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Posts posted by elderslieblue

  1. What a surprise !


    I didn't see or hear a word during the game due to being at an 'installation' that started at 4pm yesterday. It came as a real shock, when the buisness was over to come out and hear the result. :)


    By all accounts on here we played well. Good to hear. :thup:

  2. The reason we don't have more Scots in our football comes from a good number of years ago when the 'experts' decided the Scots weren't good enough on the European / World stage.


    So foreign managers who were supposed to be 'wiser' were brought in. This led to haddies like Konterman, Ricksen, etc, being imported.


    The @rse fell out of the coaching side of the game and led to the situation we arrived at recently.


    No doubt the Scots have 'heart'...............unfortunately, things ain't changed much. We STILL don't have the skill.



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