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Everything posted by DJBlue72

  1. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~1371719,00.html Will be a great addition after his peformances last season i think.
  2. Yeah there isnt much coverage of it which is a shame as the football in Argentia is brilliant There my favourite International team to watch playing there squad is unbelievable Was hoping Scotland went ahead with the Friendly against them , was going to be �£40 a ticket which was pricey so i can see how they canceled it. Will try and catch the Olympics game on BBC or highlihjts somewhere.
  3. I have always liked Boca Juniors , i liked the colours of the strip from when i was young , they have had some amazing players throught the years (Marradonna,Canniga,Batistuta,Riquelme,Schellto,Palermo) and they remain a top club in Argentina they used to show some of their games on Channel 5 in the early hours dont know if they still do. Just wondering if anyone else likes any South American Teams ? I got my hands on the 90th Anniversary top which was the last one Marradonna wore before leaving Boca Juniors. so was happy with that.
  4. He is still there . and cracking jokes but for me he is too scared to stand up for Rangers on the show and is scared of offending Celtic and constantly sits on the fence in order not to offend so he may be a Rangers legend but he is before my time and i do not respect him as a pundit or his views.
  5. I tried to listen to it also , but nothing Clyde 1 or 2 Which i thought was strange as they bend over backwards to report on Celtic. would rather play champ and listen to the commentry or lack of it than watch them but ended up just watching it on Celtanta. The Phone in on Superscoreboard is terrible this season it lasts for 1 hour and half of that is adverts which does my head in i have found myself switching to Real Radio which i dont usually listen too. Sounds like Clyde is going to the dogs and the evidence is there for all to see.
  6. Yeah i agree , we must win the title back as we are out of Europe now and have to concentrate all our efforts on the league title coming back to Ibrox And like many people on here i was totally down in the dumps after Kaunas,Cuellar , but i feel the club have responded positively by making numorous good signings (Arron,Mendes,Edu) and hopefully Davis and another CB So i am a lot more positive this week after a good result agianst Hearts and Celtic dropping points at Tannadice i feel this could finally be the season when the League flag comes home to make it the magic 52. Yours in A positive Mood DJBlue72
  7. I would go 3-5-2 McGregor Weir Bougera A.nother Davis Mendes Ferguson Adu Arron Boyd Lafferty looks a so much better team than last season.
  8. Off course we would , hanging up our scarfs would be a last resort as its the only defense we have against Murray hurt him in the pocket If the club keeps selling off our best assets and continous on this downward spiral under David Murray i will hang up my scarf as i have every right too it doesnt mean i wont love the club any less i wouldnt be the first and i wouldnt be the last to think along these lines. Murray was good for our club in the past but he dragging us into mediocraty fast you cant keep your head in the sand forever!
  9. That may be so. Did we win the Uefa Cup - Nio Did we win the league - No Are we in the Champions League - No Are we selling our best players to mid table English clubs - Yes If you are happy winning the domestic cups then good for you.
  10. I am in total agreement with Giesabeer i also am losing faith in the Club under the current structure and management. We have become a stepping stone to the likes of Aston Villa. We cant compete with the English Premiership on transfer money and wages so when they come calling its time up. But i wish we showed some resolve in when this situation arises but we seem to be pimping our best players to anyone in England who will listen to line SDM's pockets so he can sell up with all debts clear and sail off into the sunset. I am totally gutted Cuellar has left but hold no grudges against him but if Rangers sell Alan McGregor and Kris Boyd by the end of the current transfer window i am in the same boat as giesabeer and will also hangup my scarf and not return to Ibrox until Sir David Murray no longer owns our football club.
  11. I hope Smith goes on the offensive as we must take all 3 points this weekend. my formation would be 4-4-2 McGregor Whittaker Cuellar Bagera Papac Novo Hemdani Thomson Adam Miller Boyd
  12. My Girlfriend is a Celtic fan also but she underdstands how much it means to me and she understands the game a bit too.
  13. "Hi and welcome to our new member" Please intorduce yourself Hi my name is David and i have been a Rangers supporter for 28 years all of my life. i have followed my team through the good and bad times enjoyed the highs and lows that come with following Glasgow Rangers. But after last nights result and it has been in the post for sometime , with the average squad we have assembled and the ultra negative approach from the Gers current management i see the near future being bleek. I am at my lowest ebb i have ever felt following this once proud and great club. I may be here for a while.
  14. Fans like me are allowed an opinion and all the reason i brought this up was that we were promised that all will be revealed by David Murray on his plans for a new stadium or the regeneration of Ibrox and the surounding area which was and still is a smoke screen from the man at the top. You seam to be a Murray fan Calscot which is fair enough but if you read my original email i am not a Murray Hater i repsect what he has done during his time at Rangers But feel like many others his time and Intrest has come to an end and the quicker a new Chairman with fresh investment and ideas to take this club forward and upwards not sideways or down is found the better.
  15. I am writing this thread as a true Rangers fan who would like to see a change at the top of the Ibrox tree as do many other fans, I am not going to start slagging David Murray as i respect what he did for our club throught the years but i fell his time is up and the sooner a buyer is found the better, The buyer must have the clubs best intrests at heart, but personnally i feel we are going backwards under Murrays leadership he clearly has lost intrest in the club with his lack of financial backing of the team this season its early days and we could still see some serious money beng spent on 2 or 3 quality players i am not asking to put the club in the debt that we had before but to spend some of the earnings from last season on improving the 1st team to battle for the SPL and a decent Champions League run What happened to thi supersized new Ibrox - All will be revealed in April another smoke screen from Murray to sell season tickets. my opinion and thats only what it is , is the guys heart isnt in it anymore and he wants to settle down on his vineyard with his partner. I would just like to see a Breath of Fresh Air at Ibrox. Anyone Agree/Disagree ?
  16. Well done to the bigman fully deserved , but somehow Twinkle toes managed to win player of the year in front of Carlos the worlds gone mad.
  17. That's the point. Surely we have too much pride to go offering a way back to former under-achievers who are only looking to come back because their wife is Scottish. Unless their name is Gattuso:) Maybe the club shouldnt have waited so long to offer a new contract ? let him walk away for nothing.
  18. I would welcome him back with open arms too as we have lacked pace in the team , i would play him as a striker as his pace throught the middle was deadly to opposition defence's and he could finish a bit there was a lot of hater's of Lovenkrands during his time at Rangers for various reasons, but i thought he was magic and tore Celtic to piece's more than once so i would love to see him back in the Red white and Blue of Glasgow Rangers.
  19. I like it , and have liked most of the tops we have had made by Umbro , but they stick to the same safe template and make a wee change here or there but its basically the same top. When do we change manufacturer or when does the Umbro contract end. ? Also when are we going to get rid of Carling as our sponsor dont get me wrong they have been good for us but think its time to move to new one and would prefer it not to be a joint one with Celtic would like something along the lines of (Emiriates,Samsung,Sony,) something with a worldwide appeal and a well known brand. I do feel we are being fleeced a bit by the club and Umbro as the Shorts are all the same the top nere enough the same as the rest but like myself no matter what it looks like your going to go out and buy it cos your a Ranger
  20. The team without Barry lacks leadership on the park, i think K.Thomson will be able to cover his position with leadership coming from the defense Weir,Cuellar,Daily. Have watched some bad peformances when Ferguson is missing so the players will need to step up and make there mark early on in the season. He is 1 player he will be missed but he is not irreplacable chance for others to Shine.
  21. Yeah You are right mate , we need to back all the players 100% once he puts a few past Borearse things will be forgotten by the haters. Wonder how he will be played - hope not as the lone striker would be a good partner for K.Boyd as he runs all day and is a pain in the ass for defenders to play against - but overall he must score goals and i personally think he will. So Welcome Back Kenny Miller Now is your time to Shine
  22. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Home/0,,5,00.html
  23. I Like the First home kit on the post very smart and traditional looking. any release date anounced ?
  24. I Like your positive attitude towards it but i cant get the image of him pounding the Celtic badge when he scored against us out of my head and will take something special for that memory to be replaced with something good regarding Kenny Miller.
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