one thing that you have to get right ,even the cheap Turkish knock offs had embroidered badges .
  6. Can see this game giving us a great end to 2018.
  7. So the only part of his game that Sadiq needs to improve is ..EVERYTHING ?
  8. There were lots of positive's from tonight, Kent, every time he got possession was an absolute joy to watch. Rossiter, as he does every time he comes back from an injury, looks very good, so hopefully now he's injury free he can continue doing what he does best. It's quite comforting to know that tonight we were without Tavernier, Jack , Arfield ,Goldson , Mcgregor ,Lafferty ,Coulibaly ,Barisic, Candeias, and ....Sadiq ?
  9. There's a full card on the Wednesday too, so both matches will be on the Sunday.
  10. From the online store ; 'This page will refresh every 15 seconds and you will have access to the site as soon as possible'. This queue will keep your position in line, so please don't refresh or close the page as you will lose your position. So basically there is no queue, if you hit refresh or F5 randomly and there is a window available, you will get in. Depends on how much you want a top really .
  11. Thought after that first minute goal that it was going to be just backs to the wall stuff , but we grew into the game, and were unlucky in the end not to get the win. 2-2 away from home..i'll take that though ?
  12. You're never ever really making any sort of fashion statement wearing green and white hoops, because that combination suits no-one. They've tried to do different things with their tops over the years but the bottom line, is that they will only ever be trying to polish a turd.
  13. Ah you mean Baron Reid of Cardowan ..or as he could now be known, Cheating bastard of Belshill.
  14. Just like to confirm that is Venice, and also to say that it's 80 euro a punt these days, (Jun 2018, i'm not bitter) The Gondoliers there think they are rock stars, but they are infact just grossly overdressed taxi drivers with delusions of grandeur ,working in an area where they have nothing but contempt for tourists. They do not like to be reminded of the old cornetto ad either, as they think that it is demeaning to their profession, and i don't think any of them can sing anyway tbh. Needless to say i never got on a gondola.
  15. All that huffing and puffing for us at the Methadome, and then they go and drop two points v St Mirren,..great stuff ! . Well done Lee Hodson ! .
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