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Franc Ergs

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Posts posted by Franc Ergs

  1. 34 minutes ago, Bill said:

    You can't criticise people for holding honest opinion, even when you're sure they're wrong. I just wish one of them had explained why they felt retaining Beale was a good idea. It's all water under the bridge now of course but you might want to keep a list of those of a slightly dubious persuasion 😂


  2. 5 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    I'm more and more drawn to Muscat. Plays a high tempo style of football. Teams known for pressing well. Has won league titles in 2 countries. No nonsense straight talking Aussie. Has experience of what's expected in the British game. Recommended by big Ange. Speaks English.


    All the others don't do it for me. I reckon Muscat is the kind of character to tell certain members of our squad some home truths. That's what we've needed for ages IMO.

    Unfortunately you're not allowed to do that anymore as it counts as mental abuse ,and modern players will need a year to six months off ,and constant counselling to recover from it.


    Think it was Paul Sturrock when managing some English club, he sent them down the mines to work for a day as a reality check.

    He'd get the jail for doing that these days.

  3. 2 hours ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    I may go against the grain but I like it. Its an obvious cash grab but at least its new and different. Words not often associated with our club of late. Most of our strips seem to be rehashes of old 9 in a row strips and it's became stale and boring. I wonder what the shorts are like? 


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